Iron head is much calmer than two dogs. After all, he has decided to fight with fenghuohu. What's the significance of the other side's scorn? It's of no use except to add a little bit of unwillingness to yourself.

"Come on, let's delay as long as we can, hoping the nameless kid is ready!" Iron head orders two dogs, let them hand to deal with the fierce beast below.

Bang Bang

There are many big trees and big trees that can be killed by the big trees and the big trees.

Of course, this is just two people's wishful thinking. If you want to deal with fenghuohu with these things, it's just like a fool talking about dreams. If it's that simple, they won't have to be so afraid.

The strength of the wind fire tiger is even stronger than iron head and two dogs imagine. Where can you put only big stones and big trees in your eyes. I saw that pair of big eyes showed a fierce light, it raised its hand, and then it was facing the big rock, immediately split the big stone into pieces.


The ground is covered with white powder. These are masterpieces made of powder by fenghuohu.

"My day! This is too strong, even we face so many things, we can not do this, ah, so light cut into powder Seeing all this, two dogs opened their mouths in surprise.

"Don't worry about that much. We just need to do the things we are responsible for, and then we will see the nameless boy." Iron head face is cold and stern, and he doesn't have much in mind. The strength of fenghuohu is too amazing. If there was no defense from them, they would have rushed to tear them to pieces.

In this way, iron head and two dogs kept pounding stones and tree trunks, while fenghuohu was constantly splitting into powder, which could not cause any damage to fenghuohu. And two dogs and iron head can see that the wind fire tiger seems to like to play games with their prey, deliberately did not immediately rush up to tear them up.

This is just the mind of iron head and two dogs. Ye Wuqian means to ask them to procrastinate as much as possible. It seems that this move takes a period of time to accumulate strength.

The good thing about today's situation is that the fenghuohu is not going to kill them, so it is the biggest success to attract them to live here.

After a long time, iron head and two dogs are mechanical to smash things, the wind and fire tiger below is to smash the things smashed. It's just that the fun of this game can't last long. Besides, the rocks and trees on the mountain wall are gone.


The wind and fire tiger roared at the iron head and two dogs on the mountain wall, as if they were shouting. They should throw down the toys quickly, otherwise they would eat you.

But iron head and two dogs have already removed the things on the mountain wall, and now there is no stone.

"Brother tiger, we don't have anything to play with you now. Why don't you let us change places and play with you again?" Two dogs toward the wind and fire tiger below squeeze out a smile, it seems quite flattering posture.

Unfortunately, the wind fire tiger is cruel. Seeing that iron head and two dogs no longer play with it, violent factors in the blood burst out.


The wind and fire tiger suddenly rose from the sky and rushed to the two people in the mountain wall.

"Ah! Boss, here comes the beast. What shall we do? " The two dogs were so scared that they yelled at the iron head.

Iron head is also very frightened, let two dogs such a roar, he also became particularly afraid, fiercely scolded: "Grass Mud Horse, you shout what ghost, now it is such a situation, what can we do, use all means to deal with that beast."

After two dogs let iron head so scolded, sure enough, the whole person became calm and began to look at the wind fire tiger in front of him. I saw that the wind fire tiger is like a God coming down to the earth, powerful and fierce, a step across a few meters.

Iron head and two dogs have seen tigers before, but they have never seen such fierce beasts. Their body height of more than five meters is enough to frighten people.

"Boss, has the nameless little boy done? If we don't come, we'll be dead." The two dogs waved one hand after another to the Feng Huo tiger, but hitting the tiger's body only slightly slowed down the tiger's action, and could not form any damage at all.

At this time, iron head began to some doubt whether they believe in the wrong person, fenghuohu will be in front of them at the next moment.

"I'm here. I've kept you waiting!" A calm voice came from the air.

Iron head light Yi, then is to both sides to see, but did not see the leaves without a trace.

Two dogs said excitedly: "Mr. nameless, you can be regarded as coming, go and solve the animal quickly!"

When Er Gou's voice just fell, countless thick vines suddenly fell from the sky!

These vines are as thick as adults' arms. It's hard to imagine that they can grow such strong vines. But now this is not important, because these vines seem to be opening a big net, which will soon trap the wind fire tiger."Ouch..."

The wind and fire tiger realized that there was an ambush here. He was very angry. Originally it was the hunter, but now it seems that other people regard it as prey. How can the arrogant bear it?

The wind and fire tiger angrily bit the vines twining on his body. With his cruel claws, he tore them like crazy. When the tree vines were stunned, they broke free a lot.

The huge body creates the terrible power of the wind fire tiger. If you want to use this kind of tree rattan net, you can't trap it, even if it is replaced by iron chain net. It is also fragile for the wind fire tiger, and it can be easily torn into pieces.

Iron head and two dogs originally up the joy, immediately subsided, face became particularly ugly. They thought there would be some way to solve the problem of fenghuohu. Now it seems that these vines can't work at all!

"Grass, is there something wrong with that boy's brain? Does he know that such a fierce beast is terrible only by its strength? It's really ridiculous that he wants to use such a crude tree to deal with it!" Two dogs are very angry and laugh.

Iron head's face is also the same ugly, if ye Wuwu has only such means, then they are doomed this time, they have to become the belly meal of the wind fire tiger.

"No, that boy knows how to come back, so he must have some moves to kill him. Otherwise, why do you come back and die?" Iron head after anger, quickly recovered calm, think carefully to understand that things are not as simple as they see.

Sure enough, ye Wumian appeared from the forest and called to the two people on the mountain wall: "you go to harass the wind fire tiger and divert its attention!"

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