But who knows Ye Xiao can not resist at all, also do not give out the fist and his own hard fight, unexpectedly directly pulled out a knife, this is also too shameless!

His fist is hard, but he has not won the point where the knife and gun can not be reached!

Facing the knife drawn by Ye Xiao, Xiaohui had to take back his fist. This fist was taken back. The body that had bow shaped was also out of balance. But ye Xiao suddenly turned around at this time, then he kicked heavily in Xiaohui's belly with a heavy kick. The huge force kicked him out and knocked down the back of the people!

Others were surprised, obviously did not expect to be powerful as Xiaohui unexpectedly defeated, but when they saw the knife in Ye Xiao's hand, they were born and scolded: "mean!"

Ye Xiaocai did not pay attention to each other's abuse, if he was not mean, now lying on the ground is not a person but a body!

Wang Yang's face beside him is also strange. How could he not expect the boy to play cards so unreasonably? It should have been two men fighting barehanded and empty handed. But he even took the knife out, which is too shameless, right?

But since you are so shameless, don't blame me for being polite!

Wang Yang thought in his heart, suddenly directly from his arms out of a black desert eagle aimed at Ye Xiao's head

"Boy, aren't you so good? Look at your knife, or my bullet Wang Yang's face showed a happy smile!

China is a society ruled by law, and it is also strictly managed for guns, but it is only for ordinary people. For special people like Wang Yang, it is also treated specially!

At least Wang Yang has a gun license in his hand. As for playing with what kind of gun, it is not easy to make a desert eagle with the power of XX force in the whole North City!

See black lacquer gunshot, ye Xiao pupil suddenly shrink together, what identity of this boy? How to practice pistols all out?

Surprised at the same time, the anger slowly dissipated, instead of killing!

Yes, it was naked killing. Just now, he just wanted to teach the arrogant and domineering people a lesson, but he dared to use a gun to himself!

Those who dare to shoot their heads are now in hell?

No one can threaten yourself with guns in this world mountain. No one can!

The killing spirit of the heaven spread out, the right hand of the knife is tighter!

"Boy, put the knife down..." Feeling the cold killing intention of Ye Xiaona, a group of Wang Yang people even felt the inexplicable cold, especially Wang Yang. He even felt a strong pressure, as if the gun was not himself, but the other side?

How can it be? This guy is so strong that he can get faster than the bullet? Why does he feel such pressure? Is it afraid?

Perhaps because of fear, so Wang Yang's body unconsciously back a step, is to threaten Ye Xiao to lose the flying knife!

Ye Xiao did not do what he said. He just looked at Wang Yang with cold eyes. He was thinking about it. Once he had shot, his bullet would hurt him by mistake. He was confident to avoid bullet attack, but he was behind him!

Yi bao'er seems to know what ye Xiao is thinking. Her body is moving away from behind Ye Xiao quietly!

Ye Xiao's mouth slightly raised, he smiled, this is a sensible child!

But Wang Yang's heart but feel a cold, he some do not understand, why the pressure will be greater!

Just in his can not help but pressure to shoot, and ye Xiao is about to hand, a sound of the nature sounded: "Wang Shao, ye Shao, what are you doing?"

Ye Xiao was laughing bitterly in his heart. How could he come to the fairy general character every time he had to conflict with these big masters?

Last time, it was Bai Qifei. This time, it was the Great Master Wang

With the arrival of ancient rhyme, a warm feeling diffuses in the hearts of all people, just like the sunshine in the cold winter and the month, melting the cold cold, melting the killing intention of Ye Xiao!

Wang Yang was still under pressure to breathe, and he also took up the desert eagle in his hand, and seemed to feel that it was a blasphemy to her to use the force in front of her!

"Ancient rhyme also knows this friend?" Wang Qi smiled and said to yiguyun!

"Well, this time I asked him to come here for dinner!" I nodded with a smile in ancient rhyme!

"Oh, there were some little conflicts with this friend just now, but since it is your friend of ancient rhyme, it will be even!" Wang Yang also smiled, he was really a little palpitation, but also fortunately, he came in accordance with ancient rhyme. He also found the steps, not only need to bear the pressure just now, but also let it bear his own feelings!

Small contradiction? They all pulled out the guns. Is that a small contradiction?

The poem of Peng Ying on the side disdains the lips, but it is obviously impossible to say so according to the ancient rhyme!"Ha ha, thank you, Wang Shao. Some other day, the ancient rhyme will hold a banquet for Wang Shao in Jinling. When the time comes, Wang Shao can't refuse!" According to the ancient rhyme said with a smile!

"Hehe, the ancient rhyme invites you, dare not say goodbye! There are still some things to do today, so I'll leave first! " Wang Yang said with a smile!

"Please!" According to the ancient rhyme, he made a gesture of empty invitation!

Wang Yang smiles at yiguyun, and then beckons the group of people behind him to walk past!

"Are you all right?" When Wang Yang and others left, according to Gu Yun's worry, he asked Ye Xiao!

One side of Peng Ying poem curled his lips, can he do something like that? It's good that he doesn't beat people up!

"Nothing But who's that kid? It looks like it's pretty cute... " Ye Xiao shook his head, indicating that he was OK!

According to the ancient rhyme is a face of bitter smile, in its mouth? Even if they don't have it, can you? With a knife the size of a thumb, how dare you fight against other people's desert eagle? Who the hell is this?

"Wang Yang, the eldest son of Wang tiannu, the godfather of XX forces in Beicheng, is also Wang Qi's eldest brother. The man who covers his belly is called Jin Xiaohui. He is one of the Eight Generals around Wang tiannu and is a taekwondo master. Wang Qi learned Taekwondo from him! But it seems that he should be loyal to Wang Yang! " Although the heart a burst of bitter smile, but according to the ancient rhyme or careful explanation for ye Xiao!

"He is Wang Qi's eldest brother? Then he and Wang Qi... " Ye Xiao is a little depressed. How to say that Wang Qi is also his apprentice now, and Wang Qi is good to him. At least, he stood by his side in several crises yesterday. Now he has a conflict with his elder brother. If this affects the relationship between them, it is not good!

"Ha ha, their two brothers are not born with each other. Wang Yang was born to Wang tiannu's wife, but his wife died early, and Wang Qi was born to Wang tiannu's concubine. Now that concubine has been righted, and Wang tiannu loves that concubine very much, so he loves Wang Qi in every way." It seems that ye Xiao's concern is general, according to the ancient rhyme continue to explain.

Concubine? Nima, now it's the 21st century, how dare someone go to two wives? Do you want to do the same in the future?

In the mind disorderly thought, but ye Xiao also understood that according to the ancient rhyme this sentence disclosed to him many news!

The first is that the relationship between the two is not harmonious. The second is that some contradictions may arise between them. It seems that Wang Qi is not a fool either!

If you worship yourself as a teacher, why don't you mean to attract yourself?

Hehe, it's interesting. Ye Xiao didn't plan to insert other people's family affairs, but now he has a conflict with Wang Yang. If Wang Qi needs his help, he doesn't mind giving him a helping hand!

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