"At the beginning, ye Xiao gave this girl Bugatti Weihang, who was on the official flight?" Seeing the pure and lovely Yang Su Su in the picture, Chu batian said.

"Yes, Lord Chu, that's her. Now she has become the righteous sister of Shangguan flying. She is known as a car in the circle of Kyoto." Zhao Yuanji respectfully said that this time, because of his own mistake, he led Ye Xiao to the purple house, and even the Lord Chu appeared in person. Originally, he thought that if he made such a mistake, he would kill himself. Who knows that not only did he not kill himself, but also did not mean to blame himself, he immediately arranged a task for himself.

Zhao Yuanji, who wanted to atone for his exploits, collected all the information about ye Xiao. Finally, he put all the useful information in front of Master Chu. Finally, he selected this photo.

Zhao Yuanji didn't find it strange that ye Xiao was also the president of the Longyao society. Now Jinghai city is the territory of Longyao society. It is not easy to deal with those close relatives around Ye Xiao. On the contrary, the girl named Yang Susu seems to have a lot to do with Ye Xiao.

If there is no such relationship, how can ye Xiao give her the sports car won by shangguanfei?

If you want to find a breakthrough from ye Xiao, there is no doubt that this girl is the best choice

"Has Decepticons come back yet?" Chu batian asked again.

"Report to Mr. Chu, he has been back all night last night and is resting now." Zhao Yuanji respectfully said that he has been responsible for contacting the power of the individual unit around Chu Ye.

"Tell them to get this girl back to me as soon as possible, no matter what way." Chu batian said coldly.

"I see, Master Chu!" Zhao Yuanji is still respectful.

"Go down!"

"Yes Seeing Zhao Yuanji's lacklustre figure disappearing, Chu batian once again picked up some photos on the table. Seeing the beautiful faces, a faint smile appeared on his mouth. This ye Xiao is still very romantic, so young, and has so many confidants. But I don't know who will fall into the hands of these confidantes after his death! Bai choufei didn't stay in the University for a long time. After talking with Ye Xiao about some things, Bai choufei left. However, he told ye Xiao that if ye Xiao wanted to, he could cooperate with Ye Xiao to take over the purple house. The big people behind the purple house were left to him. The management of ZiZhai was handed over to Ye Xiao, who only needed a part of the dividend.

As for Bai choufei's suggestion, ye Xiao would say that he is not attracted. No matter what the status of ZiZhai is, he has already made a death feud with Chu batian from the moment Chu batian reaches out to him. Therefore, no matter what ZiZhai represents, he must eliminate Chu batian. If he can take ZiZhai as a stronghold, it is a huge plan There are only innumerable benefits of rowing.

He is not willing to give up such an opportunity, but is it really necessary to enter so quickly?

Shaking his head, did not go to think about these things, or wait for the white belt to come after it.

All the way to the classroom, I went to my desk, opened the drawer and found that there was a thermos lunch box in it. There was a glass of milk, a rice ball and a fried egg in the lunch box. In addition, there was also a small note, on which were written several beautiful handwriting: "remember to eat breakfast Qian Qian... "

Yes, this is the breakfast Ouyang Qianqian carefully prepared for him. Since that day's birthday, Ouyang Qianqian has launched a fierce attack on Ye Xiao. However, when she found that she could not be more exposed in her dress, she resolutely gave up the original way of pursuing. She did not know where she heard that she wanted to tie a man's heart A man's taste, this no, almost every day will prepare breakfast for ye Xiao.

This once let Xiao Feng and others envy and hate, but in addition to washing a few words on the mouth, they can only watch ye Xiao enjoy delicious food every day.

Seeing the rice ball pinched into a cute antenna baby, ye Xiao's face shows a wry smile. Maybe it's time to find a chance to explain to Ouyang Qianqian that if she goes on like this, what if she gets too deep?

Thinking about it, she began to swallow the breakfast from Ouyang Qianqian. Just after breakfast, the bell rang and Yang Ning came in wearing a gray suit.

Having a look at Ye Xiao, without any special expression, he came to the podium and began to speak.

I didn't say a word about the school shooting incident happened a few days ago. I didn't even say much about the result of the basketball match. The school is still dealing with these things. He didn't say much before the results were released

But can see ye Xiao safely sitting in the classroom, Yang Ning has been hanging the heart also put down.

As long as ye Xiao is OK.

After class, Yang Ning looked at Ye Xiao again, as if he wanted to say something, but his lips moved, but he didn't say anything. Instead, he left the classroom, and ye Xiao didn't think much about it. Anyway, he and Yang Ning would meet each other every day. If Yang Ning really had something to do, how could he not tell himself?After class, ye Xiao, Xiao Feng, Chen tanshang and Da Pang walk towards the canteen. But when they are about to arrive at the canteen, a blue Aston Martin brush comes out of the corner. Ye Xiao, Xiao Feng, Da Pang and Chen tanshang are all scared. This is a school, not a drag Racer. What is this son of a bitch driving so fast? Fortunately, the performance of this car is excellent, and the driver also stepped on the brake in time, the sports car and the ground made a harsh friction sound, and finally stopped in front of Ye Xiao and others. Even so, it also scared Da Pang and Chen danshang a step backward

Almost hit by a car, ye Xiao and others are not in a good mood, especially Xiao Feng, directly scolded: "your mother forced you to drive long eyes, this is a school, you drive so fast to die?"

The man in the car was furious, but he saw that there were four people like Xiao Feng and others. He knew that if he got off the car to find fault, he might suffer losses. He suppressed his anger and glared at Xiao Feng and others, stepped on the gas pedal and ran past

"What the hell are you doing? There is a kind of down Damn it, don't be seen by me next time, or you'll have to smash your car... " Xiao Feng didn't expect that the other side would drive so fast. When he came back to his senses, the car had already passed by.

Ye Xiao's heart was full of fire. He had planned to intercept the sports car, but his afterglow suddenly saw Chen's body shaking suddenly, and his face turned pale. He ignored the sports car, but turned to ask Chen Dishang: "what's the matter?"

Hearing Ye Xiao's question, Xiao Feng also cast his eyes on Chen Dan Shang's body: "little Chen Zi, didn't you just hit you?"

"No Didn't hit, I I'm fine... " Chen Dan Shang shook his head.

"Grass, is it a brother? Go ahead, what's going on?" Seeing Chen Tan Shang's body shaking, even Xiao Feng knows that he must have something wrong. Where can he believe his words.

"It's OK, it's really OK I just think that girl is a little like my girlfriend Chen Dan Shang shakes his head again and again. In his eyes, he is unbelievable. It seems that he doesn't want to believe in the general

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