"Brother in law!" Yang Su Su ran to Ye Xiao and cried out with sadness.

"Don't be afraid, it's OK, Xiaobai, take her out!" Ye Xiao gently patted Yang Su Su Su's head and said in a soft voice.

Ye yubai was stunned, but he didn't say much. He grabbed Yang Su Su's arm and walked outside.

"Brother in law!" Seeing that ye Xiao didn't mean to leave, Yang Su Su turned her head and looked at Ye Xiao with a worried face.

"No, stay outside for a while. I'll take the air in person." Facing Yang Su Su Su's worry, ye Xiao smiles at her.

Hearing Ye Xiao's words and feeling his self-confidence, Yang Su Su followed ye yubai and Xie Chen to the outside.

When the figure of the four disappeared completely, ye Xiao looked at Chu batian and said in a cold voice, "do you want to kill me?"

"You have to kill it!" Even though Bai Chou Fei is still standing beside Ye Xiao, Chu batian still says coldly. He has given Bai choufei a face just now. If Bai choufei still wants to stand up and speak for ye Xiao at this time, it would be too much.

"Dare you kill me?" Ye Xiao sneers and takes a step forward, directly exposing his body in front of the public. As long as Chu batian orders, the men in black behind him take out a gun and blow ye Xiao to pieces.

"Why not?" Chu batian also sneers, he really does not understand, where does Ye Xiao come from self-confidence? Now here are all their own people. As long as they give orders, their subordinates will turn them into horse hives. Why is he so confident? Is it because of the white sorrow flying around?

"Boss Chu, don't blame me for not reminding you that some things can be done, but some things can't be done?" At this time, Bai choufei opened his mouth.

"Bai Shao? What do you mean? Are you going to step in? " Hearing Bai Chou Fei's voice, Chu batian's eyebrows wrinkled. He has given you a face just now. How do you want to drop it now?

"No, ye Xiao asked me to take Yang Susu away. Now I have finished what he asked me to do. His business has nothing to do with me. But just now you gave me such a big face, I can't be ungrateful, can't I? Now it's also a reminder to Mr. Chu that when you do this again, you'd better consider it clearly and don't end up in vain! " Bai Chou Fei smiles and takes out a cigarette from his pocket, lights it directly and takes a breath of freehand brushwork.

Chu batian's eyebrows wrinkled slightly. It was at this time that his mobile phone rang suddenly. When he saw the phone number above, Chu batian's face changed again.

Moon Lake nightclub, which is also Chu batian's industry in Kyoto.

As in the past, at 8:00 p.m., the nightclub begins to open for business. Four tall women in sexy clothes come out of the nightclub and stand at the door to act as a welcome guest.

However, different from the past, when they stood at the door, they found that the surrounding area was extremely quiet. Yes, it was very abnormal for the Moon Lake, the avenue in the city center, to be quiet at 8 o'clock.

At the same time, they looked out and found that there was no car on the busy road. Such a strange scene changed the faces of the four people.

But just as they were about to inform the lobby manager, a figure came out of the corner of the street, followed by a second and a third. In a short time, more than hundreds of people came from the street.

Everyone is wearing a black Zhongshan suit. The neckline of the suit is embroidered with gold dragon patterns. Everyone's right hand is behind. If you look carefully, you will find that you have a bright sword in your hand.

The faces of these people were solemn and solemn, and a fierce evil spirit diffused through the night sky. Seeing the group of people in black suddenly appeared, the four women's faces turned pale!

Before they made a response, the group had already arrived at the gate of the nightclub, and without saying a word, they walked in directly and walked past the four girls. No one even looked at them.

Naturally, this situation has already disturbed the management of the nightclub. At present, a man named Kaige rushed over with a group of men in security clothes. But before they had time to say a word, the leading man's mouth had already jumped out of a cold word: "kill!"

"Kill!" As soon as the word came out, several men behind him drank loudly at the same time. The loud voice resounded through the whole night sky, and then they rushed forward with their swords one by one.

"Hiss!" The man who took the lead chopped at the security leader with a knife. What the security leader had in his hand was a rubber roller. He wanted to use the rubber roller to resist it. However, where the fragile rubber roller could resist the sharp edge of the sword, it was cut in two on the spot, and the sword was chopped on the shoulder of the security leader without stopping.

There was a roar from the head of the security guard's mouth. Obviously, he didn't expect that the group would be so unreasonable. When he came to the scene, he started. But just after his scream, the man who took the lead had drawn out his sword and cut it across the head of the security guard's neck. A stream of blood spurted out, and the security leader's eyes showed a look of panic.They really came to kill people!

This is Kyoto. They killed people so openly. Who are these people?

With the first blood bloom, the group seems to come from the hell of death at full speed in the past, in an instant, blood splash, head flying, but a few breathing time, from the inside of the security guards have been killed.

In the general manager's office on the top floor of the nightclub, manager Wang, who was in charge of the whole nightclub, called Chu batian for the first time: "Hello, Lord Chu, something's wrong!"

At almost the same time, similar things happened in entertainment places, large and small, near the purple house. In almost every place, more than 100 men in black rushed in. No one said more nonsense. They all killed people directly.

These places also have a common feature, that is, they are all owned by Chu batian. Moreover, more than 5600 people gathered in ZiZhai from all directions. In a short time of more than 10 minutes, more than 1000 people in black gathered around the purple house.

These people in black all sunk around the purple house, surrounded the huge purple house completely.

"Master Chu, something's wrong!" Hearing the trembling voice from the phone, Chu batian's brow was even more frowned.

When the other party told Chu batian what happened in the nightclub, Chu batian's face had turned pale, and his eyes toward Ye Xiao were full of anger. This guy even sent someone to attack his own territory.

But just after hanging up a phone call, another phone rang, followed by the third and fourth. Only a short time later, Chu batian had received more than ten calls, and the content of each call was almost the same.

Just for a while, all the places arranged by myself in Kyoto were washed with blood.

How long has it been? Where did he find so many people?

"Did you do it?" Seeing ye Xiao as usual, Chu batian snorted coldly.

Ye Xiao did not speak, just nodded!

"Do you think I dare not kill you Chu batian was angry, he even wanted to threaten himself in such a way!

"You dare not!" Ye Xiao said coldly.


"Master Chu, you really dare not!" Bully's face suddenly broke out in a cold day

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