After getting the news from Lenghun, ye Xiao informed sharna at the first time, and then sarnan came to the purple house first to find out the details of the place. Their purpose this time was mainly to find out some information about the purple house. Who expected that sharna would catch a big fish in the temple when she came, and what's more, she even dropped out because of him.

But what ye Xiao didn't think of most was that the Zhengzhu didn't care about his life and death at all. He had put the knife edge on his neck. He was not afraid at all, and even directly launched the command. Is he really not afraid of death at all?

Ye Xiao wants to kill this guy with a knife, but the speed of the four people behind him is so fast that even if he wastes less than a second on the man in front of him, his body will be pierced by the dagger in their hands

At this critical moment of life and death, ye Xiao shoots a backhand knife at the nearest man, and then steps behind Zhao Yuanji, and his body pours at the four men

The power of Ye Xiao's foot is so huge. Zhao Yuanji's body leaps forward in an instant. Facing him, she is a beautiful looking woman. Looking at his posture, it is like seeing his favorite wife. He wants to give him a big hug. But when he sees a piece of silver pop out of Sarna's hand, Zhao Yuanji's face is clear The bottom has changed

Because it is not allowed to carry any weapons here, sharna did not bring a gun when she came, just a thin silver wire hidden on her body.

Even the knife in Ye Xiao's hand was found from a bodyguard's body

The silver wire of Sarna is called tianyinsi. It is not a metal, but it is stronger than ordinary metal, and it is extremely sharp. It can easily split a person's head. Zhao Yuanji is also a knowledgeable person. Naturally, he can recognize this silver wire. If he follows such a momentum, his body will definitely hit tianyinsi, and then it will be directly cut in two

Although he just looked light and light, it seems that he has already ignored life and death. That is because he fully believes in the speed of his men. Even if they let Ye Xiao advance his body because of carelessness, he believes that in such a short distance, no matter how powerful Ye Xiaoduo is, if he wants to kill himself, he will also be attacked by four people, If four people attack at the same time, even the stronger one will suffer heavy damage and even die directly. This is his base camp. He doesn't think ye Xiao will fight for his life directly. As a result, he is right.

But what he didn't expect was that ye Xiao would kick him temporarily. What's more, the woman had a tacit understanding with Ye Xiao, and directly took out the tianyinsi, which had not even done the inspection.

At this critical juncture, Zhao Yuanji suddenly stepped on the ground, then twisted his body, and then flew away in a strange posture

Seeing that Zhao Wuji actually used this almost self mutilation move, a touch of light flashed in Sarna's eyes. Although she was wearing high-heeled shoes, she did not hinder her movement. She stepped forward and approached Zhao Yuanji again. Then she held the silver wire in her hands and scratched it toward Zhao Yuanji's neck

Zhao Yuanji's body is still in the air. At this time, where can he avoid it? However, he has an extra silver needle in his hand. Then he flicks it hard and shoots it directly into the eyebrow of Sarna

Sharna was shocked, and her body had to lean to the left. In this moment, Zhao Yuanji's hand had been propped up on the ground, and then she made a beautiful back somersault and landed steadily on the ground

At this time, ye Xiao's body has also passed through the four big men. The first man who rushed at the front was rubbing a dagger in his heart, and his body fell backward. The other three men did not have any scars. Instead, there was a blood stain on the dagger in their hands. It was the blood on Ye Xiao

Looking at several scars on his body, ye Xiao's brow slightly wrinkled. These people's strength is not strong, but their speed is very fast, and the four people are very good at cooperation, and almost completely blocked his way out. If he did not forcibly kill one person, he would be completely surrounded by four people, but even so, he was still injured.

Who is the master here and how can he have these men who know how to fight together?

The noise here has already alarmed other people in the hall. Even Xiao Feng, who is playing love action movies with that beautiful half blood beauty in the corner, has noticed the scene here. Now he can't continue to vent on the woman. As soon as he picks up his pants, he rushes towards this side

But all of a sudden, he hit a man's heart directly. Before he could react, he felt a pain in his neck, and then the whole person fainted

At this time, the hall was in a panic, and no one noticed all this. The man helped Xiao Feng, who was unconscious, mixed in the crowd and ran towards the door rapidly

At this time, other guards in the hall came to Ye Xiao. Seeing more and more people in black, ye Xiao decisively gave the order to retreat

"Since you're here, don't leave..." At this time, Zhao Yuanji, who has stood firm, sneeredHe didn't expect that ye Xiao and others could follow him all the way to the purple house. If you let Master Chu know, he would be furious. This is tantamount to exposing the relationship between him and ZiZhai. This is absolutely not what Master Chu can tolerate. The only way is to leave all these people here

With his words, more and more people in black came towards this place. They didn't carry thermal weapons, but each of them held a three foot long Tang Dao, which was longer than the Japanese samurai Dao

It seems that the other party cherishes everything here and would rather stop himself and others with the advantage of the number of people, rather than use guns. But think about it, after all, this is a place for entertainment, and there are so many guests around. If you use guns and hurt other guests by mistake, then the reputation of purple house will be completely destroyed

This is definitely not what the owners here want to see

Of course, not all the guests in the hall rush to the door, but some of them stay. Many people come here to seek stimulation. But what is more exciting to watch others work hard?

In particular, some people who know Zhao Yuanji, but know that he is half the owner here, they all want to see how the owner of the purple house will deal with such two dandruff pickers, and how they will torture and punish them after catching them, especially when one of these two people has a perfect woman in both appearance and figure Even many people have been wondering whether Zhao Yuanji will auction her in public after catching her. If she can vent on such a beautiful woman, even if it is worth dying

Seeing more and more people in black, and seeing Zhao Wuji standing not far away, ye Xiao has no fear on her face. She glances around and finds that there is no figure of Xiao Feng. Instead, the cold soul who entered here in advance has already rushed to the gate and is rushing out with the stream of people

"You go first..." Ye Xiao uttered a loud cry, and then he rushed directly towards Zhao Wuji

Sarna took a look at him, then looked at the people rushing towards this side. Without any hesitation, she turned around and rushed out

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