The shooting incident on the court was not blocked. After all, there were so many students on the scene that it was impossible to block the incident. Many students even sent the news to the micro blog at the first time. There was even a picture of Ye Xiaoren in the air with a ball of blood on his shoulder. Although it was unclear who he was, it did reveal the inside story of the shooting incident

This incident immediately attracted the attention of the whole school and even the central government. After all, it happened in the stadium on the university campus. I don't know how many people pay attention to it

Especially those parents of students, who dares to send their children to school when such a thing happened? Fortunately, the police solved the case very fast. Only on the same day, they caught the murderer. However, the murderer was arrested, even assaulted the police, and finally was killed on the spot

Of course, this is an official report. Few people know how the murderer died

In the 808 bedroom, seeing the news of shooting events on the court on the computer screen, ye Xiao's mouth showed a wry smile. It seems that her existence has affected ordinary campus life

"Ye Xiao, you are a famous man again..." Next to the computer, Xiao Feng also looked at the news on the Internet and joked

"Name your sister, if you were not so impulsive, would you be shot? If it wasn't for my brother's skill, that shot would have hit the chest directly... " Ye Xiao rolled his eyes directly. The son of a bitch, up to now, still has the heart to say sarcastic words

"Haha, isn't it not hit in the chest? In other words, who has such a deep hatred with you? How could you be assassinated by so many people... " Xiao Feng didn't have the slightest sense of saying something wrong. He said with a smile

"It's not clear yet..." Ye Xiao shakes her head. Now there is no news from Sarna. He doesn't know who this person is

But what he knows is that the polar bear Kanu and scorpion Archer Dongfang Yi have come

It is at this time that ye Xiao's mobile phone message sounds. Ye Xiao takes out his mobile phone and looks at it. It turns out to be a strange number. When he opens it, there are only two words: "purple house..."

At the sight of such two words, ye Xiao's eyebrows wrinkled slightly

"What? Any news? " Seeing the change of Ye Xiao's expression, Xiao Feng asked.

"Purple house, are you interested in going?" Ye Xiao did not hide too much, and said directly

"Purple house?" As soon as Xiao Feng heard this, his eyebrows stood up and his face was even more surprised

And big fat and Chen Dan Shang also at the same time fell on Ye Xiao's body, but they are a face of doubt, purple house, what is this?

"Well..." Ye Xiao nodded

"Are you sure you want to go?" Seeing ye Xiao nodding, Xiao Feng added

"Well..." Ye Xiao nods hard

"OK..." Xiao Feng didn't say anything more. Since ye Xiao has made up his mind, as a friend, he should always support him

As for Da Pang and others, they want to go with them, but they are rejected by Ye Xiao and Xiao Feng at the same time. This time, they are not going to play, but there will be some danger. If something happens to them, Xiao Feng and ye Xiao will not feel better

After staying at school for a day, ye Xiao and Xiao Feng arrived at the place where ZiZhai was located in his Audi car. When they saw the dilapidated scene, ye Xiao's eyebrows were slightly wrinkled together

"The purple house is here?"

"Well, this is the purple house, the most degenerate paradise in the whole city of Beijing..." Xiao Feng nodded. He once came here once and missed everything here. Of course, he came here to enjoy

"Let's go..." Ye Xiao didn't say that you don't want to go, nor did he say anything else. Since Xiao Feng has already come over, it's not too hurtful to talk about it now?

In any case, Xiao Feng has been involved in this matter. It is impossible to leave him alone. The best way is to catch the behind the scenes as soon as possible, so that the talents around him can be safe.

They got out of the car and got in through a hole in the barbed wire

Just after they entered the amusement park, a black figure came up from behind. After seeing Xiao Feng and ye Xiao enter the purple house together, the man's eyebrows wrinkled slightly. Then he took out a phone call, sent a message, and followed them in

At this time, in a courtyard in Kyoto, Xiao Zhentian, who was playing chess with himself, had just finished his white son. A man in black came in in in a hurry

"The young master followed him to the purple house..." The man walked to Xiao Zhentian's side and said respectfully.

"Purple house? Has he got the news? " Xiao Zhentian's eyebrows raised and a little surprise flashed in his eyes

"It should be..." The man in Black said with some uncertainty."Are they really from the chubatian school?" Xiao Zhentian seems to be talking to himself, and he seems to be telling people in black.

The man in black did not speak, but stood respectfully beside him. He knew that Xiao Zhentian was analyzing the problem.

"Tell Leng Yu, no matter what the price, don't let the young master have an accident..." After pondering for a moment, Xiao Zhentian said again.

"Yes..." The man respectfully said, and then turned back to go out, but Xiao Zhentian was holding a sunspot in one hand, and had no intention of playing chess any more. He just murmured, "Chu batian, can't you stay at last?"

On the other side, under the leadership of Xiao Feng, ye Xiao enters the amusement park together, and then comes to the cave where Lin has been mercilessly. Looking at the two small characters carved on it, ye Xiao's eyebrows are slightly wrinkled together.

At the beginning, the man who attacked and killed him was killed. He didn't get any useful information. But after that, Lenghun monitored the man in black who killed him and finally came to the purple house. Ye Xiao didn't know who the boss of the purple house was. Even Xiao Feng didn't know that. He came here just to find the man in black.

But at this time, just came here, he felt a cold crisis in his mind

It seems that this trip will not be very smooth

Ye Xiao's brow slowly loosened, with a mind of "what you have come, you will be at ease", and got into the cave

The road is still the road that Lin Qingqing had walked on. The light is dim, and there are spider webs around. Sometimes there are mice crawling over the ground. It's hard to imagine that this is the most expensive entertainment place in Kyoto

Finally, through the corridors, finally came to a huge iron gate, but unlike the last time Lin mercilessly arrived, there was no big man standing in front of the iron gate, and there was no video equipment installed around it. Everything seemed quiet.

However, Xiao Feng didn't feel anything wrong at all. He went directly to the front of the iron gate and kicked it hard

"Hum..." The sound of a slight vibration came from the iron gate, so you can imagine how thick the iron gate is

A moment later, the iron door opened a gap, a naked upper body of the big man exposed a head out, the urn sound of the gas said a: "how many people?"

"Two..." Xiao Feng replied casually

"100000..." The man held out his right hand from the crack of the door

Xiao Feng didn't say much. He took out 100000 yuan and handed it to the man

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