"I said, since I'm here, don't leave..." Seeing that Sarna wanted to escape, Zhao Yuanji, who would be like her wish, sneered at her and rushed directly to Sarna.

However, ye Xiao's figure came to him in an instant. Without weapons in his hand, he directly hit Zhao Yuanji's heart with a fist. Zhao Yuanji raised his eyebrow, and the dagger in his hand directly hit Ye Xiao's arm. Ye Xiao snorted coldly, and suddenly withdrew his fist. His body also rotated and kicked Zhao Yuanji directly

When Zhao Yuanji had time to react, he heard "Bang..." Ye Xiao's foot has been directly kicked on his arm, and the dagger in his hand can't hold it. At this time, ye Xiao can step forward and kill her with a dagger. However, a man has rushed to Sarna. If she is stopped by him, she will never have a chance to leave

Giving up the tempting idea of killing Zhao Yuanji, ye Xiao's body has quickly abused the man's back

"Girl, stop for me..." The big man sneered, and the dagger in his hand hit sharna's back heart directly, but she didn't even mean to turn back. She just ran to the door at full speed

"Bang..." Ye Xiao's fist hit the back of the big man's heart. Suddenly, a cloud of blood mist erupted from the back of the big man's heart, and the whole body bumped forward

With a soft voice, sharna suddenly raised her heel and knocked it directly on the man's wrist. The man's heart was broken, and his palm was powerless. The dagger in her hand was also kicked by Sarna. However, sharna's body continued to rush forward, and ye Xiao, who was closely behind, had already taken over the flying dagger

This is the first time for the two to cooperate in a real sense, but this tacit understanding is enough to make some twin killers despair

Holding the dagger, ye Xiao's body began to rotate and turn, just because more and more people have rushed up

"Clang..." With a sound, a knife shakes off one of the men's daggers, and then his body leaps forward. The dagger in his hand sweeps upward along his arm. Finally, it runs across the neck of the man, and the bright red blood sprays out. Ye Xiao's body has already rushed to another man. Before he can make a knife, he has already inserted it into his heart, and then he grabs him like this The body, taking it as a shield, ran into several men behind at full speed

I'm a group of people in black still have a good formation, but I was hit by Ye Xiao, and I was knocked upside down. I couldn't chase Sarna any more

He threw out the body that was not completely dead in front of him. He pulled out the dagger. Ye Xiao also turned around and ran to the door. Seeing ye Xiao want to run away, all the men were furious. If ye Xiao escaped like this, how could they explain to the master of Chu, especially Zhao Yuanji, who did not care about his injuries, jumped up from the ground directly And then he pounced on Ye Xiao

However, just as he was about to insert a knife into Ye Xiao's back heart, ye Xiao, who was still rushing forward, suddenly turned around and directly hit him with a backhand knife. Zhao Yuanji was shocked. He forced his body back and avoided the knife. However, another man did not have such good luck. A long cut was made in his neck The blood is constantly spraying out, and the body slowly falls down

But ye Xiao didn't mean to run away. He suddenly took a step forward and stabbed another man's eyes with a knife. The man's mouth gave out a miserable cry. The dagger in his hand fell off directly and his hands covered his eyes. He screamed more than once.

Another man has already rushed to Ye Xiao. What he holds in his hand is not a one foot long dagger, but a three foot long Tang Dao. The tip of the knife is aimed at Ye Xiao's heart, but ye Xiao's body turns in a strange way. The knife almost touches Ye Xiao's chest. However, ye Xiao seizes the man's wrist and twists it hard to hear a click, The man's arm was broken directly, and the Tang Dao in his hand naturally fell down. Ye Xiao picked it up and held it in his hand

With Tang Dao in hand, ye Xiao's momentum changed dramatically in an instant. Without giving these people more time to think about it, his body had already rushed into the crowd, and with a single knife, a head rose into the sky, and blood was sprayed from his neck like a fountain

Then a backhand knife was inserted into another man's heart, and then his body thrust forward. The Tang Dao in his hand kept flashing, and the Dao Dao Dao's awn lit up, and the Dao Dao's blood flowered

Only a few breathing time, the scene has fallen seven or eight people, some were directly cut off the neck, some were cut off the arm, some were stabbed in the eye, some were stabbed in the heart, even if they fell to the ground, blood was still pouring out

The worst is a man named Wu Tian. He wanted to attack Ye Xiao behind his back. However, ye Xiao's body suddenly stepped forward and directly stepped on the wall. Then he suddenly turned around and held the knife in both hands. A knife was inserted into his heavenly cover. The sharp Tang Dao went straight into his head

Such a scene shocked everyone. Even Zhao Yuanji looked at Ye Xiao like a demon in surpriseIs this still human?

Although it is not the elite of Master Chu who guards the place, they have received professional training and are good at all kinds of joint attack. Even if someone makes trouble, they can defeat dozens of others by relying on these dozen people without arms. But now, these ten people are as vulnerable as local chicken and dog in his hands.

Who the hell is he? How can we have such a strong strength?

Zhao Xiaoxiao's eyes suddenly fell on his body, just like the temptation of death

Just when Zhao Yuanji didn't know whether to continue to intercept Ye Xiao or let him leave, the gate at the southeast corner of the hall opened again. Then, Xiao Zhao, the life Secretary of Lord Chu, came out with two tall men. When he saw the two men, Zhao Yuanji's face changed dramatically. Did Lord Chu know what happened here? Even these two evil spirits were sent out

Ye Xiao also felt the appearance of two strong breath at the first time. Without any hesitation, he made a flash at his feet and ran towards Zhao Yuanji

Almost instantaneously, ye Xiao has come to Zhao Yuanji's body, and then with a knife in his hand, he cuts Zhao Yuanji's head

Facing the roaring blade, Zhao Yuanji was pale with fear. Although he was also the right-hand assistant of the Lord Chu, he had been dealing with some management work. His fighting strength was not too strong, at least compared with Ye Xiao in front of him, how could he withstand such a knife.

Without any idea of resistance, Zhao Yuanji's body flashed to one side at full speed

"Shua..." The sharp blade almost sticks to his scalp, which makes Zhao Yuanji in a cold sweat. However, ye Xiao does not stop any more and rushes towards the gate. This is the base camp of the other party. He doesn't want to fight here

It was at this time that a beautiful man who looked like a girl stood up in the crowd. In his hand, there was an old wooden bow. A wooden arrow suddenly appeared on the bow string, and the tip of the arrow pointed at Ye Xiao

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