Xie Chen immediately transferred the brothers from the major cities to Kyoto, and arranged them according to ye yubai's instructions.

Today, more than a thousand people have sneaked into Kyoto.

These are the elite for Longyao society to open up new territory and expand its territory. Such a force is enough to make any Gang tremble.

Xie Chen believes that such a force, if not the backing, even the Kyoto Mafia Godfather Xiao Zhentian, also dare not underestimate.

But today, Xie Chen suddenly received the order of the president, let all brothers prepare, and he was called on by the president, driving a Mercedes Benz to this side.

Now there are only himself and the president on the car. To be honest, Xie Chen is still worried. After all, this is Kyoto, and this is not their territory.

Although thousands of brothers came to Kyoto in batches, they should not attract the attention of the Kyoto gangs, but there is no airtight wall in the world. If the gangs in Kyoto detect something, it will be troublesome.

For the first time, Xie Chen put forward suggestions to ye yubai. He was not afraid of his own affairs. He was just worried about what had happened to ye yubai.

However, ye yubai laughed and said nothing more. He just asked him to drive. However, Xie Chen had to drive this way in person.

however, in his heart, he secretly vowed that if something really happened, no matter what the cost, he would also ensure ye yubai's safety.

At this time, a black Humvee appeared in front of him. Two men were leaning against the Hummer and smoking cigarettes. Although they were still separated by a certain distance, Xie Chen's pupils suddenly contracted together.

By instinct, he felt a dangerous smell in the two men, just like a lamb meeting a tiger and a lion.

Even he felt instinctive fear.

Xie Chen is going to speed up. This car has been specially modified, all of which are bullet proof glass. If the other party really wants to do something to them, as long as the speed is fast enough, the other party can't help it. But when he is going to speed up, he hears Ye yubai's voice: "stop!"

Parking? Xie Chen thought that he had heard the wrong thing. There were no people here, and the nearest brother arranged by him was three kilometers away from here. When he stopped, what should he do if something happened?

"Stop!" Unexpectedly, ye yubai said again. Xie Chen didn't dare to resist. He reduced the speed directly, and finally stopped at a place not far away from the Humvee.

Xie Chen is about to get out of the car to open the door for ye yubai, but who knows that the car is not completely stable. The president ye yubai has already kicked the door open and rushed down directly. Xie Chen can even see a trace of excitement on ye yubai's face. Yes, it is exciting.

But the feeling of first love is not the same?

But worried about ye yubai's danger, he didn't think about it too much. He jumped out of the car at the first time and put his hand in his arms. As long as the two men in front of him changed slightly, he would take out the pistol without hesitation.

Protecting ye yubai is his mission!

In his heart, ye yubai's life is more important than anything, and he doesn't allow ye yubai to be hurt in any way.

"Brother Xiao!" But to Xie Chen's surprise, ye yubai, who just got off the bus, looked like a young boy who saw his first love. He ran directly to the man in Zhongshan suit and called respectfully.

Yes, it's respectful. Xie Chen never thought that brother yubai would be so respectful to a person. In the past three months, he followed ye yubai and met many big people. Even the mayor of Jinghai City, yubai brother would not be so respectful. At most, he was polite. But now, he is so respectful to such a man. This

Xie Chen surprised do not know what to do, a hand is still in the arms, but do not know to take out!

"You son of a bitch, you are more and more like a big brother now!" Ye Xiao burst out laughing. He hit ye yubai's chest with a fist, and then they hugged each other fiercely. Although the separation time was not long, the two brothers felt as if they were separated by ten levels!

"Hey, hey..." In the face of Ye Xiao's teasing, ye yubai just smiles and seems to be embarrassed. However, when he sees Bai Chou Fei standing beside Ye Xiao, his face changes.

How did brother Xiao get together with this guy?

"What? Don't you know me, little boy Seeing ye yubai looking at himself, Bai Chou Fei ha ha.

"Hey, how can you not know me? In my heart, you are the most admired person in the world except brother Xiao. Unfortunately, you are not born at the right time. You meet my brother Xiao, haha!" Ye yubai laughed.

"Ha ha ha, it's my honor to get such praise from ye yubai, the godfather of Jinghai city. Ha ha ha, but remember, one day, I will defeat your brother Xiao!" Bai choufei is not angry. He appreciates ye yubai's character.

"Hey, that's impossible!" Ye yubai sneered. He didn't believe that anyone in the world could beat his brother Xiao!"Well, don't say it. This is your new brother?" Ye Xiao also ha ha a smile, the friendship between men, sometimes is so scolded out.

"Well, thanks, come here soon. I've met brother Xiao!" Ye Yu nodded and said to Xie Chen.

Xie Chen suddenly woke up, and suddenly appeared in his mind a lot of brothers in the meeting. The legend about the last president of Longyao society was that the one in front of him was Ye Xiao, the eldest brother of jade white brother.

The myth of the whole world, the real king of the underground world of Jinghai city?

At the thought of each other's identity, Xie Chen's whole body was shaking. He didn't expect that jade white brother would bring himself to see this man.

"Brother Xiao!" Xie Chen trotted up and bowed to Ye Xiao, respectfully.

"Ha ha, young man is good, very good, very alert, but fortunately you did not draw the gun, otherwise you have already lying on the ground, this is Bai choufei, you are younger, just call Feige!" Ye Xiao ha ha ha a smile, but also hard to pat Xie Chen's shoulder, a pair of daunting appearance.

"Feige!" Xiao Xie wiped the cold sweat on his forehead and quickly called to Bai choufei. He did not doubt Ye Xiao's words. From ye Xiao and Bai choufei's body, he felt instinctive fear. Even in ye yubai's body, he could not find this fear.

If they just did not know how to draw the gun, they have at least a hundred ways to put themselves on the ground.

This is still worried about their own people, if it is other people, I don't know how to die.

"Well, don't say any more. Have the people I asked you to arrange have been arranged?" Ye Xiao turns her head and looks at ye yubai.

"It's all set up!" Ye yubai nodded heavily. This is Ye Xiao's first big move after he came to Kyoto. How could he not arrange it well.

"Well, let's go." Ye Xiao nodded and turned to walk on the Hummer.

Ye yubai doesn't look like a big brother any more. He opens the back door of the Hummer and goes in.

Xie Chen took a look and knew that jade white elder brother didn't mean to open a big gallop, and also drilled in.

The person with the highest status should sit in the back, but Bai choufei always likes to drive by himself, so he and ye Xiao sit in the front.

Humvees make a huge roar and head for the purple house

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