Ye Xiao never thought that this time he would find Zhengzhu, and he did not think that the person who wanted to kill himself would be the person of ZiZhai. Although he was the first time to ZiZhai, he knew more or less the existence of ZiZhai from Xiao Feng's mouth. It can be said that no matter how the changes of the situation in Kyoto, ZiZhai is in an independent position, and has not been involved in any struggle in these years.

Logically speaking, such an existence should have nothing to do with yourself. How can you suddenly deal with yourself?

How long I have been in Kyoto has not affected the interests of these big people. However, I have offended several people. One is Shi Yuanlong, who abandoned his lifeblood. The stone family hate them to the bone. But general Liu came forward and believed that as long as the stone family was not a fool, they would not find trouble for themselves.

Another is Lenglie. He was taught a lesson by himself, but he would not hold a grudge against him. However, the last one was that Lin was merciless. He hurt him that day, and finally forced him to do so. He was willing to face it. It should be a matter of course to deal with himself, but he was always The Secretary of the Yunshi municipal Party committee should not be able to contact places like ZiZhai.

It's not that he is so incorruptible, but because of his status, there is no need to mix with the boss of such places as ZiZhai. Once he is caught by political enemies, let alone him, even the whole Lin family will be implicated. Lin's ruthless IQ can't fail to see this.

But if it wasn't the three of them, who would it be?

Or is this itself a stronghold of the dark moon alliance in Kyoto? When Kanu and Dongfang Yi appeared here, ye Xiao thought about it. But when he saw the three people of Xiaozhao looking at Dongfang Yi and Kanu in the eyes, he overturned his guess. It should have nothing to do with the dark moon alliance.

However, he did not want to reveal his real strength. After the sudden appearance of Kanu and Dongfang Yi, he had to break out his real strength and use violence that had not been used for a long time. At the moment, he was able to basically control this force, but he did not dare to use it excessively. He was afraid that he would get used to this invincible power. For his whole practice, he was not It must be a good thing.

A person's combat power includes experience, skills, strength and other elements. If he blindly uses that violence, it will not be good for the promotion of inch strength, but it will not do any good to combat skills. Think about it, if he has a strong power, will he spare no effort to think of any moves? No matter what kind of opponent, one blow on the line, where will go to consider all kinds of combat skills.

But ye Xiao knows that what kind of terror he will face in the future. If he doesn't try his best to improve his own strength, he will only drink hatred on the spot.

So usually, he would not use the violent power in his body. Now, because of the sudden appearance of Dongfang Yi and Kanu, he exerted such power. But since he did, he did not intend to stop

Dongfang Yi is dead. Kanu has escaped. Now these two guys still want to die. Let's help them

The violent force in his body broke out completely. His speed was more than twice as fast as that just now. Almost in the blink of an eye, he had already arrived in front of the two people, and then directly swept to the dragon on the left with one fist

The eyes of the two brothers jumped suddenly. Obviously, they didn't expect Ye Xiao's speed to be as fast as this. Seeing ye Xiao's fist sweeping, long could raise his arms to resist Ye Xiao's fist. However, the tiger on the other side grasped it with one hand. The power of his body gathered in his right fist and smashed at Ye Xiao at full speed.

The two men attacked and defended each other. They cooperated very well, as if they had already discussed

Such a result will only have one kind of situation, that is, ye Xiao will fight back the dragon, and he will bear the tiger's all-out fist.

However, where could ye Xiao do such a thankless thing? Just as the tiger's fist was about to fall on him, his fist suddenly changed from a straight one to a hook one, and hit the tiger's fist severely

"Bang..." When the tiger hit Ye Xiao's fist, he was shocked to fly, and the bone on the back of his hand hurt faintly. It was hit by Ye Xiao's fist. He even felt that his back bone of his hand was cracked. However, ye Xiao didn't stop at this time. He hit his body directly forward when the tiger's fist was opened and the empty door was exposed. His shoulder hit the tiger's heart Dao Jindao gushed directly from ye Xiao's shoulder. Suddenly, he heard the sound of broken sternum, and the tiger's body was directly hit and flew out, and the mouth was a gush of blood

Cun Bao, ye Xiao at this moment, even once again used Cun Bao. It is said that it is more difficult to practice Cunbao than quadruple Cunjin

Compared with the four inch force, the power of inch force is not so powerful, or even worse than that of triple inch force. However, the feature of inch burst is that every part of the body can emit inch force, which is beyond defense. Ordinary inch strength experts can only use their fist hair to produce inch force, which limits the power of inch force. After all, two people fight, relying on more than one It's fists.

Once your fist is blocked by the opponent, your strength will be greatly limited. However, the explosion is different. As long as you want, any part of your body can become the most terrifying killing weaponSeeing ye Xiao bump his brother out directly, the dragon's heart is shocked. Especially when he hears the sound of bone fracture, his face is full of horror. Obviously, even he didn't think of it. Why does Ye Xiao smash the tiger's sternum, but his shoulder has nothing to do with it?

However, at the same time, he has opened his arms, and his body is rising from the sky like a dragon. He directly hits Ye Xiao's head with one blow

Ye Xiaogang has just knocked the tiger into the air, but his body has not yet been fully stabilized. He suddenly feels the chill coming from the top of his head. His eyes are slightly raised, and he raises his hands to block the tiger

"Bang..." Ye Xiao was shocked by the fist of the dragon, and his arm was also in a sharp pain. Obviously, the power of the fist was very strong, and the dragon's body had already swept over immediately and swept back directly He kicked Ye Xiao's heart directly. If it was swept back, even if ye Xiao's sternum was not broken, he would be severely injured. At this critical juncture, ye Xiao's whole body fell backward, and the leg swept over his chest, almost brushing his chest. When his body was about to fall, he suddenly put his hand on it The ground, then the body is like a bent sapling, directly ejected

Then a fist hit the dragon. At this time, the Dragon just swept out a leg, and the leg has not been taken back. Where can you resist such a blow, you hear a clear bang, and the dragon's body is blasted out again

Before his body landed, ye Xiao suddenly stepped out and caught up with the flying dragon. Then he raised his right arm and hit the dragon with an elbow. The sound of bone fracture was heard again. Then they saw the dragon's body hit the ground like a shell. On the spot, a mouthful of blood gushed out and the blood was red With the fragments of internal organs, as for the dragon, where can it still climb up

Everyone took a breath, one by one looked at Ye Xiao like a monster. This guy is too strong, but at this moment, a burst of clear applause rang out

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