When tietou and Ergou heard this, they would not refuse. They knew ye Wumian's meaning. They should have a back to deal with the fenghuohu, so they were very obedient to attack the fenghuohu.

Bang Bang

Suddenly, trapped in the thick rattan net, the wind fire tiger needs to tear off the vines on one side, and has to bear the harassment of two small ants in its eyes, iron head and two dogs, on the other side. The anger in the bottom of my heart is more and more intense.

"Grass! This animal is really thick skinned and rough. We can be regarded as a martial arts expert. Under full attack, it can deal with it calmly. " Iron head and two dogs show all kinds of tricks, trying to be able to seriously hurt the wind fire tiger, want to completely kill the wind fire tiger, they will not have this kind of fantastic idea.

Although the fenghuohu didn't suffer much damage on the surface, its body was still seriously impacted. Therefore, the fenghuohu was full of blood and suddenly wanted to rush to kill tietou and two dogs.


In the extreme anger of the wind fire tiger body of the flame roared up, become incomparably hot, twining in the body of the vines instantly turned into ashes. At this time, there are only two people in the eyes of fenghuohu, that is, iron head and two dogs. Two creatures like mole ants dare to resist it and live impatiently.


The wind, fire and tiger roared down the mountains and rocks in the valley. For a moment, there were flying sand and rocks all over the sky. The strong wind made it comparable to the powerful beast of half step Dixian. Its strength was really beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

"The nameless boy, is it ok now! Boss, look at that beast's eyes. How angry we are! I guess it wants to swallow me and you alive now. It's all due to that stinky boy. Let's tempt the Fenghuo tiger. We can't escape now. This beast will certainly not let us go. " Two dogs in the heart worried said.

On the contrary, iron head's mood has never been so calm, even if the wind fire tiger in front of him is about to rush over, but he is still calm. Why on earth is this? Maybe it's his trust in Ye Wuqian. He always feels that ye Wuque is not so simple as he sees it.

Iron head is still to use their own strength to attack the wind fire tiger, there is no idea to escape.

The next two dogs have never seen such a iron head. Today's iron head is calm and calm. It seems that he is doing a very ordinary thing. He doesn't pay attention to fenghuohu.

This subversion of the concept of two dogs made him feel confused, so he asked iron head: "boss, do we have to stick to it? That stinky boy clearly wants us to be bait, so that he can fight for time to escape

"Well, I think so, but do you think there's any other way to believe him?" Iron head said a word that makes two dogs hard to refute.

Yeah! Two dogs thought, now in addition to believe in the nameless that bastard, what else can they do?

Since both of them have reached the point where there is no retreat, they will not worry about gain or loss. They just need to exhaust their final strength and leave the rest to God.

Finally, the wind fire tiger against the iron head and the fierce attack of two dogs, momentum like thunder shuttle, gallop.

"Ah! Boss, trouble! " Two dogs were frightened, opened his eyes wide and exclaimed excitedly.

Iron head saw the wind fire tiger in front of his eyes, as if he could feel the blazing heat, and said: "it's really bad."

Iron head and two dogs think that this time should be finished, but at this time, all of a sudden, the air shuttle and a stunning light column.

This column of light contains pure and powerful energy, and the space collapses and the water vapor explodes.

"Ah! What the hell is going on here? " Two dogs can feel that powerful light column, how strong the power is. If the target is him, then he absolutely has no way to avoid it. He can only watch and let the light column penetrate his body.

"Have you not been waiting for nameless to come and save us? Now he has made a move, that is, to deal with the Red Devils in the channel, and even half a step of the earth immortals have to retreat! " Iron head was shocked and looked at the light column, and his heart was fascinated.

The power of this light pillar did not fail to live up to the expectations of iron head and two dogs. It was like lightning shooting at the wind fire tiger.

Fenghuohu was determined to kill the iron head and two dogs in front of him, so he didn't find out the attack of the light column in time. When it found out, it was already late. To use its position, it was obviously unable to avoid the attack of the light column. It had to fight against it, just like the choice made by the Red Devils.

If the wind fire tiger and the red devil are in the same state of cultivation, ye Wuqian will surely take other people and leave here immediately, never staying for a second. However, ye Wuqian thinks that the wind fire tiger has no human intelligence, so he stays, because he heard that the body of the wind fire tiger is very useful to the practitioners.

The tiger's eyes, which were already like lanterns, opened their ferocious mouth. Their huge teeth, which were five meters long, were shining with cold light."Roar!"

Fenghuohu is as powerful as a half step Dixian. How can it be willing to die in this place and then exert its own power. There are bursts of bright red Qi in the body. These shoes are all wind fire tigers. I don't know how many years it took to have such a huge amount of genuine Qi. However, compared with the human warrior, it is still slightly less pure.

If the true Qi of fenghuohu is as pure as that of ordinary warriors, I believe no one can resist such a wild beast.

"Boss, look at that beast. It seems that its strength has become a little stronger. Just now it didn't exert all its strength, but it almost killed us." Two dogs pointed to the wind fire tiger and said in surprise.

"Ha ha, what's the matter? Even if it uses all its strength now, it is still doomed to die. With this move of the unknown boy, it is estimated that it can not resist." Iron head says confidently, the strength that leaves without lack is quite approbated.

Sure enough, the wind fire tiger in the mouth formed a huge ball of light, blooming with terrible light.

"Ah! It's too scary, boss. Look at the power ball in the beast's mouth. If it hits us, will we disappear in an instant? " Two dogs asked.

Iron head did not answer two dogs' questions, because at this time, he was also shocked, and how to have the mind to answer two dogs' confusion.

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