"Ha ha, you see, I lost so much, how about we change the way to play?" Even if he lost 20 million, the man's face did not change at all

"Oh?" The woman's brow slightly rises, seems to be very interested

"In fact, it's nothing. It's just that we're not bigger this time, but smaller, and we only play one game. If you still win, all the chips here are yours, and if you lose, why don't you come with me tonight and stay with me all night?" The man smiles, and the eyes of a pair of color Mimi constantly look at the woman's body, as if she has seen through her body

"Oh? Are you sure your points are smaller than mine? " The woman did not immediately agree, but looked at the man with great interest

"Ha ha, so many times in a row, they are younger than you. Now if you change the way of playing, you should be younger than you, right? Of course, if you don't agree, it doesn't matter. We can continue to play like this... " The man smiles faintly, seems not to care too much

"Ha ha, you said, you lost so much, of course you have to take care of your mood, but I also have one condition..." A charming smile appeared on the woman's face.

"Oh? What are the conditions? " The man asked with great interest.

"If you lose, not only the money is mine, but you also want to come with me..."

"Really?" As soon as the man's eyes lit up, he made an excited look

"Of course, with so many witnesses here, will I lie to you?" The woman said with a smile.

"Good..." The man accepted, and then made a gesture of empty invitation.

The woman is not polite, directly grabbed the dice on the table, crazily shook it, and finally slapped it on the table.

And the man also chuckled, grabbed the dice on the table, shook it at full speed, and finally snapped, pressed on the table.

"Ha ha, please..." Even if the man's face seems to lose, or he will not lose

The woman did not affectation, directly untied the lid, and then all of them took a breath of cold air at the same time. She even shook out six ones?

If there was some element of luck just now, it is absolutely certain that it is not luck at all, but technology. This woman just wants to roll any points. No wonder she only plays dice, which is the same thing

Look at this posture, this guy is doomed to lose

However, when people looked at the man, they found that the man's face did not show any shock, but showed a faint smile. It was a confident smile, as if he would win

"Ha ha, six one, six o'clock, it seems that you are really a master, but I'm sorry, this time, you are going to lose..." The man gently smile, and then slowly opened the lid, all people's eyes toward the inside of the cover, and then one by one took a breath of cool air.

The other side even rolled six dice overlapped, forming a straight line. The top one was exactly one.

In other words, he just shakes out a little

One point, six dice roll out a little, what level does this need? No wonder he dares to gamble with women like this. With such ability, can he be afraid of losing?

"Sorry, you really lost..." The man said with a smile, as if he had seen the woman undressed, kneeling at his feet and letting him run wild

"Is it? Why don't you look at it carefully? " Who would have expected that even at this time, the woman did not mean to admit defeat, but chuckled

Everyone, including the men, was stunned. Then they looked at the dice again. It was really six ones. It was six o'clock. Six o'clock was bigger than one. That's right

"Click..." But at this time, the dice came a crisp ring, and then in the eyes of the people, the dice were all broken into two, revealing the white inside

"I'm sorry, I'm at zero So, you lost... " The woman smile, speechless complacency, unspeakable amorous feelings, this is naturally Sarna who arrived at the purple house ahead of time

This time, the faces of all the people on the scene completely changed. Zero, even zero, how did he shake it out? Why did he shake out a zero? She broke all the dice? And it's all broken in two. What kind of force does it take? How accurate is the grasp of strength?

The man's face can no longer find the light cloud just now, a pair of eyes open wide, staring at all the dice broken in two on the table, how is this possible? How did she do it? How can the force be transferred to the dice?

His name is Yasi. He is an underground gambling God dug by Chu batian from Las Vegas. His gambling strategy is first-class. He alone has won more than 100 million dollars for Chu batian. It can be said that he is Chu batian's cash cow. This time, he also saw that Sarna was outstanding in appearance and his gambling method was very unique. So he came to gamble with her This kind of beauty, no man will refuse, as the underground God of gambling, he is no exception.In order to be able to kiss Fangze, he deliberately lost to Sarna, is to put forward such a request at last, but he never thought that sharna would shatter the dice.

"Now, my dear sir, can you come with me?" Seeing the dramatic change of ah temple's face, the smile on Sarna's face became more brilliant

At this time, in a box inside the purple house, Chu batian, dressed in black, was sitting on a wide chair. A naked blonde was lying in front of him to provide him with some special service. Chu batian closed his eyes slightly and enjoyed the feeling.

In front of Chu batian, a man in black stood respectfully. It was the man in black who talked with Huayu that day. It was he who killed Hua Yu

"Yuanji, this time, you are careless..." After a long time, Chu batian's body was shaking, which slowly opened his mouth.

"Sorry, Master Chu..." The man clapped and knelt down directly. He was frightened. He knew that because of his carelessness, he was tracked to the purple house, which almost exposed his identity But now he is a little puzzled. On that day, no matter Ye Xiao or the blonde woman, it is impossible to find his trace. How can the other party know that he is in the purple house? Is it said that in addition to that woman, there are other masters around Ye Xiao?

"No problem, who hasn't made a mistake? Be careful next time you look for someone..." Chu batian gently shook his head, as if he didn't care

"I know, Lord Chu..." Zhao Yuanji nodded respectfully.

It was at this time that a stunning woman in a black professional suit came straight in from the outside and came to Mr. Chu

"Xiaozhao, what can I do for you?" Seeing the woman's face a little unnatural, Chu batian frowned. This is his life secretary and one of the main persons in charge of the purple house. Of course, it is also his ban

"Lord Chu, ah Temple gambled with others, but he lost and the other party wanted to take him away..."

"What?" On hearing this news, Chu batian stood up from his chair with a brush. Ah temple is his cash cow. How can people take it away easily?

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