Surrender, or death, what an overbearing sentence, does not give people any choice at all. If other people dare to talk to him like this, he doesn't mind tearing it into pieces. However, when this man becomes the young man who defeats himself, he doesn't dare to say more words, even dare not move his body

There is Sarna in front of him, and there is that terrible existence behind him. He is seriously injured. There is a sniper who can blow his head out in the dark. It's almost impossible for him to escape. It's really easy for them to kill themselves

He didn't want to die, but he didn't want to lose his freedom

Especially a guy like this is submissive. If those people in the underground world know about him, they still have to laugh off his big teeth. After all, they don't know that he is powerful

But do you have a choice?

"Kanu, you should know that this time you get the bloody task..." At this time, Sarna, standing in front of Kanu, spoke again.

Kanu's mind was stunned again. Yes, what he received was a bloody task. Other tasks, even golden ones, were better. No matter who they were, they could get them. Even if they didn't finish the task, it was nothing. But this time it was a bloody task. This is the highest level task. For those who receive it, there are only two ways to choose One, of course, is to complete the task and receive a high reward; the other is that the mission fails and disappears in this world.

Now his mission has failed. Even if ye Xiao does not kill him, he will face the ruling of the dark adjudication Office of the reward agency, which is a special organization composed of many powerful people in the underground world. There is no unified organization I, but it has a unified goal, that is, to maintain the order of the underground world.

They took the bloody task, but ran away instead of completing the task. This has already disturbed the order of the underground world. They will certainly not let themselves go. Even if they really escape this time, how long can they live?

"Kanu, hang out with the boss, follow the boss. It's not only popular, but also spicy. Even those guys in the dark adjudication office dare not do anything to you. Don't forget, this is Huaxia..." Seeing Kanu's hesitant expression, sharna added

Don't forget, this is Huaxia. The last sentence shocked Kanu's mind. Yes, this is Huaxia. It is the only place that the whole world can't cover. Even those strong people, no one is willing to step into China for his role. After all, this is the territory of that one. As long as he is there, no one is willing to step into it A piece of land, even the top strong, no one is willing to provoke that guy

Maybe after joining him, I can continue to live happily

"I am willing to surrender..." Although he felt humiliated, it was obviously the latter that was more important than his own life. He made a decision quickly. At least, when he wanted to come, he had to deal with it first. Maybe when he relaxed, he would have a chance to escape. Maybe he could find a chance to kill him, so that he could not only get freedom, but also get a high reward As for morality?

Don't you talk about morality and morality to a man like him?

Seeing that Kanu chose to go to him, ye Xiao's mouth showed a faint smile. He went directly to Kanu, took out a reddish pill and handed it to him

"What is this?" Seeing this pill, Kanu's eyes showed a puzzled look

"Eat it, it's good for your injury..." As ye Xiao said, he took out another one and put it into his mouth

Seeing ye Xiaodu eat it, Kanu didn't think much about it. He swallowed the pill, but after eating it, he didn't feel any change. It was just like eating a candy

"Why don't you feel it?" Canu asked with some doubts.

"No feeling? No way? You see, my face is beginning to turn ruddy, this looks much better, don't you have a little hot feeling? " Ye Xiao asked in surprise.

"No..." Kanu shook his head blankly. He didn't feel any change

"Well, I'm sorry, I forgot that there's only one left of this Huayu Buxue pill I ate it just now... " Ye Xiao's face is sorry

"What is that for me?" Canu's face changed on the spot. Can this medicine be given to people? An ominous premonition appeared in my mind

"It should be broken soul pill..." Ye Xiao frowned and thought for a while and said

"What medicine is that?"


“……” Canu almost burst out a curse, this son of a bitch, even gave himself to eat a poison?

"Don't worry, this medicine will not attack immediately. It usually takes only one attack a week. Now you can't die..." Seeing Kanu's pale face, ye Xiao said without any care.

"What if it happens a week later?" Said canu, holding back his anger."Don't worry, I'll give you the antidote then..."

"Is it all right now?" Canu asked.

"No way..." Ye Xiao refused


"How do I know if you are loyal to me? What if you want to approach me on purpose and kill me? " Ye Xiaoli said of course.

…… Kanu has no language completely. This guy is so cunning. He has thought about all this for a long time. When he saw Ye Xiao, who was close at hand, he wanted to tear it into pieces. However, he thought of his terrible fighting power and the antidote still on him. He forced down his unhappiness and stood aside indignantly

Seeing ye Xiao's words, Kanu had no choice but to submit. Sharna's mouth was filled with a smile. This little guy was really more and more interesting, but she was curious that although he was greedy and afraid of death, he should not be frightened by a poison, and how could he run out of it in a panic? And Kanu all appeared. What about Dongfang Yi? Was Ye Xiao killed?

At the thought of this possibility, even Sarna's eyes also show the essence of the road, can we say that the boy's strength has been improved?

"Go, get out of here first..." Seeing that Kanu completely chose to submit, ye Xiao said this and ran outside

After knowing that this was Chu batian's nest, all his plans had to be rearranged. After all, this was the Xiaoxiong who was famous in Kyoto ten years ago. Such a person suddenly got in touch with himself. This is definitely not good news

Maybe it's time for Xiaobai to send some people over

When ye Xiao and others left the purple house, a black Audi car stopped quietly in an alley not far from the purple house. A man in black was sitting in the driver's seat. In the front passenger seat beside him, Xiao Feng, who was knocked unconscious, was tied with a safety belt. Seeing the figure of Ye Xiao and others leaving, the man gently took out a mobile phone and got through A number

Soon, the phone was connected, and Xiao Zhentian's heavy voice came from the other end of the phone

"How is it going?"

"He came out safe and sound..." Here he doesn't mean Xiao Feng, but ye Xiao

"I see. Bring the young master back..." At the other end of the phone, Xiao Zhentian had a brief silence, and then said such a sentence

The man answered, started the Audi and left

But Xiao Zhentian, in the courtyard, after hanging up the phone, sighed softly: "it's a strong dragon crossing the river again..."

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