Seeing the huge fist twice the size of his fist, ye Xiao's eyes did not shrink. Every cell in his body began to vibrate wildly, and energy poured into his right arm, even his eyes became red at this moment, which was a pair of eyes that were not human beings

"Bang..." A loud bang, two people's fist hit together, three inch force burst suddenly, the force of terror is like a shell, hit on the fist of carnu

Without the sound of bone fragmentation in imagination, carnu felt a sharp pain in his fist. He even felt that his hand bones were broken down by one or two, and his body was shocked by this huge force to step back and completely lose balance

That is, ye Xiao's body suddenly accelerated, and stepped forward directly. Then he stepped on the knee of Cano, and made climbing movements. His body rose directly, and then another foot kicked him on his chin

Hanging upside down in the sky, it almost contains Ye Xiao's full-strength kick on the jaw of carnu, and the head of carnu is instantly turned back. The huge body is directly off the ground and flies backward

At this time, the startled Oriental Yi did not hesitate to release the bow string directly

"Whoosh..." I don't know what kind of black bow made of wood makes a break. I came to Ye Xiao in a moment. I saw that ye Xiao was not in Ye Xiao's body. However, he saw that ye Xiao's one hand was shaking and directly shook the arrow. However, the distance still shook his body. However, his body fell on the ground smoothly. With a kick on his back foot, he had already been facing East Yi And he pours over

Seeing ye Xiao speed so fast, and directly toward himself, Oriental Yi suddenly contracted his pupils together, is this his real strength?

Dongfang Yi's body quickly retreated backward. His right hand had quickly grabbed a feather arrow, and then lightning finished the arrow. He would loosen the bowstring again, but he found that ye Xiao had come to his own side

"Sorry..." A slight hum, ye Xiao hit Dongfang Yi's nose bone with a direct blow, and then three inch forces broke out again. The force of terror broke his head instantly, and the blood mist of the sky flew out, and also contained countless pieces of meat. Even so, the body of Dongfang Yi without head fell back directly

All this happened too fast. When the body of Oriental Yi started to fall backward, Cano's body hit the ground heavily and smashed a huge tea table to pieces.

As for Xiaozhao and Longhu brothers, they were more stunned to see all of this, they all felt the strength of Cano and Oriental Yi. Ye Xiao, in their view, was just a little bit stronger. At least the two brothers believed that if they were to join hands, they could easily defeat Ye Xiao. But now, it is the young man who will have one in such a short time People fly, and then kill the one who threatens them most

This How could this be possible? Did he have hidden his strength just now?

The carnu who fell on the ground also saw such a scene, his face became pale. At this moment, he finally understood what ye Xiao said. I have been waiting for you for a long time

He is really waiting for his own people to appear, his purpose is to kill himself and her two

He was once in danger before. Now, it seems that all of this is disguised

Oriental Yi, as long as he has opened up the distance, even if he is not his opponent, but now he is easily killed, especially the strength of his fist, even if he directly smashes the human head. How strong is it? Even if it is not possible to have such a terrible power? And just now that the continuous influx of their own body of the strength, is this the Eastern martial arts said the inch strength?

He alone has such a strong force, how can he need the help of the woman with the most powerful gun? It was not until this moment that Carnot understood that he didn't need help from others at all. All he did was to show weakness and create a best chance to kill him

And he, waiting for such an opportunity, will own two people to kill

What a terrible strength, a terrible plan. At this moment, Carnot finally understood why someone offered a billion dollars. This billion dollars is not available to everyone

No wonder even the existence of Miyamoto has appeared. Such a master is obviously coming to the difficulty of this task

Originally thought that the fragrant bun became a hot potato in a blink. This taste is not good

Ye Xiao ignored the face of karu's tragic change, even did not see him any more, threw his fist full of blood and brain pulp, turned to Xiaozhao and others who came out of the corridor

Although he killed Dongfang Yi with one stroke, ye Xiao didn't feel as relaxed as the surface, and he made three inch explosions twice in a row. Even his body could not eat it. After all, the force of the force was mutualIn particular, inch strength requires a high level of physical strength. If the other party rushes towards him recklessly, even with his skill, he may not be able to resist it completely. However, it seems that the opponent is obviously forced by his strength

Without too much action, he just looked at Xiao Zhao and others, and every cell in his body was catching this short time to recover

"Kill him..." I don't know whether she is staring at Ye Xiao's bloody eyes or forced by her evil spirit. A trace of instinctive fear flashed in Xiao Zhao's eyes, and then directly issued a decision that made her regret to her intestines

In fact, the two brothers of dragon and tiger are also shocked by Ye Xiao's sudden strength. However, they are the general of Chu batian. They can't resist Xiao Zhao's orders. No matter how strong Ye Xiao is, he is just one person. Judging from his appearance, he is obviously hurt. It can be said that the two moves just now have exhausted all his strength.

But Lord Chu is different. He is in it. Everyone who is strong and present knows that they dare not violate his decision.

The two brothers looked at each other and ran out of Xiao Zhao's left and right, and rushed to Ye Xiao. They didn't use any weapons. Facing an unpredictable Ye Xiao, they knew that any weapon could bring disaster to them. What's more, they were good at boxing and footwork

Seeing that the two brothers of dragon and tiger rushed to Ye Xiao fearlessly, Kanu didn't mean to help him. Even though he was thinking that ye Xiao might be really exhausted and could be killed with a punch, ye Xiaogang's strength still brought him a huge shock. He was a cautious man and a man who cherished his life as much as gold, otherwise In the next task will not find Dongfang Yi cooperation.

He didn't want to use his life to test Ye Xiao's bottom line, to see if he was exhausted. He didn't even have the mind to stop to see the end of the battle between the two brothers. He struggled to stand up and ran outside. He knew that this was his best chance to escape. If he really waited for them to separate out the results, he might never have Opportunity to leave

As for ye Xiao, he doesn't pay any attention to his meaning. He looks at the dragon and tiger brothers who are rushing towards him. His eyes are red in the twinkling of an eye

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