"Big brother, the stronger dragon is also a small dragon. It is the imperial city. Any river dragon has to be set here..." It seems to be seeing the sigh of xiaozhentian, the man in black suit exhorted a sentence

"Is that really the case? But why do I always feel that Kyoto is so upset by his presence this time? " Xiao Zhentian is muttering to himself, and he tells the man beside him

Hearing Xiao Zhentian gave such a high appraisal to the boy, the man's face changed, and he wanted to say something more, but he swallowed the words when he reached his mouth

Xiao Feng woke up the next morning, but when he found himself lying in the Kyoto homestead, his face changed.

He clearly remembered that he and ye Xiao went to purple house last night. Ye Xiao seemed to be working with others. He ran to help, but he touched a man. He could not see clearly the appearance of the man, and he felt a pain in his neck and then lost consciousness completely. But how could he be in his house?

Was it saved by Ye Xiao? But even if ye Xiao really rescued, he should send himself back to his bedroom. He didn't know his home address

Just when Xiao Feng was ready to call ye Xiao, the door of the room was suddenly pushed away from the outside. The person who came was the steward of Xiao Feng, who had been taking care of him for years.

"Young master, are you awake? It's so good. Where did you go last night, how could you faint on the road, fortunately, we found it and were sent back in time, otherwise we don't know what will happen... ""

"Ah I fainted on the road? " When Xiao Bo said this, Xiao Feng was surprised. Did the man still be on the road? But I don't know who he is. Why does he do that?

"Right..." Xiao Bo nodded hard, and his eyes were all curious. He seemed to be curious how Xiao Feng fainted on the road

"Well, maybe it's a lot of drinking..." Seeing Xiao Bo's curious eyes, Xiao Feng was not good at answering, and said quickly, he could not say that he went to purple house and was knocked out by people? If so, once he tells uncle, he must not tear himself up

"Drink too much? But the young master has no wine taste, but has a hormone flavor... "" "Xiao Bo said to Xiao Feng, but looking at him, it was more like muttering to himself

"Amount..." This time, Xiao Feng's face was red and dizzy. Before he fainted, she was venting on the woman. But now, it was actually smell by Xiao Bo. How interesting is it?

"By the way, sir, breakfast is ready. If you have nothing to do, come down and have breakfast..." It seems to be to see Xiao Feng's dilemma, Xiao Bo's eyes flashed a strange light that is not easy to detect, but the face of natural expression said.

"Well You go down first, I'll be down right now Xiao Feng nodded, and then waited for Xiao Bo to go out, took out his mobile phone and made a call from ye Xiao

"Ye Xiao, what didn't happen last night?" When the phone connected to the phone that came to the voice of Ye Xiao, Xiao Feng has been worried about the heart finally put down.

He is afraid of what happened to Ye Xiao and others after he was unconscious, so he would not forgive himself for his whole life

"Nothing. That guy has settled. It's your boy. Where did you go last night? You never see you when you finally leave? It's not going to be the girl who's going to open a room, right There was a voice from the other end of the phone that ye Xiao was not happy with

But the voice stopped in Xiao Feng's ear, but he was relieved. Ye Xiao had the heart to tease him, indicating that he was not angry because of his sudden disappearance.

"No, I see something happened to you later. I want to help, but I met a guy. I was cut out directly. When I woke up, I was already in my place. Xiao Bo told me that I was fainted on the road. I also wanted to ask if you saw a guy in black?" Although he knew Ye Xiao didn't blame his meaning, Xiao Feng decided to explain it again

"The guy in black? Grass, how do I know that many people in black last night? But in other words, what can carry you out should be a man, and your girl will not be popcorn, will you? "

"Blow your sister..." Xiao Feng scolds, this guy is too shameless, how can I say such a word? I am good now

"Ha ha, OK, you are going to have class. You can come soon if you are OK..." In fact, ye Xiao had long guessed that Xiao Feng must have been taken away by people, and that person should be secretly protecting Xiaofeng. He didn't blame Xiao Feng for his meaning, but was curious. What is Xiao Feng's identity? Why is there such a master who protects him in the dark?

You should know that with Xiao Feng's hand, the ordinary rogue can not get close to him. In such a case, there is still such a master, which is enough to explain the special identity of him

"Well, I know..." Hearing the pleasant tone in Ye Xiao's heart, Xiao Feng also understood that he really had nothing to do. Now, he jumped from bed and ran downstairsAt this time, in the 808 dormitory of the University of business and economics, ye Xiao, wearing a Zhongshan suit, hung up the phone, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. This guy, I guess, doesn't even know that there is a person behind to protect himself

Just as he was about to ask Chen tanshang to go to class, a text message came to his mobile phone. When he opened it, it was no longer a sexy photo of Huang lingyao, but from Bai Chou

"School gate..." There are only four words in the short message. Ye Xiao knows that it's Bai Chou coming

"Fat, please take a leave for me in class. I'll go out for a while..." Received such a short message, ye Xiao toward the two humanity, quickly toward the school gate.

At the gate of the school, Bai choufei didn't drive his wild Hummer, but drove a black Audi A6. Such a car can be seen everywhere in the big city of Kyoto, without attracting any attention.

Ye Xiao opens the door directly and gets into the co pilot's position. Bai choufei doesn't say much. He directly hands a large stack of information to Ye Xiao.

This is what he asked Bai choufei to help him find out after he came out of ZiZhai last night. With Bai choufei's energy in Kyoto, it is not difficult to find out these things, even if the object of investigation is Chu batian.

Seeing the above information, ye Xiao's eyebrows are tightly wrinkled together

Before that, he had only heard some rumors about Chu batian, but he had never dealt with him. He didn't even know that ZiZhai would be Chu batian's property. Only when Chu batian appeared last night did he guess his identity from the temperament of the other party. He didn't think that the opposite party was really Chu batian.

When Chu batian and Xiao Zhentian competed for the domination of the underworld in Kyoto, he also heard about it. He also knew that Xiao Zhentian won the victory in the end. Otherwise, it would not be Xiao Zhentian who still stayed in Kyoto.

However, he did not know what the process was like, let alone where Chu batian went after

These materials give a detailed account of Chu batian's life and deeds, and even those big people involved in his back. However, there is nothing about why he suddenly disappeared from the road and entered the purple house

What happened ten years ago? Will Chu batian, the world's most powerful man, be willing to enter the purple house and live for ten years?

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