Ye Xiao on the other side is speechless. It's just that one entrance fee costs 100000 yuan and one person 50000 yuan. It's just skyrocketing. No wonder that this is the most expensive place in Kyoto. Ordinary people, even those petty bourgeoisie, can't afford it

After the man took the money, he didn't count it carefully. He just glanced at it and opened the door

The iron gate has just opened, and a heat wave is coming. Ye Xiao and Xiao Feng look at each other and walk directly into the gate

Maybe it's because it's too early. The hall is not full, but it's also quite a lot. On the central stage, three blondes are wearing sexy silk dresses and wriggling their hot bodies on the stage. Their posture is so attractive and their looks are so charming. Even the most gorgeous porn stars may not be able to dance such a hot dance Dance

At the sight of this posture, Xiao Feng's eyes immediately straightened. Even ye Xiao was staring at the dancer on the stage. It was 50000 yuan. If you didn't look at it more, how could he be worthy of himself?

There are a group of men around the stage. Some of them are wearing suits and ties. They are successful white-collar workers. Some have thick gold necklaces around their necks. They have fat heads and big ears. It seems that they are nouveau riche. Some of them are wearing ragged jeans and jeans. The exposed places are full of tattoos. At first sight, they are gangsters in the street

They all stare at the dancers on the stage

There are also some beautiful women who wear the same exposed clothes and carry bottles of wine to and fro through the crowd. Some of them who have more money will often compete for a dozen dollars and then take down a glass of wine. Of course, their hands will not forget to knead on the beauty's body, and the beauty will not refuse, but smile. If you give enough money, these beauties will not Do you mind doing some special service for you right away

This is really a fallen paradise, where you can do whatever you want as long as you have money

Here, it is a place of extreme erosion. Even in foreign countries, it is rare, not to mention domestic ones. However, considering that this place has existed for such a long time and the government has not suppressed it, we can imagine what kind of backstage the boss has behind it.

"Two handsome guys, what do you want to play?" At this time, a mixed blood beauty wearing a silver and white gauze skirt came over and said to Xiao Feng and ye Xiao with a smile.

"My friend is here for the first time. Please show us around..." Ye Xiao took out a stack of money from his pocket and put it directly into the woman's chest. Then he put his hand on the woman's shoulder and said

"Well, sir, please..." Put away that big stack of money, the smile on the woman's face is more brilliant, toward Ye Xiao and Xiao Feng made a gesture of empty invitation.

Ye Xiao didn't say much. He followed them and walked towards the hall. However, his eyes swept around him. It seemed that he was looking for something. Soon, ye Xiao found the person he was looking for

At this time, at a position in the southwest corner of the hall, a group of people were gathering

This is a gambling table. There are only two people on the table, a man and a woman

A man in an Armani suit looks like he is in his thirties. His appearance is not handsome, but he is not ugly. Generally speaking, as long as he is not a monster level man, as long as he is qualified to wear such a luxury brand as Armani, he will not be ugly. After all, his temperament is there.

However, even if the man is full of luxury brands, compared with the woman opposite him, it is much dimmer. It can be said that most of the people around him go for this woman

A woman is a westerner, with a head of golden curly hair, casually draped in the back of her head, with a beautiful appearance. Even in this beautiful place, it can make people feel bright in front of their eyes. Once your eyes fall on her, it is difficult to move away

The woman was wearing a suit of leather trousers, which wrapped the attractive thighs. The zipper of the leather coat was not fully pulled up, and the neckline was open. A charming gully could be seen

No need to swing any attractive posture, women just need to sit there quietly, enough to arouse the most primitive desire of men

"The bet is still the same as before? As long as I win a game, you take off one of your clothes? " Armani man said with a smile to the woman sitting opposite.

A pair of eyes are staring at the woman's chest, which is almost broken clothes

"Of course, but if you lose, you lose a million more..." The woman smiles and nods gently

"Why are they only 100000, I need two million?" The man said curiously, but he didn't mean to be angry

"Because you are more handsome than them..." The woman said with a smile

"Ha ha, good one, I'm more handsome than them, OK, with your words, a million is a million, you start first..." The man laughed, waved his big hand and said

As soon as this was said, the other people were surprised. You know, they played the dice, and each person had six dice. If they were a little bit more, they would have an extra million. If they were not lucky, they would have won tens of millions more. Just now, women won nearly 10 million yuan by this way of playing. In that case, many people lost all their possessions in one game at most"Ha ha, you're still quite gentlemanly, but I don't take advantage of others. Let's go together..." The woman chuckled and shook her head

"OK, together, together..." Without affectation, the man grabbed the dice on the table and began to shake it

Yes, they play the most primitive, but also the most simple, roll dice, whose dice is big, who will win

The woman also chuckles, grabs the dice directly, shakes and bucks it down

"Together?" Seeing that the woman didn't shake more, the man asked tentatively

"Well..." The woman nodded, and then they both uncovered

"Four five, two sixes, you lose..." The woman actually shakes out a leopard, but the man shakes out six five, two points short

"Hehe, it seems that you are really lucky. This is two million..." The man looked at the woman's points, nodded, and threw two gold chips representing one million in front of the table

"You're lucky, you almost won..." The woman calmly took the chips and said with a smile.

"Well, come again?" The man nodded, without any displeasure. It seemed that what he took out was not two million, but two ordinary coins

"If you want to, you'll be there..." The woman smiles

Then they started again, but several times in a row, the women won. In a short time, the man had lost more than 20 million, and his best result was to shake six sixes at a time. Unfortunately, the women's game was also shaken by six sixes, which could only be regarded as a draw

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