"What a clever little fellow..." But soon, Chu batian's evil spirit disappeared. It seemed that it had never appeared before. The whole person immediately returned to that gentle and gentle appearance

Now, naturally, he can see that ye Xiao's reason for saying such a thing is to provoke him, but also to escape with his own strength. His grasp of the war situation and his speculation on the enemy's mentality have reached a desperate level. No wonder he was able to unify Jinghai city at a young age. Even at this age, he did not have such a skill It's no wonder that even Lin Qingqing suffered losses in his hands and had to find himself

"Master Chu, I'll kill him..." At this time, the man who had been following Chu batian said

"No, you are not his opponent..." The man originally thought that the furious Chu batian would be between himself. Now he can't leave the purple house. He can only let him go. Who knows that Chu batian refused mercilessly and said that he was not his opponent.

That boy is really strong. Under normal circumstances, he may not be his opponent, but he has been seriously injured. Isn't he still his opponent in this situation?

However, he did not dare to refute Chu batian's words, so he had to suppress his killing intention in his heart

"Tell Decepticons to come back..." Chu batian didn't say anything more. He looked at the metal gate which revealed the heavy breath and said faintly

As soon as I heard the word "Ba Hu", Xiao Zhao, Zhao Yuanji, including the gloomy man, night Leng Yu, all changed their faces, and their eyes showed an expression of extreme shock. In order to deal with the boy, Master Chu wanted to recall Ba Hu?

You know, deception represents not only a person, but also the most cutting-edge power under the command of Chu. It is no exaggeration to say that even in the face of those elite soldiers, the members of deception tiger can fight head-on. This is the strength that Master Chu has always hidden, and the strength used to deal with Xiao Zhentian. Is it worth doing so now?

No matter Zhao Yuanji or ye Lengyu, although they are confused in their hearts, no one dares to raise any objection. Here, the words of Lord Chu are the imperial edict, and no one is allowed to oppose it. What they need to do is to implement

Outside the purple house, karnu, who escaped from the sky, ran at full speed. His tall body and the ground made a thumping sound. He had never felt death like today. A man in his early twenties and a man only about 1.8 meters in height, his explosive strength was even stronger than himself. In the contest of pure broken strength, he even finished All in the downwind, which shows what, that this is absolutely a master into the sky list.

Although there are many cases in which a master kills a master in tianbang, Kanu doesn't think it will happen to him. He knows his own strength very well. Apart from his great strength, he has little advantage. If he had not been cautious and thick skinned, he would have died in the underground world with his strength.

This time, seeing such a high reward and being a strange boy he never knew made his mind active. He just wanted to finish this vote and never do it, and enjoy Qingfu well. After all, worrying about being afraid all day in the underground world is not his life he would like to live. But who knows ye Xiao's strength is far beyond his imagination, and he killed him I don't want to face that boy again.

As for those who have not completed the task, they will be hunted by reward agencies. Now they have no concern. As long as they do not appear in the future, they will not find themselves all at once, right? Compared with the pursuit and killing of the dark moon alliance, the threat of the young man behind is obviously bigger, or more direct.

Now Kanu's biggest wish is that the two guys who seem to be stronger can delay Ye Xiao's time a little more, so that he may be able to escape a robbery

Kanu ran as fast as he could, thinking only to leave as soon as possible. Because he had been worried about whether ye Xiao would come after him, he suddenly stopped. In front of him, there was a silver wire that could hardly be seen by the naked eye. Until he was about to hit the silver wire, Kanu saw the silver thread that could cut the human body

His speed is too fast. He can't stop now. He can only raise his arms instinctively and protect his neck and head

"Bang..." His rush was so fierce that he broke the extremely tough tianyinsi. However, the tianyinsi was completely submerged in his arm and directly scratched his hand bone. If his skin was not very thick, and his muscles were too much, the bone was also extremely tough. Just now, this was enough to cut off his arm, but even so, carnou suffered a lot Chuang, at least in a short period of time, his arm will no longer be able to form a combat force

It was at this time that a beautiful figure appeared in front of Kanu. Seeing the perfect woman in front of him, regardless of appearance or figure, Kanu's eyebrows wrinkled. For some reason, he always felt that he had felt such a breath somewhere

There was no weapon in the woman's hand, only a small revolver. The power of this lady's pistol was not in his mind. As long as he didn't get hit, even if the bullet hit him, it would not cause him any serious injury. However, he didn't dare to move because he inadvertently saw a red dot on his body Move, that is the target of the sniper gun, he has no doubt, as long as he moves, his head will be instantly smashed.Even with his physical strength, he did not dare to test the power of the sniper gun

At this time, there was a rapid footstep behind him. You don't have to think that it was the young man who came. At the thought of the horror of the young man, the cold sweat on his forehead came out one by one

The huge body was about to find a chance to leave, but the woman's cold voice sounded at this time: "I advise you not to act rashly, or that guy will not mind smashing your head in front of me..."

Sure enough, with the woman's voice, Kanu clearly felt that the red dot came to his eyebrows

"Your friend is still fighting inside. What are you doing here if you don't help him?" Before Kanu, he saw Ye Xiao and the woman in the purple house and recognized her as the woman who killed Hua Yu that day

"Canu, the polar bear, don't you know me?" Seeing Kanu's flustered appearance, sharna's face showed a color of curiosity. What happened in the end, actually scared Kanu into this appearance

"Well?" Kanu was stunned. He felt as if he had seen a woman somewhere, but he never had such a perfect face in his memory. Now when he heard the woman mention it again, he couldn't help but wonder

"Three years ago, the crater of Galia, South Africa..." Seeing Kanu's puzzled appearance, sharna spat out such a sentence again

As soon as the words came out, carnou's mind suddenly came up with the existence of the horror of shooting, and his face changed greatly

"Are you a gun god? Bullets? " He didn't expect that the gun god bullet would be a woman, not to mention that this woman would serve ye Xiao. If he had known this, he would not come to China if he was killed

"Yes, she is the muslin bullet, Kanu, give you a choice, surrender, or die..." It was at this time that the cold voice sounded from behind Kanu

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