"No way. The real power of fenghuohu is much stronger than that of Xuanwu. Although it is Xuanwu, it has no less power than the martial master of half step Dixian. With our strength, we can't be the enemy at all. We'd better run away before it finds us! " It's hard for Lin Menger to say such strong words once and for all, which can not be opposed by iron heads and others.

Lin Menger knows ye Wumian's real strength. From Lin Menger's point of view, he should have seen the full strength of several of them, and could not compete with fenghuohu at all.

Ye Wuqian made a decision and ordered the people: "let's go at once!"

At this time, the wind and fire tiger suddenly roared, resounding through the whole valley!

"Oh, no, the wind fire tiger has found us. Its nose is very sensitive. Even creatures a mile away can't hide their sense of smell. Now that it's so angry, it definitely found our trail. Now we'd better go quickly!" Lin Menger said anxiously.

Ye Wuqian and others can't take care of so much, and they immediately run away from the valley. But they can sense that the speed of the wind fire tiger behind them is getting faster and faster. It is only a matter of time to catch up with them.

Ye Wuqi quickly looked at the surrounding environment, and countless ideas appeared in his mind. They were all trying to find a way to solve the big problem behind.

In the end, after running more than 1000 meters, fenghuohu was only less than four or five hundred meters away from them. In this way, in less than a minute, ye Wuqian and others were caught up, and then there would be endless troubles.

"Iron head, we can't escape like this. When the wind fire tiger catches up, we will have no physical strength. Even if we can compete with it, we will have no strength." Ye Wu ran and said to the iron head.

"That's right, but we can't help it if we don't escape. Isn't it hard to fight?" Iron head does not know this truth, but at this stage, there is nothing to do.

"We lead the wind fire tiger to a hidden place. Then you can hold it and let me make a fatal blow!" Ye Wuque said calmly.

Iron head just pondered for a while, and immediately nodded his head and agreed. Now, in addition to believing that ye Wuxiang, he has no other way to escape the pursuit of fenghuohu. It's better to fight now.

After a brief discussion between Ye Wuqian and tietou, they divided into two groups.

The wind fire tiger chased the edge of the forest, stopped suddenly, shrugged its black nose, smelled a strange smell, and looked forward. Because ye Wuqian and tietoubing are divided into two ways, tietou and Ergou are responsible for luring fenghuohu, while ye Wuque is with Lin Menger.

There are two prey in both directions. The wind fire tiger is in a struggle. Which side should we go after?

Fenghuohu blinked a few times, and then caught up with the iron head and two dogs. In fact, this is all in Ye Wuqian's calculation. Lin Menger said that most fierce beasts like to hunt and kill prey with accomplishments, so ye Wuque is sure that the wind fire tiger will go after iron head and two dogs.

Tietou and Ergou are both Xuanwu. People who practice martial arts are much more energetic than ordinary people, so they can attract the attention of fenghuohu.


If we can hunt and kill the prey of two metaphysical warriors, and the wind fire tiger devours the bodies of iron head and two dogs, then our cultivation will also be improved. For this purpose, the wind fire tiger will surely catch up with iron head and two dogs.

The roar of the wind fire tiger is resounding in the valley, which frightens the birds and beasts in the valley away,

at this time, a thick golden flame suddenly erupts on the wind fire tiger, covering its whole body in a flash. This is the most powerful place as a fierce beast, and can use the power of heaven and earth.

The natural fire attribute body can control fire power. This is why the fierce beast with the same level of cultivation is so much stronger than the warrior with the corresponding level of cultivation. In addition to having a very strong attack, the fierce beast's defense is also very strong.

The most important thing is that the flexibility of fenghuohu's body is just like its name, and its action is like Fenghuo.

Seeing the huge body of fenghuohu empty finger, with incredible agility, Huoran ran towards the iron head and two dogs in front of him, trying to kill the prey in his eyes. Iron head and two dogs of the exuberant blood of the wind fire tiger is too tempting, so it attracted all its attention, so as to chase with the fastest speed.

Iron head and two dogs do not dare to look back. With their strength, they dare not challenge the Feng Huo tiger head in the face. It's hitting the stone with an egg. I'm afraid we can smash both of them into a pile of rotten meat just because of the attack of the wind fire tiger.

Fortunately, the dog will not be able to keep up with the wind and fire for a long time, but it will take a lot of time for the dog to catch up with the wind and fire.

Iron head and two dogs come to a mountain wall which has no way to go. They both climb up quickly and look down from it.

"Boss, why should we promise that boy? If he let us lead the monster away, what can we do?" Two dogs think very reasonable, ye Wuqian and they are only temporary cooperation after all, not much trust.If you want to be like what two dogs said, ye Wuqian deliberately asked them to lure away fenghuohu, but he ran away with Lin Menger, then they were wrongly killed.

"I believe that man, he won't leave us and run away alone." Said the iron head confidently.

"Boss, I really don't understand. Why do you believe that boy so much?" Two dogs are still a little confused.

"Ha ha, if we die, then they will not be so easy to escape." Iron head raised his hand to stop the second dog's words, and said: "it's urgent. We'd better find a way to hold this fierce beast! You should have seen the man's means. Maybe you can get rid of this fierce beast. "

Even tietou believes Ye Wuqian so much. Ergou naturally has no way but to believe it together. However, he still hopes that the eldest one does not see the wrong person. This time, however, is related to the lives of the two people. If you are not careful, they may die here.

When tietou and Ergou were standing on the mountain wall, fenghuohu had already caught up with him. Seeing that the two prey in his eyes did not escape, his eyes showed a somewhat disappointed look. It is estimated that fenghuohu and tietou had a good time just now.

"Shit, boss, look at the look in this beast's eyes, and you don't take us seriously at all!" It's strange that two dogs are despised by an animal.

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