The gunfire here has already attracted the attention of the police. Sharna and ye Xiao look at each other and get up and leave the scene at the same time

At this time, on a street not far away from here, a man in a suit came to the front of an Audi car with a black iron box on his back. He threw the iron box into the Audi car. Then he opened the door and got into the driver's seat. He quickly started the Audi and left

After driving a long distance, the man took out his mobile phone and dialed a number

"Master Chu, Hua Yu is dead..."

"Failed?" There was a deep voice on the other end of the phone, with a trace of curiosity in the voice

"Well..." The man in Black said softly.

"Then come back first..."

"Well..." The man finished talking, hung up the phone, then turned around and headed for another direction.

In the same way, on the rooftop of a tall building hundreds of meters apart, two figures are standing in the corner of the roof. One is tall and two meters away. He is wearing a suit of black suit, but his muscles are obviously extremely developed. Even if the suit is specially customized, it still gives people a feeling of bursting. This man is a bald head, with tattoos on his bare head A big bear, big bear is opening its mouth, showing two fangs, looks ferocious

Next to the big man, there is a thin figure, which looks about 1.7 meters. He is wearing a suit of black casual clothes. He looks very beautiful. If he doesn't pay attention, he thinks he is a big beauty, but the Adam's knot in his throat tells people that he is a real man

On his shoulder, he also carried a black cloth bag. He didn't know what was in it

Both of them hold a high-power telescope in their hands. They are looking at the place where ye Xiao and ye Xiao intercept Hua Yu. They see ye Xiao quickly retreat. They also put down their binoculars at the same time

"It seems that there are many people who want to kill him..." The tall man said carelessly, while speaking, he took out a wine pot from his pocket and poured it into his mouth.

"But they are all ants..." The handsome man snorted coldly with disdain on his face. Obviously, he disdained the words that wanted to kill Ye Xiao

"Ants can't kill people, but they can always make trouble. I think with their help, our task will be much easier, don't you think?" Han sneered

The handsome man did not speak immediately. Instead, he looked at the man with great interest. After watching for a full minute, he began to say, "it's said that polar bear has developed limbs, simple mind and only knows how to kill. It seems different from the rumor..."

"Ha ha ha ha, the legendary Scorpio shooter is ruthless and aloof. I think it is also a serious discrepancy..." For the beautiful man's words, the big man is not angry, but opens his mouth and laughs.

"Ha ha ha..." The handsome man also laughs

The two men, of course, had received the blood wanted warrant and came to kill Ye Xiao's polar bear Kanu and scorpion Archer Dongfang Yi

"I hope this cooperation will be happy..." Dongfang Yi took the lead in extending his right hand

"Happy cooperation..." Kanu also stretched out his thick palms and shook Dongfang Yi lightly. It was obvious that neither of them wanted to waste too much time on the handshake

"Do you know who that woman is?" Dongfang Yi said again.

"Judging from her shooting skills, some are like silver foxes, but some are not. Besides, silver foxes are from the East. Although the woman wears sunglasses and a sun hat, her figure does not look like an Oriental..." Kanu frowned slightly.

After hearing Kanu's analysis, Dongfang Yi's understanding of Kanu changed again. Originally, he thought he was just a fool who only knew how to fight. Now it seems that his IQ is no longer lower than his strength

"She is not a silver fox, but her strength should not be inferior to silver fox. It seems that this person is not mentioned in the information given by the employer..." Xiaoyi has to face up to more than one mysterious news in the East, which is not a good way for them to cooperate with each other

"Well, it seems that things are in trouble, but it doesn't matter. You and I have been united together. Are you worried about something? What we really need to worry about is that we can finish the task before the arrival of Musashi Miyamoto. I don't want to compete with that pervert for anything... " Kanu said faintly. He still had a confident smile in front of him. But when talking about Miyamoto Musashi, his eyes flashed with fear. Even Dongfang Yi, who was beside him, trembled slightly when he heard these four words

"Well..." Dongfang Yi didn't mean to refuse. He nodded his head and agreed to karnu's words. In his opinion, the threat of Miyamoto Musashi was much higher than that of Ye Xiao

They didn't say anything more. They smashed the high power telescope in their hands to pieces. Then they turned around and walked downstairs

What they didn't know was that in a restaurant room farther away from them, a man in black was lying at the window, watching everything hereSeeing the two people leave, the man directly takes out his mobile phone and dials a number

"Kanu and Dongfang Yi arrived, and they walked together..." The man said this sentence faintly, then hung up the phone directly

At this time, in a blue Porsche sports car, ye Xiao, sitting in the co driver's seat, put down his phone

"What's the matter?" Sharna has taken off the sun hat and the huge toad mirror, showing a beautiful face. She is holding a scalpel in one hand. It seems that she is helping Ye Xiao remove the bullet from her shoulder

"Here they are Kanu and Dongfang Yi came together... " Xiaoye said.

"After waiting for such a long time, they finally come. Hey, boss, don't worry. This time, they will never come back But then you will have to treat me well... " Salna said excitedly at the news.

"Reward?" Ye Xiaoyi Leng, how to reward?

"Yes, I've worked for you for such a long time. If you don't pay a cent of salary, you have to reward in other ways..." When it comes to this, Sarna's face is charming

"What's the reward?" Seeing Sarna's eyes, ye Xiao suddenly has a bad feeling

"This is the reward, of course..." Sharna suddenly reaches out her left hand and grabs an object between Ye Xiao's legs. She makes Ye Xiao's body straighten in an instant, and her whole body's hair also stands up

At this time, sharna has already taken off the coat outside, only wearing a white tights vest inside, and her chest is extremely large, so a deep gully appears in front of Ye Xiao

But now I still have a bullet on my shoulder, and it's still on the side of the road. Do you want to have a car shake here?

"You'd better help me get the bullet out first..." Thinking that Ouyang Qianqian and others are likely to appear here, ye Xiao gives up such an idea and says with a strong smile

"Well..." Sharna immediately like a gentle wife, let go of Ye Xiao's baby, one hand pressed Ye Xiao's shoulder, the other hand held the scalpel, so she took out the bullet for ye Xiao, and ye Xiao was looking at her fluctuating chest. It is said that this is the best anesthetic, isn't it?

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