"Pa..." Ye Xiao's legs were heavily trampled on the floor, and then with all his strength, his whole body ejected

"Li Kai, stop him..." Seeing such a scene, Yinchuan shouts in the wind. He is deeply aware of the horror of Ye Xiao's bouncing power. If he gets the ball at this time, his side will surely lose. The sports department has won the championship for many years. Can he lose it in his hands? No matter who it is, he can't bear such a blow

In fact, there is no need for Yinchuan Feng to remind him. At the moment of Ye Xiao's start, Li Kai's body has already gone out, but his speed is more than one notch slower than ye Xiao. When ye Xiao rises into the air, his figure is still two or three steps away from ye Xiao. When ye Xiao grabs the basketball, Li Kai's body does not hesitate to hit Ye Xiao in the air In the past

Feeling the chill coming from behind, ye Xiao is furious. These guys just used this way to bump fat. Now they want to deal with themselves. It's disgusting, but his people are still in the air, and there's no way to avoid them.

But he also understood that once he was hit by the other side, he would lose his balance completely. Even if his body would not be hurt, he lost the game. If he fought to this level, they could not lose, they must not lose.

At this moment, the muscles of the body are shaking wildly. A stream of energy is transmitted between each cell of the body, surging among the cells of the body, and the energy channels are flowing in the body

"Bang..." Li Kai's shoulder directly hit Ye Xiao's back waist, and then

Then I saw that his body seemed to hit the spring, and it flew straight out and landed heavily on the floor, while half of his shoulder bone had been completely smashed

At this critical juncture, ye Xiao unexpectedly used the legendary Cunbao

That is, Cunjin can no longer only be issued in the form of fists, and every part of the body can produce Cunjin force

But even so, his body was also knocked out of balance. At this critical moment, ye Xiao's basketball in his hand shook slightly and threw it directly to the basket

Everyone's eyes are attracted again by the basketball falling to the basket. At the moment, there is only one second left. If the ball doesn't enter, then the Department of economic management will lose the normal game

At that moment, the man in the plaid shirt suddenly took out a black desert eagle from his pocket, and almost everyone's attention fell on the basketball. Unexpectedly, no one noticed the pistol in his hand. Without any hesitation, the man directly lost his balance in the air and pulled the trigger while he was still flying

"Bang..." The desert eagle didn't install any mufflers. The huge noise sounded in the huge basketball court. Everyone was surprised and then looked at this side

As for ye Xiao, at the moment when the other party is about to shoot, an instinctive crisis has emerged in his heart. He doesn't need to think at all. His body instinctively responds in the air. However, even if others react in the air, they can't completely avoid the bullets fired

"Hi..." At that time, the basketball entered the net

"Ah..." And those girls who saw the men shooting with plaid shirts also made a piercing scream at this time. No one would have thought that someone would bring guns to the basketball court, let alone shoot here? And it's so open and aboveboard that this guy is not afraid to be caught at all?

"Bang..." Ye Xiao's body fell heavily on the ground, and then it was not completely stable. His legs had been pushed hard and rolled to one side

"HISHI, HISHI..." Just as he was rolling, three holes had been made in his landing position

After three shots in a row, he didn't hit Zhong Xiao. The man in the plaid shirt frowned. Obviously, he didn't expect that ye Xiao could still make such a response under such circumstances. When he was ready to continue shooting, Xiao Feng from the audience in the distance had already roared and rushed towards this side at full speed

The man's brow frowned slightly, and then he was about to shoot Xiao Feng. But suddenly, he felt a terrible sense of killing. When he looked up, he could not find any targets except for a panicked crowd

But the chill didn't disappear. The man didn't dare to be careless, so he had to move the muzzle of the gun to Ye Xiao. But at this time, ye Xiao had already stood firm and rushed towards this side at full speed

It is not only Ye Xiao, but also Xiao Feng's figure. In the face of such a situation, the man's eyebrows are wrinkled again, and then without hesitation, he pulls the trigger towards the attacking Ye Xiao

And then without looking back at the crowd

"BAM Bang Bang..." After several shots fired, ye Xiao avoided the bullet again. But when he stood firm again, the man had already poured into the panic stricken crowd. Faintly, only a figure of various colors flashed out"Don't chase..." Xiao Feng still needs to pursue, but he is stopped by Ye Xiao. Now there are so many people here. There are guns in the other party's hand. If you pursue it recklessly, who knows what will happen, even if others can hide, it will not be good to hurt others.

"Your injury..." Xiao Feng did not chase again, but turned to see the injury on Ye Xiao's shoulder

"No way..." Ye xiaoshook his head, but his eyes swept through the panic crowd, and seemed to want to find something, but at last nothing was found, and his eyebrows wrinkled

"Ye Xiao, how are you?" At this time, Tan smiled, ouyangqianqian, huanglingyao and others ran over, and saw the injuries on Ye Xiao's shoulder, and they were scared to lose their looks.

"I'm fine. Let's get out of here first..." Ye xiaoshook his head, now the scene is in chaos, who can not guarantee whether there are still killers in, if there are still people hiding in the crowd, in case of sudden killing, what to do to hurt them?

Xiao Feng nodded, and a group of beautiful women were protecting, and retreated towards the outside at full speed

No one noticed that a man in black casual wear was quietly leaving with the pace of Ye Xiao and others. On the other side, a woman in sunglasses and sun hat stood up at this moment, but she did not go in the direction of Ye Xiao and others, but ran towards the direction of men in the fancy shirt to escape

The huge basketball court is in a mess. Suddenly, hearing such gunshots, where can the general students calm down, even Yinchuan wind and others are all pale. What is the matter? Why is that? Why would anyone dare to shoot in school? Why shoot in so many people's situations? And it seems that it is aimed at the guy named Ye Xiao. Who is he, and someone dare to shoot him at such a great risk? And what's most frightening is that he has avoided several bullets? Is this still a person?

All of us were running out in panic. Nobody cared about Li Kai who fell on the ground and crushed his shoulder bone

As for the results of the game, who will care in such a situation?

The scene has been in chaos. At this time, escape is the most important. As for those who should have maintained order, at this time, it is like the boat in the sea, and it is possible to be torn up by the panic crowd at any time

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