Hearing such applause, even ye Xiao frowned. Who dares to clap at this time? Isn't this a death hunt?

Looking in the direction of applause, I saw a big middle-aged man in a long black shirt step by step. Beside him, there was also a tall, gloomy looking man

From the man's body, ye Xiao felt a breath of death. If the two brothers of dragon and tiger gave him a strong feeling, then he felt dangerous. Yes, extremely dangerous. This threat is not even under Dongfang Yi. This is the reason why Ye Xiao tried his best to kill Dongfang Yi

Killing the most threatening people first is the essence of survival

However, ye Xiao's attention turned to the clapping man again after a glance at the man. He looked gentle and elegant. However, in his body, ye Xiao felt a kind of domineering power. It seemed that the whole world must be under his control Xiao also felt a stronger breath, than the cold man to his crisis is even stronger.

This is a master, and he is absolutely a top-ranking master. His strength is even above Chu Wangtian

Who the hell is this man? Why is there such a super master in such a place?

"It's said that since ancient times, heroes come from young people. I didn't expect that you should have such strength when you are young. I underestimate you..." The man is the master of the purple house, Chu batian. Even when he saw Ye Xiao make his own place a mess, and hurt and killed several of his subordinates, his face still shows a faint smile, as if these are not his subordinates, just passers-by.

"Did you send someone to kill me?" Hearing the man's words like this, ye Xiao's eyebrows rose slightly and said faintly in his mouth.

He didn't know this person or even met him, but he even said that he underestimated himself, indicating that he had paid attention to himself. It is obvious that this matter is under his charge

"It's true that I sent someone to kill you. I thought you would not find here if you were killed. But I didn't expect that you not only found here, but also at such a fast speed. If I knew that, I would not take this job..." Chu batian was smiling, as if talking to an old friend he hadn't seen for many years

Ye Xiao obviously didn't expect Chu batian to be so outspoken that he was bribed to deal with himself

"You don't need to be surprised. I don't have a grudge against you. If it doesn't matter, I'll kill you. Naturally, someone made a deal with me. Even if I don't say that, you will know. Of course, who made the deal with me, I won't tell you..." Chu batian saw what ye Xiao was thinking at a glance, and he was smiling slightly, and his body had completely walked out of the corridor

Ye Xiao doesn't speak. He just stares at Chu batian. From Chu batian's body, he feels a mountain like pressure. He is even more powerful than he imagined. If he is himself in his prime, ye Xiao still has the confidence to fight against him or even kill him. But if he starts with him in such a situation, plus a shadow around him A heavy man has little chance of winning

It seems that Kyoto is really a place of Crouching Tiger, hidden dragon, a purple house, also has such a master

"I heard that you are the president of Jinghai Longyao association?" Seeing that ye Xiao didn't speak, he looked at himself with vigilance. Chu batian didn't care, but said

"Well?" Ye Xiao is stunned. It seems that he didn't expect the other party to say this at this time

"Ha ha, I need the strength in your hand. Let's give you a chance. Like I surrender, I can cancel that deal with others..." Seeing ye Xiao's startled appearance, Chu batian faintly smiles and tells his own thoughts.

In his opinion, ye Xiao is hurt badly and consumes a lot. He can't escape his own palm. If he wants to kill him, he is not the same as crushing an ant. He only thinks about his opponent's skill and the strength behind him. If he can gather him under his command and rely on his strength, even if he doesn't get out of the purple, Chu batian can't make up his mind to kill him House, it is not difficult to defeat Xiao Zhentian. When the time comes, where will you still put those vows in your heart.

Naturally, we don't have to cooperate with Lin mercilessly

"Do you think it's possible?" Ye Xiao obviously didn't expect that Chu batian would recruit him, but how could he agree? He sneered

"So you don't agree?" Seeing ye Xiao's face full of sarcasm, Chu batian's voice suddenly cooled down. Suddenly, people around him felt that the temperature had dropped several degrees

"Boy, you have to think about it clearly. Lord Chu spared your life. You look up to you. Don't be ungrateful..." At this time, Zhao Yuanji has got up from the ground and said to Ye Xiao pale.

He knew that he had made a big mistake this time. He not only did not kill Ye Xiao, but also led the other party here because of his carelessness. This time, he provoked Lord Chu to come forward in person. After investigation, he did not know what kind of punishment he would get. If he could persuade the boy to join in with Master Chu, he might have a chance of survival"Master Chu? The overlord of Western Chu, Chu batian As soon as he heard that the other party's surname was Chu, and then he thought about the strength of the other party, a message like this appeared in Ye Xiao's mind

"Have you heard my name, too?" Seeing ye Xiao call out his nickname and real name directly, Chu Ba Tian's eyes also flashed a bit of surprise. You know, he has disappeared on the road for nearly ten years, except for those old people, young people now rarely know his existence.

Ten years ago, this guy looked like a teenager. What did he know at that time

"Xiao Zhentian, the God of war in the East and Chu batian, the overlord of Western Chu, were the most powerful two heroes in Kyoto ten years ago. How could I not have heard of it? But what I didn't expect was that Xiao Zhentian, who was famous for Kyoto on that day, was still sitting in Kyoto, while Chu batian was hiding in such a place to take care of Tiannian..." Ye Xiao has a sarcastic smile on his mouth. He seems to despise the present Chu batian

"Boy, look for death..." As soon as he heard Ye Xiao tell the story and said that he was looking after Tiannian here, Chu batian's heart was filled with anger. It can be said that this is the biggest pain in his heart, and also his biggest shame. The reason why he has stayed in this place for ten years is not because of Xiao Zhentian. If not for his existence, how could he be like this now

Xiao Zhentian is his biggest opponent, but he has never thought that Xiao Zhen is more naive than himself, but he has a little bit better luck than himself. Now ye Xiao is full of praise for Xiao Zhentian, but he constantly belittles himself. How can Chu batian be angry

It can be said that this is the scale in his heart. Whoever mentions it will die

As soon as the voice dropped, Chu batian's figure suddenly flashed. In an instant, he came to Ye Xiao's, and then hit Ye Xiao with a fist

Ye Xiao's face showed a startled look. His body instinctively raised his arm to resist it. He heard a crack. Chu batian's fist directly blew him out

The body completed a back somersault in the air, and then fell on the ground, and then continued to retreat backward. After seven or eight steps, it stopped. At this time, ye Xiao had come to the side of the metal gate

"Thank you..." There was no more fright on his face. Instead, he grinned at Chu batian, then turned around and ran outside

Chu batian's face changed. He even teased himself

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