"Lord Chu, let me deal with this matter..." Zhao Yuanji knew that his chance to do meritorious service was coming. He stepped forward and asked for instructions.

"Good..." Chu batian nodded. Zhao Yuanji failed this mission mainly because he overestimated Hua Yu's fighting power, but his ability was still very strong. Chu batian was also ready to give him a chance

Zhao Yuanji respectfully takes orders and turns away

In the hall, ah temple looks strangely pale. He is the gambling God invited by Chu batian. Here, he can enjoy everything. No matter what kind of woman he likes, Chu batian will find him, but the condition given is that he can't leave here.

For such a long time, he has also been used to this life of drunkenness and death, and is not willing to leave, and he knows better, once he leaves, what is waiting for him?

At that time, Sarna said to follow her. He didn't pay attention to this sentence at all. In his opinion, how could he lose?

But now really lost, this

Is this really going to follow Sarna? He is not a fool. Up to now, he has faintly understood that the woman in front of him is not good. Maybe he will wait for his own hook. If he really follows him to leave, who knows what is waiting for him?

I can't follow her, but I lost in front of so many people. What should I do?

"What? You want to pay off? " Seeing the hesitation of the temple, sharna sneered

"Fuck you, you're not a man. Since you lose, you should admit defeat. What's the matter now?"

"That's right. Besides, it's such a" sexual blessing "thing to follow such a beautiful woman. I don't have a chance to go there yet..."

"Hello, temple, you ya usually win so many, how this time lost began to play Lai?"

Seeing that the temple is not moved, the crowd around has begun to chirp, and some people who know the temple are full of sarcasm

In the face of public ridicule, the temple knew that if he didn't follow this woman, he would not be able to mix here in the future. No one would like to gamble with a person with high gambling skills but poor gambling goods.

"Well, the money is yours. I'll go with you too..." Ah temple said, has stood up from the seat

Sharna chuckled, grabbed the chip on the table, put it into a bag, and then twisted it to go to the bar to exchange money. At this time, she saw Ye Xiao's eyes on this side and nodded gently.

Seeing the temple behind sharna, ye Xiao's mouth also shows a subtle smile. This woman is more and more able to use her brain

Although he has never been here, he also knows that this man named a temple is a frequent visitor here. He may even be the trust invited back by the boss here. If the man is really here, the guy named ah temple should know.

Sarna take it away, should be able to know from his mouth some of the answers that she and others want to know.

But just as sharna and a temple were about to leave, a door in the southeast corner of the hall suddenly opened, and a man in a suit led four tall men to come out directly

In front of Sarna

"Sorry, this beautiful lady, you can't take him away..." Because Sarna was wearing a sun hat and Toad mirror that day, Zhao Yuanji did not recognize that this was the master who robbed and killed Huayu on that day.

"Oh? Why? He had a bet with me just now If you lose, you will follow me... " Sarna turns her head with interest and looks at Zhao Yuanji

"I'm sorry, the temple is not free itself now Until he pays off our money, he can't leave here... "

"Oh?" Sharna is more curious

"This is the IOU owed by Mr. A. temple. He can't leave until the money is paid off. Of course, if the lady is willing to pay back the money for him, you can take him away..." Zhao Yuanji said with a light smile.

Sarna fixed her eyes and saw that it was a 10 billion dollar IOU with a crooked signature on it.

It was at this time that ye Xiao, who was mixed in the crowd, suddenly received a short message from Lenghun. He opened it and found that there were only a few words on it: "it's him..."

At the sight of these three words, ye Xiao's eyebrows wrinkled. This guy came from inside. So this should be his base camp. He has never been here, and he should not have any intersection with the boss here. Why would he send someone to assassinate himself?

Looking back, he found that Xiao Feng had played the most primitive piston movement with the exposed woman in the corner. Then, with one hand shaking, the thumb sized knife had come to the palm of the hand, following the crowd, quietly went towards Zhao Yuanji.

Seeing ye Xiao's action, sharna already understood Ye Xiao's intention, and then chuckled: "do you mean that if you don't pay back the money, you can't take him away?""Yes, miss, that's what it means..." Zhao Yuanji nodded again.

"Well, I have no obligation to help him pay back the money, but now that he is one of you, you must always pay for what he lost to me, right? Well, I don't need him to go with me. Do you want to come with me? " Sharna pushed the temple away. Now the main masters have appeared. Where do you need this guy

"Oh, miss, I think you are joking?" Zhao Yuanji was stunned to hear that Sarna had asked such a question, and then a sneering smile appeared on his face

"She didn't laugh..." At this time, Zhao Yuanji's ear heard a slight male voice, and his neck was even more cold. Zhao Yuanji's body was stiff in an instant. Unexpectedly, someone touched him behind him and put a knife on his neck. The funny thing is that he is also good. There is no one around him to react. This is a terrible thing Love?

"Sir, do you know what you are doing?" With a knife on his neck, Zhao Yuanji can't turn his head, and he can't see ye Xiao's face clearly. Naturally, he doesn't know that this is the target he sent Hua Yu to kill

However, others showed a look of horror. This is ZiZhai. Although most of the people present don't know who the boss of the purple house is, even a fool can understand the terrible background of the boss behind the scenes if he can open such a place in the imperial city of Kyoto.

This man came in from inside. You can see that it is the person of purple house. Now this guy has hijacked the other party's people in the base camp of the other party. This is like a challenge to the whole purple house.

Even some outlaws don't make such stupid mistakes? This is not desperation, this is death

As for the gambling God Temple, he was pale with fear at this time. However, he knew that Zhao Yuanji was Chu batian's most effective assistant. Now these people even hijacked him. It must be bad intention to take him away. When he thought of this place, he felt like cold

"Of course, it's just for you to come with us..." Ye Xiao said lightly. He didn't care about Zhao Yuanji's threat. His life is still in his own hands. It should be he who should be afraid of

"I'm sorry, even if it's death, I can't leave with you, do it..." Who would have expected that Zhao Yuanji didn't mean to compromise at all, and even gave the order to kill directly

In a flash, four chills hit

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