"Kneel down? Beg for mercy? " Suddenly heard Chu Yun say so, ye Xiao's eyebrows slightly raised, the mouth light vomited out these two words.

"Good, otherwise you can't leave here safely today!" Chu Yun sneered, here is their base camp, he is not afraid of Ye Xiao and others.

Ye Xiao smiles, and then walks forward step by step. Xiao Feng, who was already extremely angry, calms down quickly after seeing ye Xiao open his mouth. Then he holds his hands in front of his chest and looks like watching a good play.

Since ye Xiao is going to intervene in this matter, these people are waiting for bad luck.

Seeing ye Xiao coming towards him, Chu Yun has an ominous premonition in his heart. However, Wang Zhenzhen still holds his arm, which stimulates his androgen. In addition, there are so many brothers around him. He is so bold. Looking at Ye Xiao coldly, he wants to know what this guy wants to do. Of course, the wrench in his right hand is not Tight tight, as long as ye Xiao slightly abnormal, he does not mind directly smashing his head.

Ye Xiao stops a step ahead of Chu Yun, and then looks at Wang Zhenzhen. This glance is like a thunderbolt, which directly hits Wang Zhenzhen's heart. It makes her feel as if standing in front of her is not a person, but a demon who punishes traitors.

"Are you sure you want to go with him?" The cold voice comes out from ye Xiao's mouth and rushes into Wang Zhenzhen's ears, which makes her feel cold all over.

No one expected that ye Xiao would ask such a sentence. At the moment, one by one they looked at Wang Zhenzhen with great interest. Even Chu Yun, though angry in his heart, also wanted to know how Wang Zhenzhen would answer in front of so many people. Now he also looked at her?

Being watched by so many people, especially by Chu Yun, Wang Zhenzhen is in a state of confusion. She takes a look at Chen Dishang, who is pale in the distance. She thinks of all Chu Yun has given herself in the past few days and nods her head.

"Ha ha You will regret it! " Ye Xiao laughed, and his smile was full of sarcasm.

"Regret your paralysis, you..." Seeing ye Xiao as the Savior said such a thing, Chu Yun, who was already angry enough, couldn't help it any longer. He directly held the wrench in his hand and smashed it at Ye Xiao.

Regret, regret, do you really think you are the Savior? However, before he finished his words, he stopped there, just because one hand of Ye Xiao had already grasped his wrist.

Feeling the tremendous force from his wrist, Chu Yun's face changed. He only felt his wrist as if he had been clamped by a pair of tongs. No matter how hard he struggled, he was indifferent.

"Do you want to learn from others' fighting? Ha ha... " Seeing Chu Yun, whose face changed dramatically, a cold smile appeared on the corner of Ye Xiao's mouth. Just as Chu Yun was preparing to fight back, ye Xiao suddenly exerted his hand on his wrist. Then he heard a muffled hum coming from Chu Yun's mouth. The wrench in his hand could not be held any more. The whole face went down and was caught by Ye Xiao's other hand.

"Do you really think a little stinky money is great?" Ye Xiao grabs the wrench and roars in his mouth. Then he smashes the wrench in his hand towards Chu Yun.

"Bang..." A huge bang, the wrench directly hit Chu Yun's forehead, on the spot will hit his forehead out of a blood hole, blood mercilessly flying sprinkle, chuyun's body is hit back.

"Who do you think you're asking me to kneel down?" Angry Ye Xiao once again hit the wrench on Chu Yun's shoulder, and the terrible force directly smashed Chu Yun's shoulder to pieces. Ye Xiao has raised a foot and kicked him in the belly of Chu Yun, kicking his whole body up and finally landing on the ground.

Seeing ye Xiao's attack so cruel, everyone was stunned. Even if they were holding a guy in their hands, no one dared to go forward. After all, they were all a group of dandies, not the gangsters who licked life on the edge of a knife.

Wang Zhenzhen, who was standing by Chu Yun's side just now, was completely stupid. How could she have never thought that this person should be so unreasonable that he said that he would start with his hands, and his attacks were so hot that he didn't know that some people could not offend him?

"You Do you dare to hit me? How dare you hit me You You're dead, I tell you, you're dead! " Chu Yun was beaten with blood all over his body, but the whole person was also furious. From childhood to adulthood, he was not beaten, but no one beat him like this. The pain of broken bones almost made him faint.

But perhaps it was too much pain, he even struggled to stand up and glared at Ye Xiao.

Ye Xiao did not speak, he just twisted the wrench, step by step toward Chu Yun, eyes full of cold!

Chu Yun's scream had already alarmed a group of people on the other side. Even Yang Su Su, who was sitting on Bugatti Weihang, heard the sound. However, her competition with others was about to begin, and she waved to a man standing on the sideline.

"Brother Xiaoyuan, there seems to be a fight over there. Would you go and deal with it?""Well, don't worry about the game. It's up to me." Zhao Xiaoyuan, shangguanfei's younger brother, his father is a vice minister of a certain department. He is also a top dandy in such a big Kyoto. However, he knows the position of the man in shangguanfei's mind. Naturally, he dare not neglect the man's sister. Besides, Yang Su Su Su is friendly. Even if he is regarded as his sister by shangguanfei, he does not have a bit of domineering attitude. He is very friendly with them Good.

At the moment, he took several people to the place where ye Xiao and others were.

This is shangguanfei's territory. If Shangguan Fei is not here, he is the boss here. No one dares not to give him face.

Dandy, we have to be different.

On this side, Chu Yun's face saw Ye Xiao coming towards him again. Although he was shouting, his eyes were full of fear, and his body kept moving backward. He was really afraid of this guy.

As for those around him, he was forced by Ye Xiao's evil spirit for a while, and no one dared to help Chu Yun.

At this time, Chu Yun heard the footsteps coming from behind. When he looked back, he saw Zhao Xiaoyuan and a group of people coming. He was very happy and his Savior came!

"Brother yuan, you come at the right time. You want to make the decision for me. This son of a bitch, he even started to beat people!" Chu Yun did not less come here, and Zhao Xiaoyuan mix old familiar, and no less filial piety Zhao Xiaoyuan, he believes that Zhao Xiaoyuan will come forward for himself.

When other dandies saw Zhao Xiaoyuan coming, they immediately showed a respectful look on their faces. Although they had a strong father, compared with Zhao Xiaoyuan, it was just like a heaven on the ground.

Zhao Shangfei can't stand behind them, and they can't even provoke them.

That's the existence they need to look up to.

"Beating people?" Zhao Xiaoyuan a Leng, he but clearly know Chu Yun this guy, but he often hit people, when did someone hit him? Looking at the direction of Chu Yun's fingers, he saw Ye Xiao, who was full of evil spirits, and suddenly trembled. He knew Ye Xiao clearly.

"Xiaoye, you You Are you here to see Miss susso's competition Just a moment later, Zhao Xiaoyuan thought of the reason why Ye Xiao might be here.

But with his statement, all the people, including Chu Yun, were totally stupid

Xiao Ye?

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