After a while, the fierce Humvee stopped directly outside the purple house. Ye Xiao kicked the door open and jumped directly. Bai choufei also jumped down.

"Do you really want to go?" Seeing that Bai Chou Fei wants to go with him, ye Xiao asks.

He knows Bai choufei's identity. With his family's status in Kyoto, it's not suitable for him to come here at this time. He is also the third young master of Bai's family. It's obviously not fun to come here today, and many people may die. If this matter is involved in him, there will be too much inconvenience.

"Nonsense, this is the first time that I fight side by side with you. How can you sit and watch it? As for the rest, don't worry. The white family is the white family, it has nothing to do with me!" Bai Chou Fei's face is not happy, what does this son of a bitch mean? When it comes to this time, he has to leave by himself, isn't he?

"Good!" Ye Xiao didn't say anything more and walked directly to the purple house.

Bai choufei also smiles and walks behind Ye Xiao. It's not the first time he has come to ZiZhai, but he has never been so excited. Since he was assigned to Jinghai City, he has not been so excited for a long time.

The taste of blood and flesh can finally be tasted again.

"Brother yubai, what are we going to do See ye Xiao and others on the body of the gas of killing, Xie Chen some silly, this seems to be some bad ah.

"Kill!" Ye yubai said coldly, and had already followed Ye Xiao's back into the iron net.

"Just the four of us?" Xie Chen was stunned. Although he had already known that ye yubai had mobilized so many brothers to Kyoto, he did not know who he was aiming at. Now he came to the purple house directly. He had already guessed who he was going to face.

For ordinary people, even those childe brothers, they don't necessarily know who is the boss behind the purple house, but for today's Xie Chen, it is impossible not to know.

In the past few months, he has carefully studied the forms of underworld in various regions of China, but he clearly knows that Kyoto is Xiao Zhentian's territory, but there is a powerful force that has been secretly restricting Xiao Zhentian.

Such a place is called ZiZhai. Many northern gangsters take ZiZhai as the center. Later, he studied it carefully and found that the boss behind the ZiZhai was Chu batian, who was equal with Xiao Zhentian.

He didn't expect ye yubai to come with him to deal with Chu batian. Moreover, there were four people coming, not even one of the other brothers. Is this too bluffing?

Doesn't he know that this is the center of the whole northern underworld, or the holy land of many gangs? What kind of power will be hidden in it? No one knows. Just these four people go in? Isn't this a death hunt?

"With brother Xiao there, one person is enough!" Ye yubai stopped and gently patted Xie Chen on the shoulder, leaving such a faint sentence, and then walked forward again.

Xie Chen is stunned. Some rumors about the Dragon Yao club come to his mind. It is said that ye Xiao killed long Xiaotian, the leader of the Qinglong Gang, when he just started his career. Later, a man killed Han Wuchen, the godfather of Jinghai city. Now, is he going to kill Chu batian by himself?

Thinking of the people ye yubai asked him to arrange, Xie Chen's face changed a lot, which surrounded the whole purple house. Can you say

At the thought of this possibility, Xie Chen's blood began to burn crazily. There was no doubt or fear in Xie Chen's body. He could fight together with Ye Xiao, the myth of the Dragon Yao club. This is what many people dream of.

Without saying a word more, he followed ye yubai directly.

He knew that tonight, another legend will be born, and the name of this legend will have the name of Xie Chen.

Today's purple house is not open to the public. There is no guest in the huge hall. Only a group of men in black clothes stand on the edge. At a glance, there are more than 100 people. Everyone's waist is full of drum. At a glance, they are carrying a guy!

In the middle of the hall, there is a huge sofa. Chu batian, who is also dressed in strong clothes, sits on the sofa. Beside him, Yang Su Su, who looks pale, is sitting there. However, since she knows that ye Xiao has come back, she is no longer as nervous as she was just now.

But the smell of the people in black around her still brought her a heavy pressure.

Behind Chu batian, there is also a man in a black leather coat. His hair is up and down, and his body is full of an explosion like breath. It seems that he has endless strength. This man is the strongest general around Chu batian, tiger.

Next to the tiger, there is still a man standing. However, compared with the tyranny of the tiger, the man is obviously rickety. This is Zhao Yuanji, who has been serving Chu batian all the time!

The door of the hall opened, and everyone's eyes followed Chu batian to the door. They were waiting, waiting for the arrival of the man.At this time, there was a sound of footsteps on the corridor outside the hall. There was no secret sentry or anyone to greet him. Chu batian saw a man in a black Chinese tunic coming down. Who was Ye Xiao?

And Yang Su Su on one side of the road is bright when she sees Ye Xiao?

Is it really him? He's not dead. Who's on the Audi?

When Chu batian saw Ye Xiao, two faint smiles appeared in his mouth. This guy was really bold. He really came. Didn't he know what he wanted was his life?

However, his smile has not yet fully bloomed, so he just froze there because he saw Bai Chou Fei walking behind Ye Xiao.

The third young master of Bai family, how did he come?

"Bai Shao, how do you want to visit my humble home? Why don't you say hello to me before you come? " Since Bai Chou Fei is here, Chu batian is not easy to sit still. How to say, the identity of others is here, and he stands up from the sofa.

However, there is no reason to come forward to meet him. This time, ye Xiao is invited to come here to kill him. If you go directly there, what if you are restricted by two people?

He doesn't make such a mistake, and his mind is constantly thinking about what to do next?

"Ha ha, my friend asked me to ask for a person from elder Chu. The girl beside you is my friend's sister. Let her go!" Bai Chou Fei laughed and said directly.

Chu batian was stunned. Obviously, he didn't expect Bai Chou Fei to be so direct. On the one hand, he didn't even say any polite words. He directly named Yang Susu by his own name.

"Is that why Bai Shao came here?" Chu Ba Tian Hu said suspiciously that if Bai Chou Fei didn't intend to interfere in the affairs between him and ye Xiao, it was not impossible to directly release Yang Su Su.

Anyway, ye Xiao also came, and his goal has been achieved.

"Well, that's it!" Bai Chou Fei nodded, without any other meaning.

"Well, since it means Bai Shao, I can't help but give this favor to Chu batian. You can go there." Chu batian nodded and pointed to Yang Su Su.

Yang Su Su looks at Chu batian and ye Xiao. After nodding to her, Yang Su Su quickly gets up from the sofa and runs towards Ye Xiao. In the process, no one moves.

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