"Shit, you still have a girlfriend? Why haven't you heard of it before? " On hearing Chen Tan Shang say this, ye Xiao, Xiao Feng, Da Pang and other people's interests were immediately raised. They did not expect that Chen Tan Shang, a sultry man, would have a girlfriend.

And from Xiao Feng's point of view, the girl just now is just a stunning glance, but it is definitely a beauty. If Chen tanshang's girlfriend is of this level, then this boy will be blessed.

"She was in the Polytechnic University, and we seldom met, so we didn't say that. Just now I saw that the girl looked like her, and I couldn't believe it. But now I think about it, how could it be her? If she really came to Kyoto, how could she not tell herself? " Chen tanshang's parents are also Beipiao people, but their hometown is Hubei, which is known to all the people in the dormitory.

"It's not necessarily true. Girls nowadays are all vain. Maybe it's her?" Xiao Feng said with great interest that he wanted to see Chen Tan Shang's reaction.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible, Xiaozhen, she loves me very much, can't be with other men..." Originally, Xiao Feng was just teasing Chen Dan Shang, but who expected Chen Dan Shang to be extremely excited, as if the so-called Xiaozhen could not betray him.

"It's not easy. Just call her and ask her where she is now." One side of the big fat also came up to say.

"Yes, whether it's her or not, just make a phone call to find out?" Xiao Feng is also looking forward to saying, look at Chen Tan Shang so nervous, obviously that girl in his mind is very important, if just that is his girlfriend, then this matter is serious!

With Chen Tan Shang's character, it means that he may do something very silly and naive. No matter Ye Xiao or Xiao Feng, they absolutely don't want to see it. As friends, they naturally don't want to see this step, but many things are not what they think!

"No need to fight. How could it be her?" Chen Tan Shang shook his head, but also a little embarrassed, seems not willing to make this call, for him, if he really made this call, it is the distrust of Xiaozhen, she is so deeply in love with himself, how can he not believe her? And I don't know why, in my heart, Chen Tan Shang is still afraid. He is afraid that all this is true. If what he saw just now is really Xiaozhen, then this call may be the last call he made to Xiaozhen.

"Well, anyway, that's your business. You can fight or not. Hurry up. There will be more people at once. If you don't hurry up, there will be no seats in a while." Xiao Feng shouts and runs to the canteen first.

No one noticed that when Aston Martin turned another corner, the beauty in the front passenger seat glanced at the rear-view mirror slightly. From the rear-view mirror, you can see the thin body of Chen tanshang. A touch of guilt flashed in her eyes, but soon, the guilt disappeared without a trace, replaced by the joy on her face!

"Jane, it's OK. It's those guys who don't have eyes. I'll clean them up sooner or later. There's a car race in whale Bay in the afternoon. I'll take you to play?" Seeing that the girl beside her was not happy, Chu Shao, sitting in the driver's seat, said directly. He thought that the girl was angry because she wanted to come here by herself, but she was scolded and angry!

"Well!" The girl named Zhenzhen nodded gently.

After lunch, looking at the sun hanging high in the sky, Xiao Feng suddenly said: "there is no class in the afternoon. There is a car race in whale Bay. Do you want to play? I think you're good at driving. Maybe you can win some pocket money. "

Ye Xiao thought for a moment that there was nothing wrong with him in the afternoon. Why don't you follow him and see the level of drag racing among the dandies in Kyoto by the way. As soon as I heard that there was such a good thing about racing, both DA Pang and Chen tanshang were very excited. Because of the economic conditions, they couldn't participate in such activities, but they could go and have a look The party got on Ye Xiao's Audi A5 and Xiao Feng's X6 and ran to the whale Bay Racecourse together

Whale Bay is an international circuit. The first race after its construction was the world cycle of formula racing, and then other international car races were held. However, it was once or twice a year at most. On weekdays, it would also be rented out, mainly for those dandies in Kyoto to have a place for racing, where they could race cars Road safety, at least not a lot of trouble for the country, isn't it? Whether it's the parents of the rich businessmen, or the executives, they are happy to see this situation!

Over time, it has become a gathering place for dandies. From time to time, an underground car race will be held here.

Today is no exception. The sun is so beautiful that whale Bay is full of all kinds of expensive sports cars. Among them, the most striking one is a golden Bugatti. When you see the golden Bugatti, everyone's eyes are full of envy, especially some girls. Why can't the owner of the car be himself?

Everyone who can come here knows that the former owner of this car is the top dandy in Kyoto. He went to guanfei, but later he lost to a mysterious master in a competition in Jinghai City, and feishao willingly took the master as his teacher. As for the Bugatti air, he also lost to the mysterious master. Unexpectedly, the mysterious master gave it to him A young girl, who many senior dandies in Kyoto don't know, but since then, everyone has known her name, Yang Susu.Only because she not only became the master of Bugatti Weihang, but also became the dry sister that shangguanfei recognized. In the whole of Kyoto, no one was willing to provoke shangguanfei.

At this time, seeing the beautiful figure sitting in the driver's seat, even though many men have ideas in their hearts, none of them dare to pay and take practical actions.

At this time, Chu Shao's Aston Martin also came to the whale Bay racecourse. Zhenzhen, sitting in the front passenger seat, saw the Bugatti Weihang in the middle. Her eyes immediately glowed with heat.

As long as it's a woman, you won't be indifferent to this car. A woman who doesn't move is a woman from heaven!

"Hey, the owner of that car is Yang Su Su, who is feishao's dry sister. You must not offend her..." Seeing the girl staring at the Bugatti Weihang, Chu Shao told her that if the woman around her didn't have long eyes and caused some disaster, it would be a bad ending.

"Well, I know..." The woman nods gently, can become the owner of such a gorgeous car, how can the identity be simple, she naturally won't provoke.

"But it is said that the girl's father is a professor in the University of business and economics that you are going to go to just now. Ah, let's not talk about it. Some of my friends are over there. Go down and say hello to them!" Chu Shao shakes her head, opens the door and goes down. Zhenzhen's eyes flash a little hesitation, but she still gets out of the car. Now she's Chu Shao's woman, and she doesn't dare to refute Chu Shao's words.

"Yo, Chu Yun, when did you get such a pure girl?" Standing opposite a group of men and women, see Chu Yun with some simple dress Zhenzhen came over, one of the men with a bald head teased.

"Hey, I just made it yesterday. Zhenzhen, come here and call me brother yuan!" Chuyun laughs and pulls Zhenzhen to come over. His face is full of pride. For these dandies, they are more beautiful than their women besides their cars.

But Zhenzhen looks pure, especially on the face also has some bashfulness, this kind of appearance in this group of people is definitely the first choice, can not help but he is not proud.

At this time, another car came by. The one in front, the dark red BMW X6, and more than one million cars were OK, but the car in the back almost made many dandies laugh off their big teeth

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