Now, as expected, something happened!

What about women? It's a disaster!

The girl who talks big x is the disaster in the disaster water

Ye Xiao wants to leave yibao'er alone and follow the lobby manager to the emperor's room. However, she has no parents since she was a child, and her life experience is quite poor. In addition, Murong Mingyan's advice also makes her not really let go of her!

"Gentlemen, what is this for?" Ye Xiao stepped forward and stood behind her, no, in front of her.

"Hehe, little sister, what's your name?" The man who took the lead didn't look at Ye Xiao at all, and said directly to yibao'er, who was leaning against the wall!

"Wang Shao, this..." The manager of the lobby in front of him saw this posture and cried in his heart. One was a guest of the emperor, the other was a frequent visitor of Jinling. Wang Mo ran, the eldest young master of Wang's family, could not offend her. She wanted to explain a few words and point out the identity of Ye Xiao. However, she was slapped in the face by a woman!

"When Wang Shao talks, where can you interrupt?"

Poor that lobby manager, can only look at Ye Xiao with dim eyes!

See this group of people domineering to this point, ye Xiaohuo, and then lowered his head!

Brother bow is not brother low-key, but brother is looking for bricks!

It's a pity that I haven't seen a brick after looking for it for a long time!

"What does my name have to do with you?" At this time, yibao'er took a look at the man and cried out angrily!

It seems that I don't know what to fear at all!

"Ha ha, you see, how interesting this sister is..." Wang Shao, known as Wang Shao, was not angry. Instead, he laughed at the people around him!

"Brother Ye Xiao, they make fun of me. Can you help me teach them a lesson?" Yi Bao Er mumbles small mouth, pull Ye Xiao's arm to say!

At this time, this group of talents looked at Ye Xiao with great interest. They wanted to see how the guy named Ye Xiao by Lori answered!

In their opinion, this young man who looks down at them should be afraid of speechless, right? In front of this lovely Lori, I would have lost face.

But ye Xiao's actions obviously let them down

"Good, but you'll have to be obedient in the future." Ye Xiao agreed to come down. Just now he saw that the group of people were not satisfied. He was just looking for bricks. Now there are no bricks, and they can only be replaced by fists!

"Well I will be obedient in the future Yibao'er nodded her head forcefully. Wang Shao was moved by her. What a lovely Lori! If she could be pressed under her body, tut Tut, it would be exciting to think of it!

It's just depressing that there is this guy. What did he say just now? He said yes? Can he deal with himself?

Young master Wang looks at Ye Xiao with great interest. He wants to see how he comes to the fore for this lovely Lori!

Ye Xiao slowly raised his head and looked at the man who was almost as tall as him. Then he grinned, revealing two rows of white teeth, and then suddenly burst out a punch

Wang Yang was surprised. He didn't expect this guy to shoot at himself, and he didn't expect that the speed of his move was so fast!

The body quickly retreated back, but still did not avoid Ye Xiao's blow. He heard a slap, which had already hit his nose. Then he saw two blood flowing out of his nostrils

Everyone is surprised, obviously did not think that ye Xiao dare to start, don't he know the identity of this person in front of him? Even if he didn't know, how dare he do it in front of so many people?

Not to mention that everyone has their own bodyguards, there are several good players in this group, especially Wang Dashao, who has cultivated national skills since childhood. How dare he do it?

"It turned out to be a practitioner!" Ye Xiao was also slightly surprised. At first, he thought that he was an ordinary dandy. His fist was enough to break the bridge of the nose of the other party. However, he avoided him, only bleeding!

"You are looking for death..." A wipe off the nostrils of blood, Wang Yang pointed to Ye Xiao angrily scolded out!

Who is he? He is the eldest young master of the Wang family. He is the eldest son of Wang tiannu, the godfather of XX forces in the north city of Jinghai city. From childhood to adulthood, who dares to beat him in addition to his father?

Now that Wang tiannu is old, many of the gang's affairs are left to him to take care of. It can be said that he has become the existence of the north city. Jinling is opened in the north city. Even if he is the mayor's son, he should respectfully call Yang elder brother when he meets him in the north city. However, he dares to do it by himself. This is not a death seeking thing!

The manager of the lobby on one side is even more frightened. This boy, he dare to fight Wang Dashao. Even if he has a friend who has reserved the imperial room, he can't provoke the eldest Master Wang. Is it possible that he doesn't know the power of the eldest master?

"Ha ha, this is what I want to say to you Xiaoye's smile is not a fright!

"Young master, let me come Where do you need your help... " When Wang Yang is ready to do anything to Ye Xiao, a cold voice suddenly rings out from behind the crowd!"Well, Xiaohui, give me his hands first..." Wang Yang really stopped and took a step back!

Then a man in black came out from behind the crowd. He nodded to Wang at first, and then said to Ye Xiao, "Hello, ye Shao, we have met again!"

See you again? Meet your sister. When did I see you? Question mark in Ye Xiaoman's mind!

Other people, including Wang Yang, are also stunned. How does Xiaohui know this guy?

"Ha ha, ye Shao may not have seen me, but my younger brother Wang Qi was worshipping you that morning. I saw it in my eyes." Jin Xiaohui smiles!

Ye Xiao is also a blank face, and Wang Yang on the side of the side is looking at Ye Xiao's eyes have changed, is this boy beat his own useless brother in three moves? Let him give up taekwondo elective martial arts?

"Ha ha, if ye Shao doesn't know me, I'll forget it. But from now on, you will firmly remember it!" With that, Jin Xiaohui's body has taken the lead in rushing to Ye Xiao

Jin Xiaohui's speed is very fast, very, very fast. Almost at the moment of his voice falling, his figure has come to Ye Xiao's body. A straight punch hits Ye Xiao's nose. Ye Xiao sneers and punches the boy on the nose. Do you want to beat him back?

When he was about to block, he felt the chill coming from below. When he fixed his eyes, he even gave himself a knee top at the same time!

How did this kid do it?

Shocked in the heart, ye Xiao doesn't dare to dodge, because yibao'er is behind him. Once he dodges, yibao'er will bear the brunt of it!

Even if he doesn't have to dodge, ye Xiao has more than ten ways to kill this person at one stroke, because although he attacks his upper and lower plates at the same time, he is also the weakest opponent. He can completely ignore his kick and block his neck, but in that case, he will surely die!

This is not a battlefield. Ye Xiao is not a murderer. You can't kill people when you see people!

Can't hide, can't kill, what ye Xiao can do is resist with all one's strength!

But once resisted, it will suffer from the other party's continuous attack, which is not ye Xiao's style!

Wrist a turn, a flying knife has appeared in the hand, knife awn flash, directly to Jin Xiaohui's fist!

Jin Xiaohui is shocked. In fact, he has full confidence in his move. No matter whether ye Xiao is hiding or dodging, he has full confidence to let Ye Xiao suffer a dull loss. After all, he still has full confidence in the hardness of his fist!

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