"Bang..." People who are closer can even hear the sound of the bowstring, and then people can see a black light flash through

Ye Xiao's attention has always fallen on the two men behind Xiao Zhao. From them, ye Xiao feels a strong crisis, and does not notice that there are still such powerful enemies lurking in the crowd.

However, the instinct of hovering between life and death and developing a sense of danger broke out at this moment. He didn't need to think at all. His body turned around directly. But the speed of that black awn was too fast. Even if he had already turned around, the black awn still shot at his shoulder, and directly penetrated through his shoulder and inserted into the opposite wall, Ye Xiao glanced at it and found that it was a wooden bow and arrow

How can a wooden bow and arrow have such power? At such a short distance, the speed is faster than that of a bullet, and its power is much greater than that of a bullet

Looking back, I saw a beautiful man in the shape of a girl holding a bow. He also looked at himself in surprise. It seemed hard to believe that he would avoid the arrow

Scorpio Archer Dongfang Yi, are you finally here? Thinking of it, ye Xiao didn't mean to stop at his feet, and still ran to the door at full speed

Seeing ye Xiao still wanted to escape from here, Dongfang Yi sneered, and his body began to run rapidly. When he ran, the wooden bow in his hand was once again full of strings. Then he loosened his right hand and a black light flashed by

Ye Xiao's rushing figure had to flash to the left. In this moment, a huge marble tea table suddenly jumped up. Yes, this piece of marble with a weight of 1000 Jin seemed to have grown feet. It jumped directly from the ground, and then hit Ye Xiao, who was out of balance with the wind

In the face of this piece of marble tea table that can crush people, ye Xiao's feet are moving again. His body is like a carp, rolling, avoiding the collision of the coffee table. The marble coffee table severely hits the wall, causing a stir.

However, ye Xiao, who has just avoided the attack of the tea table, is not in the least happy, because a huge body has come to him and hit him fiercely. Suddenly, he feels as if he was hit by a locomotive, and his body directly flies out, hitting a wall behind him with the same heavy weight. He opens his mouth with a gush of blood

"Polar bear, Kanu..." Seeing the sudden appearance of the polar bear, ye Xiao's eyes are almost staring out, this guy has been hiding here, no wonder even cold soul has not found their trace.

It seems that they have already guessed that they will come here, and have been waiting for a rabbit here, or is this stronghold itself a member of the dark moon alliance?

At this time, Xiao Zhao, who has changed into a silver cheongsam, is surprised to see the sudden appearance of Kanu and Dongfang Yi. With a puzzled face, who are these two guys? How does it look like this kid has a deep hatred? And their strength is so strong

In particular, the handsome man who looks like a little girl puts a heavy pressure on Xiaozhao. She even has an intuition that if he wants to, he can kill himself at the first time, even if he is surrounded by two generals of dragon and tiger under the command of Master Chu

The eyes of the second general of dragon and tiger also brightened up. Originally, they only came out to deal with Ye Xiao. But who knows that there are still two masters in the field. One is very powerful, and even much bigger than himself. The other makes a good bow, which is several times more lethal than guns. In this era, there are not many people who can use this kind of primitive tools If they can be recruited under the command of Master Chu, there will be two more generals around him

Kanu and Dongfang Yi didn't want to be soldiers around Chu. The purpose of their trip was to kill Ye Xiao, and then twist his head to get a reward. One billion dollars, even if it was half of them, that would be 500 million dollars, enough for them to be happy for a long time

Who wants to be a running dog here?

As for the two generals of dragon and tiger, in their view, they are just a little stronger than the garbage on the ground. They are not a threat to them at all. Of course, because of the existence of these people, they seize the best opportunity and hit Ye Xiao with one fell swoop.

"Hey, boy, don't struggle. Let me screw your head off..." With a ferocious smile on his face, Kanu walked towards Ye Xiao step by step. Of course, his attention was not entirely focused on Ye Xiao, but he also fell on Dongfang Yi not far away. Although they were cooperative, now the target has been seriously injured. If he had the opportunity, he would not mind killing Dongfang Yi directly and swallow the reward alone, since he thought so Well, how could Dongfang Yi not have such an idea

Ye Xiao vomited the blood clot in his mouth. He stood up straight and looked at Dongfang Yi with bow and arrow in the distance, and the two brothers of dragon and tiger on the other side. Then he looked back at Kanu, and the corner of his mouth pulled. It seemed to be laughing. Yes, with the pulling of the corner of his mouth, the smile on Ye Xiao's face became more and more brilliant.

Seeing ye Xiao at this time, he could still laugh. Whether it was Dongfang Yi, or Kanu, or the two brothers of dragon and tiger, they were all surprised. Could not this guy's brain burn out? How can he still laugh at this time? Didn't he know he was going to die?"After waiting for you so long, you finally come..." Without paying attention to the expression of surprise, ye Xiao spat out such a word that makes people surprised again

After waiting for you so long, are you finally here? Has he been waiting for his arrival? But unlike ah, his body has been so seriously injured, what strength does he have to deal with himself? Don't talk about two people. Even if it's carnu himself, he has the confidence to crush Ye Xiao easily

"Boy, you are too crazy to speak, but your tongue will flash..." Kanu sneered. He is not as well-developed and simple minded as the outside world said. Ye Xiao was badly hurt at this time. He also said such a thing, which may be to shock himself and others and make them suspicious and hard to start with

Ye Xiao ignored Kanu's words, but looked at Dongfang Yi in the distance. He seemed to be observing the distance. He didn't know why. This kind of vision made Dongfang Yi feel wrong. He even had a restless thought in his heart

"Kanu, don't talk nonsense with him, start..." The uneasiness in his heart made Dongfang Yi have a trace of alertness, and then directly said to Kanu. While speaking, he had once again raised his bow and arrow in his hand and was about to shoot at Ye Xiao.

It was at this time that ye Xiao's figure moved. Almost instantaneously, ye Xiao had already rushed to canu, and then hit him with a fist

Seeing that ye Xiao still had such a powerful explosive force at this time, Kanu's eyes suddenly jumped. But soon, a scornful smile appeared on his face. This guy even wanted to fight his fist with himself. Isn't that for death? What he is good at is that he has great strength. Even those masters in tianbang, few people can match him in strength, not to mention this little guy who has not grown up well

He didn't mean to dodge. In fact, with his body shape, it was very difficult to dodge at this time. He directly clenched his right fist and hit Ye Xiao's fist with all his strength

He wants to smash Ye Xiao's arm to pieces

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