You can't blame ye Wuwu. It's normal that you don't know how to deal with zhenhunzhu's world treasure. If it's a gunfire, you can still feel it. But like zhenhunzhu, it's a treasure that explodes with frightful coldness. No one knows how to control it.

Ye Wuxiang looks at the zhenhunzhu, which is blind.

Zhou Xiaojia also did not know how to explain to Ye Wuqian how to manipulate zhenhunzhu, but this is the instruction of Li Minghai, so there should be some methods.

"Elder martial brother, if you let this boy control zhenhunzhu, you have to tell him how to do it. Otherwise, with his brain, he may not be able to find out."

"Ye Wumian, now you think of zhenhunzhu in your mind, and then think about what it will do, so that it will do according to your words." Li Minghai ordered.

"Well, I'll give it a try, but I don't know if it will work."

Since Li Minghai has made it so clear, ye Wuqian can try it, not do nothing.

The meaning of Li Minghai, ye Wuqian still has a little understanding. In fact, it is to use the idea to control zhenhunzhu and let it do what it wants.

As a result, ye Wuqian's mind slowly came to mind, and wanted to move the zhenhunzhu forward.

At the beginning, zhenhunzhu was still motionless, still floating in the air.

After waiting for a long time, Zhou Xiaojia still couldn't see the town soul bead moving. He couldn't help but curse excitedly: "are you playing us! After so long, I still haven't seen any change in zhenhunzhu. "

Ye Wuqi is already fully absorbed. As if he did not hear Zhou Xiaojia scolding him, he still closed his eyes and used his own ideas to manipulate zhenhunzhu.

"Well, you are deaf. Don't you hear me asking you?" Zhou Xiaojia urged.

At this time, Li Minghai stretched out his hand and took Zhou Xiaojia's shoulder and said, "don't disturb him. He is now at a very critical moment. If you disturb him, all his previous efforts will be wasted."

Li Minghai was very serious. Zhou Xiaojia knew Li Minghai's character, so Li Minghai was not joking, so she immediately shut her mouth.

At the same time, ye Wuqian is really like what Li Minghai described. He is so absorbed in the manipulation of zhenhunzhu that his ears do not care about the sound of the outside world.

Zhou Xiaojia and Li Minghai's eyes are focused on the zhenhunzhu. They don't care what ye Wuwu lacks.

All of a sudden, the zhenhun bead floating in the air did move. Although it was only a little bit, less than a millimeter, the two people who had been watching the zhenhunzhu knew for sure that the zhenhunzhu was really moving.

"Elder martial brother..." Zhou Xiaojia was about to shout excitedly, but Li Minghai stopped him.

Although Ye Wuqian can manipulate the zhenhunzhu to move a little bit, it doesn't mean that the matter is over. There are still many problems.

Zhenhunzhu is about the key to saving the master, so Li Minghai doesn't want to take this risk.

"Move it All of a sudden, there was no voice.

With the fall of Ye Wuque's voice, zhenhunzhu seems to have understood ye Wuque's meaning, but he moved very obediently.

Almost at the same time, ye Wuqian also opened his eyes, staring straight at the zhenhunzhu in the air.

If Li Minghai and Zhou Xiaojia pay a little attention to Ye Wuqian, they should be able to notice that ye Wuqian is full of sweat on his forehead.

In order to drive zhenhunzhu, ye Wuqi expends a lot of mind and energy, which is not something that can be done just by thinking.

"Great, great!" Li Minghai can't help but exclaim when he sees that ye Wuque can really drive zhenhunzhu.

Ye Wuqi did not know that Li Minghai, who rarely expressed his feelings, would praise him, otherwise he would be flattered.

"Li Minghai, it seems that I can really control zhenhunzhu. What do you need to do after that?" Ye Wu asked as he gasped.

"Well, now let the power of the soul in the zhenhunzhu be released. I will let the jade of inheritance lead it and then inject it into the master's body." Li Minghai said calmly.

"What is the power of the spirit? How can it be released?" Ye Wuqi is not clear about the power of the soul. It is no doubt that it is difficult for him to let him release the power of the soul rashly.

Li Minghai did not know how to explain it clearly. The power of the soul is a very ethereal thing. How can he explain it to ye Wuque.

Zhou Xiaojia was very dissatisfied with the fact that it was such a simple thing. However, ye Wuwei spent so much time on his mind and still couldn't understand it.

"You've always used toothpaste. You just want to squeeze the toothpaste out. Now you're going to squeeze out the soul force in the soul beads." Zhou Xiaojia uses a metaphor to explain clearly to Ye Wuqi what the power of the soul is.

Not to mention, Zhou Xiaojia's metaphor is not very appropriate, but as far as ye Wuqian is concerned, he actually understands."In this way, then I understand why I need such nonsense. Just tell me, let me squeeze out the things inside the zhenhunzhu."

"Oh, boy, you want to fight now, don't you? If you don't give me the power of your soul now, I don't think you'll have to walk with your feet in the future. "


Zhou Xiaojia clenched his fist and threatened Ye Wuqian wantonly. If he did not listen to her, there would be very tragic consequences.

At this time, if someone is not willing to give up the scene of the last moment, whether the power of the soul in the zhenhunzhu can be released by the leaves of Sakyamuni.

One strand, two strands As like as two peas of green spirit, Li Minghai's spirit is just like the green gas that he used to pull out of the jade beads. That is to say, the power of the soul in the soul of the town is released from the leaves. "The spirit of the soul is released from the soul of the town," he said.

"Ha ha What a genius I am Ye Wuqian saw that zhenhunzhu was just like what he imagined in his mind. The power of the soul inside was really released.

Zhou Xiaojia was also very excited and said, "ha ha, you are a pig brain bag. If I hadn't been reminded by this girl, you think you can release the power of soul."

"Well, who asked you to remind me? Did I ask you to come?" Ye Wuque scorned back sarcastically.

"Oh, look how I teach you a bastard!" Zhou Xiaojia waved his hand in front of Ye Wuwei.

Li Minghai saw Ye Wuqian and Zhou Xiaojia as if they were enemies in their previous lives. He had a strange mood in his heart.

"Well, you two don't make any more mischief. Now I'm going to start saving the master."

Li Minghai calls Ye Wuqian and Zhou Xiaojia, and then continues to use the jade of inheritance to absorb the power of soul and inject it into the body of young women in palace clothes.

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