Li Minghai can't do anything about zhenhunzhu. Even other people are in the same situation. It's not that ye Wuque is unwilling to let Li Minghai get zhenhunzhu.

Zhou Xiaojia angrily scolded: "Stinky boy, do you deliberately don't let elder martial brother get zhenhunzhu?"

Zhenhunzhu, under no one's control, actually sends out strength to fight against Li Minghai. If ye Wuxiang is not playing tricks, Zhou Xiaojia really does not believe it.

Ye Wuqian cried out that he was wronged. Even if he had the courage, he did not dare to fool Li Minghai and Zhou Xiaojia.

"I said auntie, I really don't know, or it will be a thunderbolt!" Ye Wuwei said.

Zhou Xiaojia is impulsive. He doesn't believe Ye Wuqian's lies. He wants to teach him a lesson. However, Li Minghai immediately stops Zhou Xiaojia's impulsive behavior.

"Xiaojia, this time is really none of his business. Zhenhunzhu is originally a spirit of heaven and earth, with self-consciousness, so when someone wants to get close to it, it will automatically explode a strong force to defend."

On hearing this, ye Wuqi felt as if he had grasped the straw and said, "Li Minghai knows the truth. I said I didn't control zhenhunzhu at all. If you can manipulate this treasure, how can you command me to do something?"

"Well, what you mean is that once you have the strength to defend us, you will never listen to us again, right?" Zhou Xiaojia's eyes were wide open, and his eyes were on fire.

Oh, my mother! What kind of head is this woman? Even if I'm just complaining, I can hear that.

Ye Wumian kept shaking his head and said, "I don't have this meaning. You misunderstand me."

"Stinky boy, I think you are itchy." Zhou Xiaojia was about to make a move, but Li Minghai stopped the two people: "don't quarrel any more. When are you now, the most important thing is to save the master."

"Yes, yes..."

"That's right. Shut up."

"Shut up, both of you!"

Ye Wuqian and Zhou xiaojiadun did not dare to speak out. In the final analysis, Li Minghai was more likely to hear what he said. It was better to listen to Li Minghai's words as much as possible if it was not necessary.

Li Minghai walks around Ye Wuqian, and his eyes are always looking at the zhenhunzhu floating in the air.

Ye Wuqi didn't make a sound. Even he couldn't figure out the zhenhunzhu, so it's better to shut up.

Zhou Xiaojia came over, looked at zhenhunzhu, asked Li Minghai, and said, "elder martial brother, do you know how to solve this problem? If you can't drive zhenhunzhu, we can't save Shifu. "

Zhenhunzhu is very resistant to outsiders. Li Minghai and Zhou Xiaojia are a little closer to each other, and they will immediately be threatened by extremely serious cold. It can be seen that zhenhunzhu is so resistant.

However, ye Wuqian has been sitting in front of zhenhunzhu, but he is completely unaffected. The cold does not invade ye Wuque's body.

Li Minghai and Zhou Xiaojia soon realized this. They looked at Ye Wuqian strangely, with a strange smile on their faces and said, "you seem to have a good relationship with zhenhunzhu."

"Well? What's the matter? I'm not. " Ye Wuqi is at a loss. He doesn't know what Li Minghai and Zhou Xiaojia mean, and what he can do with zhenhunzhu. If Ji Nan hadn't forced himself too hard, he would not have been stupid enough to swallow zhenhunzhu into his stomach.

Although Ye Wuqian explained that he did not have any connection with zhenhunzhu, Li Minghai and Zhou Xiaojia did not think so. Since the cold of zhenhunzhu could not affect Ye Wuqian, one of the problems was that ye Wuqian was still in trouble.

"Well, why do I think your eyes are strange? Is there something I don't know?"

Zhou Xiaojia pinched Ye Wuxiang's mouth and roared fiercely, "Stinky boy, please answer me honestly. What on earth is the zhenhunzhu's lack of awareness of attacking you?"

Ye Wuque really want to be a reply to scold, ya, you ask me, then I should ask who ah.

It's impossible to reason with Zhou Xiaojia, so ye Wuxiang has to give up this kind of just refutation and say: "I'm not very clear about this, but Ouyang Wudi once mentioned a point. They said that I am a pure Yang body, which can resist the cold Qi of zhenhunzhu."

"Pure Yang real body!"

Both Li Minghai and Zhou Xiaojia are shocked.

Ye Wuwei asked in doubt: "do you know it is pure Yang true body?"

Ye Wuwu has no idea what Chunyang is, but Li Minghai and Zhou Xiaojia seem to know.

Zhou Xiaojia was surprised and said to Li Minghai, "elder martial brother, is this trash boy really pure Yang?"

"I don't know, but even Ouyang Wudi at the ghost tomb gate thinks that he is pure Yang, so it should be true." Li Minghai was very surprised, but it was not so important to wake up the master.

"If it's a pure Yang body, then people who can resist zhenhunzhu, but it's impossible to completely isolate the chill of zhenhunzhu, unless zhenhunzhu has been refined." Li Minghai thought for a long time, is not quite sure.Zhou Xiaojia agreed: "that is, even if it is pure Yang body, it should not be able to completely ignore the chill of zhenhunzhu."

"Boy, tell me honestly, have you already refined zhenhunzhu?" Zhou Xiaojia thumped on Ye wubu's head.

"Ah -" ye Wuque was in agony, but he couldn't explain clearly: "what do you want me to say to believe that? At that time, Ji Nan pursued me, in order not to let that bastard succeed, so I swallowed zhenhunzhu into my stomach."

"Isn't it? Are you crazy and swallow the soul bead into your stomach? Do you know that you will die?" Zhou Xiaojia said.

Zhenhunzhu will be instantly invaded by cold and bear unpredictable pain even if it is touched. Now ye Wuqian still swallows zhenhunzhu into his stomach, which is not to die!

"Well, but I can't help it. I can't give up the zhenhunzhu." Ye Wuqi said, not convinced, is to disgust, deliberately do not let Ji Nan succeed.

Zhou Xiaojian heard the cold sweat and thought what kind of thinking Ye Wuqian was. It was just for one breath. He was going to endanger his own life.

Li Minghai felt the same way and said, "I don't care how stupid your brain is. According to what you said just now, you have refined zhenhunzhu without knowing it. Then you can manipulate zhenhunzhu to help us wake up master."

"Control zhenhunzhu? I don't know how to manipulate it. You're kidding me Ye Wuque doesn't even know what the zhenhunzhu is. Now he has to control it.

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