Under the support of Ye Xiao and others, Tan Xiaoxiao and others ran out of the basketball court smoothly

"Xiao Feng, take them out of here first..." Just out of the basketball court, ye Xiao said to Xiao Feng.

"And you? You are injured and must go to the hospital immediately... " It was Ouyang Qianqian who was talking. Her face was worried

"I don't want this to happen again..." Ye Xiao left such a sentence, and then ran in another direction at full speed in spite of the opposition of the people.

"Ye Xiao..." Seeing that ye Xiao has no intention of turning back at all, Ouyang Qianqian directly yells at Ye Xiao, regardless of the persuasion of herself and others

"Don't worry, he'll be OK. We'd better find a safe place first, and don't let him worry..." See a few women are very worried about ye Xiao, Xiao Feng grabbed the head with all his strength, if he was injured, would there be so many beautiful women worried about themselves?

Hearing Xiao Feng's words, Ouyang Qianqian and other talents walked with him to a safe place

The chaos here has already alarmed the school. The security forces of the school rush towards this side at the first time. Recently, the police at the police station also received the news at the first time. They rushed to this side at full speed, and even heard the urgent alarm. However, ye Xiao completely put these things out of his mind. If the other party dares to attack him on such an occasion, he obviously doesn't care Ordinary police.

Looking to the police to solve the case, it is undoubtedly a fool talking in his dream.

As for Xiao Feng and others, he was still worried, but just now, he clearly remembered that the man with plaid shirt intended to shoot Xiao Feng, but he seemed to feel some pressure. Suddenly he gave up such an idea and continued to attack him. At that moment, he also felt a strong presence nearby, and he could not feel it The hostility of a person is likely to be an expert in protecting Xiao Feng secretly. It only appears when Xiao Feng is in danger of his life. Maybe even Xiao Feng doesn't know that there is such a person.

As a result, ye Xiao is more curious about Xiao Feng's identity

However, it is obviously not the time to be curious. Those who dare to attack him openly on such occasions are definitely not simple people. It is likely that the killers sent by the dark moon alliance have arrived.

Just who would it be? Polar bear Kanu? Scorpio Archer Oriental game? Or Miyamoto Musashi?

Ye Xiao completely excluded these three people at the first time. No matter who they were, they seldom used pistols to attack. Especially for Dongfang Yi and Miyamoto Musashi, using pistols was a shame to them

It's not them. Who would it be? The shooting skill of the other side is not first-class, but the grasp of the opportunity is absolutely first-class, which is absolutely not comparable to that of ordinary killers

However, ye Xiao was not worried. He even found a place where no one was around. He took out some of the golden sore medicine that Wang Jinchen had given him and sprinkled it on the wound on his shoulder. At least he had to stop the blood

At this time, the man with plaid shirt had already escaped from the school and came to an alley behind him. Some sweat was spilled on his forehead. Until he escaped here, he felt that the chill disappeared.

Who the hell is that guy? Why did he lock himself in when he wanted to kill Xiao Feng? Is that man Xiao Feng's bodyguard? But Xiao Feng is just a distant nephew of Xiao Zhentian. Xiao Zhentian can't arrange a strong protection for him

Is there something else in this?

However, the most depressing thing for him is that ye Xiao's reaction ability is too fast. Under such circumstances, he didn't even kill him, and he was able to fight back with all his strength. His fighting power was really strong. It seems that he underestimated him

No, we have to talk to Mr. Chu about this. At least we must tell him about the mysterious strong man. Maybe he knows who

Just as the plaid shirt was ready to take out his mobile phone to call Mr. Chu, a figure came out in front of him. At the sight of the celebrity, the pupils of the plaid shirt suddenly contracted together

The visitor wore a student uniform, a sun hat on her head, and a giant toad mirror covering most of her face. But even so, it was still difficult to cover up her unique face

But the plaid shirt doesn't think such a peerless beauty just happens to pass by. In this beautiful woman, he feels a smell of bloodthirsty

The right hand tightened the black desert eagle, and lifted it directly to the beauty in front. Just now, he had put on a new magazine

"Don't move..." The plaid shirt snorted coldly. His eyes were fixed on the woman's body. As long as she had a little movement, he didn't mind pulling the trigger directly

Although it's a pity to destroy flowers, compared with his own life, his own life is obviously more important. He cherishes his life very much, but he doesn't want to take any risks

"Are you going to shoot me?" Seeing the man's tense appearance, a voice of surprise came from the woman's mouth. It seemed that something incredible had happened to her

"As long as you dare to move, I don't mind giving you a ride..." The man sneered. If it wasn't for the pressure on him, he would have pulled the trigger directly"Ha ha, then you can shoot..." The woman gently smiles, then raises her legs and walks forward, as if the man's hand is not a pistol, but a toy water gun

Seeing that the woman walked towards him fearlessly, the man's face changed slightly, and he felt an inexplicable pressure. He was really afraid of shooting. He was afraid that the result he got after shooting would make him collapse. However, facing the woman who continued to walk towards him, he finally chose to shoot

"BAM Bang Bang..." Almost instantaneously, the man had pulled the trigger in succession, and then he heard several gunshots. All six bullets shot out of the muzzle and shot at the woman

Seeing that the woman didn't mean to dodge in the slightest, a smile suddenly appeared on the man's face of plaid shirt. This woman was originally intimidating herself, but she had not dodged even after shooting. Could she really escape?

If this can be avoided, is that too much talk?

Indeed, at such a close distance, if you start to hide after shooting, even ye Xiao can't hide, and other people will be more difficult to escape. However, the woman did not mean to avoid at all. When the sixth bullet was shot out, a golden pistol suddenly appeared in the woman's hand, and then she immediately raised her little white hand and pulled it directly The trigger

"Bang..." These shots almost converged with those of the plaid shirt. Then the man in the plaid shirt saw the sparks in the air, and all the six bullets he fired were shot down

Yes, all the bullets shot out were shot down by this woman, none left

How could that be possible? How can a person's shooting reach this level? Can you shoot down the bullets? Isn't this a movie?

"How about it? Any more bullets? If there are no bullets, I can give you a dozen... " Seeing the stunned man and the woman's mouth, a faint smile appeared. It was a kind of joking smile, just like a cat catching a mouse

"You Who the hell are you? " Seeing the woman's joking smile, the man not only didn't feel a bit angry, but also felt inexplicable chill. He had no doubt that even if he gave himself a box of bullets, he would never have hit this woman

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