Audi A5? Nima, this kind of car also means to come here? Even those who come to watch the game are driving Audi A8 at least. Are you a man driving hundreds of thousands of cars to come to such a place?

While standing in front of Chu Yun saw the man in the driver's seat of BMW X6, his face changed on the spot.

Isn't this the guy who scolded himself just now? At that time, they were so crowded that they were not easy to attack. After the competition, I planned to find some friends and go to the University of business and economics to look for them. Who knows he came here on his own initiative.

People say that it takes no effort to find a place to find out. I haven't looked for it yet. I came to the door on my own initiative. Isn't God helping me?

"Brother, some fuckers, help me teach a few people!" Chu Yun sneered and went back to his car. He grabbed a wrench from inside and walked towards the parking place of Xiao Feng and others.

This group of people have nothing to do on weekdays, either fighting or racing. Now, seeing that Chu Yun seems to be teaching people a lesson, they are all happy, grabbing the same things like spanners and baseball bats, and follow Chu Yun forward.

For them, it's not easy for them to teach a few people who drive such broken cars.

As for Zhenzhen, her face changed slightly when she saw Chen tanshang walking down from Audi. However, she thought that she was Chu Shao's girlfriend. Why do you have to talk to Chen tanshang? She ran forward after Chen tanshang.

As soon as ye Xiao and others got off the bus, they saw a group of people wringing the guy coming over, and their eyebrows were frowning. However, after seeing the guy who had just opened Aston Martin, Xiao Feng's mouth showed a smile. It turned out that this guy had just let him run away, but now he took the initiative to deliver it to the door. God help me!

As for Chen Dan Shang, he saw Wang Zhenzhen who was following Chu Yun. When he saw her beautiful face, his face turned pale. Was it really her?

"Jane, is it really you?" At first, when he was in the University of business and economics, Chen tanshang was just glancing at her and didn't recognize Wang Zhenzhen. Now he sees her again. After a careful examination, he finally confirms it. But at this moment, he feels as if his heart has been broken with a knife.

How could this happen? How is she? How could it be her? How could it be her?

Didn't she always say she loved herself? Didn't she always like her own? Didn't she say she would marry herself? But why is she in the arms of others now, and why is she with others?

Chen Dan Shang can't believe that all this is true, so he instinctively asked this sentence

"Jane? Ahab, do you know this boy Chu Shao has come up, suddenly heard Chen Tan Shang call Zhenzhen's name, and then a Leng.

"He was my ex boyfriend..." Wang Zhenzhen also did not hide, directly said the identity of Chen Tan Shang.

"Former boyfriends? You asked me to take you to the University of business and economics for a visit. It's not just for him, is it? " Hearing Wang Zhenzhen's words, Chu Yun's face changed slightly. Anyone who was so fooled would not feel comfortable.

"No It's not... "

"Pa!" As soon as Wang Zhenzhen didn't explain clearly, Chu Yun had already slapped her in the past and almost pulled Wang Zhenzhen out. Five clear fingerprints appeared on her face.

"Do you still have him in your heart? If so, I'll give you a chance now, and I'll make it up! " Chu Yun's face is ferocious.

"You let her go!" Seeing that Chu Yun actually started to Wang Zhenzhen, Chen Dan Shang was furious and would rush to Chu Yun.

Chu Yun didn't pay attention to Chen Dan Shang's meaning at all. He just looked at Wang Zhenzhen coldly, as if he needed an explanation.

"No, you are the only one in my heart now!" Even if was hit by Chu Yun a slap, Wang Zhenzhen's also did not have the slightest complaint meaning, on the contrary one face implored ground to say.

She knows that being Chu Yun's girlfriend is her best chance to get in touch with the upper class. She can't miss such an opportunity. She must seize such an opportunity.

But originally wanted to rush up Chen Dan Shang in hearing such a sentence, but the whole body trembled, such as being struck by lightning, the whole person was silly in situ on the spot.

You are the only one in my heart. This is what she once said to herself. But now, she even said to another man in front of herself, what a heavy blow this is? Chen Tan Shang only felt that his broken heart had been dug out and put on the ground to trample on it, and then trampled it to pieces.

Why is this? They came to Kyoto together. In a short period of more than half a month, how could her whole person have changed?

Yes, Chen Tan Shang admits that because the two schools are located at both ends of Kyoto. In the past half month, they have not spent much time together. They just call each other for a chat, but they don't have to forget themselves so quickly?

They have been together since junior high school? Six years of feelings, is it only six years of feelings left such a sentence?

"Jane, you You Don't you love me Even now, Chen Tan Shang still can't believe such a reality? In other words, it is difficult for him to accept such a cruel reality."Love? What do you have that I love? If you say that you are handsome but not handsome, and if you say that you have no money, why are you worth my love? " In the face of Chen Tan Shang's almost begging eyes, Wang Zhenzhen even sneered. While speaking, she also took Chu Yun's arm in one arm. It seems that only in this way can she show her love for Chu Yun.

Hearing Wang Zhenzhen's words, and then feeling the softness of her arm, Chu Yun's vanity has been the greatest satisfaction. This is really an obedient girl, and it's worth spending so much attention on her.

As for Chen tanshang, his whole body trembled again, his face was full of incredible expression, and his eyes were still staring at Wang Zhenzhen. It seemed that he could not believe that these words were all from Wang Zhenzhen's mouth.

They have been studying in a class since junior high school, and Chen tanshang's academic performance has always been excellent, which naturally attracted the attention of some girls in school, Wang Zhenzhen is one of them.

Later, they got together, but Chen Tan Shang was introverted. To put it more popular, he was sultry.

Even after six years of discussion, he has held Wang Zhenzhen's hand at most. It can be said that he is a typical theoretical emperor, but this does not mean that he does not love Wang Zhenzhen.

He even didn't start with Wang Zhenzhen all the time. To a large extent, he loved her. He hoped that two people could complete their first life on the wedding night. But now, this woman, the woman he loves most in his heart, says in front of so many people that she is not worthy of her love and unworthy of her love. What is this? What kind of irony is this?

Chen Tan Shang's body was shaking, and he was at a loss. He felt that the whole world was whirling around. If the fat man standing beside him was not quick to respond, he might have fainted directly on the ground!

Both ye Xiao and Xiao Feng have some ugly faces. Obviously, they did not expect that Chen tanshang, who does not talk much, will have such a deep love. It is just that such a woman is not worth his love at all.

"Boy, for the sake of you are Zhenzhen's ex boyfriend, the young master will give Zhenzhen a face today. All of you kneel down and kowtow to me to admit that I was wrong. I can let go of your insult to the young master today." Chu Yun, who is satisfied with his vanity, is not so angry as he was just now. Instead, he smiles and says to Ye Xiao and others.

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