
The wind fire tiger gradually compresses the energy ball in its mouth, so that its power can be enhanced a little bit. The two reflect each other, like a beautiful aurora in the sky.

Looking at the wind fire tiger in the distance, ye Wuqi said in surprise: "no, that monster's strength can be so strong, I don't know that my mieshen finger can resist."

In any case, the two sides of the most powerful move are already on the arrow, have to send, the final just need to wait for the results.

Tie tou, er Gou and Lin meng'er are all shocked by this, and they have no confidence in which side will win. Only one thing is certain, that is, if any party loses the battle in the face-to-face confrontation, death will be welcome. The difference is that fenghuohu is one life, while ye Wuque is four lives.

Therefore, several people are praying at the bottom of their hearts, hoping that ye Wuwu can kill fenghuohu in one fell swoop.


Finally, the light column of mieshen and the energy ball of fenghuohu finally collided head-on. Just after a violent collision, they even burst into a terrifying aura, and a huge afterwave spread.

The iron head three people are blown down by the huge impact force, only ye Wuque and fenghuohu are still unable to move. They open their eyes and look at the scene in front of them, because they all have to watch each other die in front of themselves.

"Ah! Go to hell Ye Wu is short of explosive roar, voice and color are fierce.

"Oh Fenghuohu is also not willing to be outdone. In its eyes, ye Wuwu is just like a mole ant, unable to resist it at all.


The energy contained in the energy ball of the wind fire tiger is higher than that of the mieshen finger. However, the mieshen finger is characterized by breaking through the surface, which shows that it will not be afraid of the huge energy of the wind fire tiger. Instead, it penetrates through the energy ball and finally hits the heart of the wind fire tiger.


A column of blood sprayed on the body of the wind fire tiger, and became a brilliant star light in the aurora.

The wind fire tiger roared and looked at the blood column in his heart. I'm afraid that the wind fire tiger can't believe that he will be killed by a yellow level human warrior.


The wind fire tiger fell down in his eyes. There was a blood hole in the heart which was just the size of a fist. Compared with the huge body of the wind fire tiger, it was so small.

At the same time, ye Wuque also fell down. Looking at the wind fire tiger, he could not help but show his joy. It must be said that it is an astonishing achievement to be able to kill a warrior whose strength is comparable to that of human half step Dixian.

At present, ye Wuqian is only in the middle of yellow level, and he can kill the master of half step Dixian, and it is still under the premise that he has not completely consolidated the realm of Middle Yellow level.

"Yes! It can be regarded as killing this animal. I thought it would die here. " Ye Wuqi has little confidence in whether he can kill fenghuohu, because the strength shown by the other side is really shocking. How dare he imagine this scene?

Next to Lin Menger first noticed Ye Wuqian's strange appearance, and immediately went over to hold Ye Wuqian. She knew that ye Wuqian's move was to exhaust all her Qi in her body.

"Nameless, are you all right?" Lin meng'er asks Ye Wuqian in a low voice, with a trace of concern in his eyes.

Ye Wumian shook his head and said, "I'm ok. I'm just a little tired. I'll recover after a rest."

"Well, I'll hold you to rest."

Lin Menger's good intentions were rejected by Ye Wuqian. He reluctantly propped up his body and then said to him, "don't let those two people know what I'm doing at this time, or there will be unnecessary trouble."

Lin Menger has been reminded by Ye Wumian that he knows the darkness of the world very well. If you want to survive in this world, sometimes you must keep your wits and the city government. Don't let others see through their cards. Only in this way can others not despise them.

Iron head and two dogs saw that the powerful wind fire tiger died in Ye Wuqian's hands with one move, showing fear in their eyes.

They went to Ye Wuqian and said in awe: "Mr. nameless, you are really admirable. You can kill that terrible beast with only one move. I'm afraid that under half a step of the earth immortal, it's hard for anyone to fight against it."

"Ha ha, in fact, I spent a lot of skills. It's not easy to clean up this fierce beast." Leaves without lack of light said.

Tietou thinks that ye Wuqian is deliberately modest and doesn't want to let people know his real strength, but this is also very reasonable. After all, he has entered the ancient tomb, and the rest of them are a big problem.

Ye Wumian does not speak clearly, which makes tietou believe that ye Wuqian is a strong man and can kill the warriors below half step Dixian. Such a fierce martial arts master, iron head in addition to please, the rest is not dare to make a fool of.

Ye Wuqian comforts the two men of iron head, while he carefully runs the star formula to restore his true Qi. In such a dangerous place as ancient tombs, it's better to try to keep full of genuine Qi.

"Gentlemen, I want to trouble you with something. Would you like to help me?" Ye Wuqi asked suddenly."Mr. nameless, it's very kind of you. If you have anything, just tell me. We can't do it." Two dogs have completely worshipped Ye Wuqian's strength. The red devil is like this, even the wind fire tiger. No one can resist ye Wuque's attack.

When Lin Menger heard the speech, he turned to stare at ye Wuque, and the meaning of it was estimated that only the two of them could understand.

"Just listen to what Lin Menger said." Ye Wuqi is handed over to Lin Menger to deal with it, while he stands aside to restore his true Qi.

Lin Menger happily took iron head and two dogs to the body of the wind fire tiger, with a knife in his hand, as if to dissect the body of the wind fire tiger.

According to Lin Menger, there is a thing called "animal pill" in fenghuohu's body, which is highly sought after by practitioners. It can exchange many things in the ghost tomb gate, which is of great value.

Fortunately, no one was injured in the battle of fenghuohu, but it only consumed Qi. Now I can only hope that there will not be such a powerful beast again. Even ye Wuxiang has no way to deal with it.

Just when ye Wuwei began to resume his cultivation, he suddenly turned his head and looked at the big tree not far away.


In the woods came a dense gunshot, and the target was Lin Menger and iron head who were dealing with the corpse.

The two dogs, who had been ready to fight, were immediately frightened by the dense gunfire and dropped their knives to the ground. Then they looked into the forest where the bullets were fired.

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