Chu batian is dead and killed by Ye Xiao!

Suddenly heard such a news, Lin heartless a reaction is impossible, this is absolutely impossible!

What kind of energy does Chu batian have? He knows it very well. Otherwise, he would not have asked Chu batian to deal with Ye Xiao. But how many days have passed? How could it be that someone came to tell him that Chu batian was dead? That's a big man who has been involved in the Kyoto underworld for several years. How could he die so easily?

Moreover, he was killed by Ye Xiao. Even Xiao Zhentian did not dare to move Chu batian easily. How dare Ye Xiao kill Chu batian?

"What's going on?" However, Lin Wuqing, after all, is the most outstanding young man of the Lin family. After all, he quickly calmed down after a moment. At this time, he didn't think that the person on the other end of the phone was joking with himself!

The person on the other end of the phone quickly said all the things that happened last night. After listening to the man's narration, Lin's merciless brow was tightly wrinkled together. He underestimated this guy and even unconsciously killed Chu batian. What did he want to do?

"What is the reaction of other forces?" In his mind, he brewed out the information and asked the key to the problem.

No matter how strong Ye Xiao is, his place is Kyoto, which is different from any other city. No matter how powerful he is, if those big men in Kyoto are angered, his only end is to perish. Therefore, the attitude of those forces will determine the way forward for ye Xiao.

It also determines what kind of policy Lin Qingren should take to deal with Ye Xiao!

"Silence!" Two words came out of the phone!

"Silence?" Lin is heartless and surprised. He doesn't think it's those big men who haven't received the news. Even the people who are far away in Changyun city have got the news. How can those big men who have more information than themselves have not received the news, but they have chosen to be silent now?

What do they think?

Do you mean to put up with Ye Xiao's arrogance? Or is there something else behind it?

"Well, I see. Keep an eye on his news!" Lin mercilessly thought for a moment, but he couldn't think of a reason for it. He said to the man at the end of the phone.

"Yes, Lin Shao!" The other end of the phone should be a, and Lin heartless no longer said anything, immediately hung up the phone.

After a look at Liu Yaoyao who is still sleeping, Lin ruthlessly walks out of the room with a calm face. Originally, he planned to continue his work and put Ye Xiao's affairs aside for the time being. However, after thinking about it, he finally felt that it was not right. Finally, he dialed a telephone!

"Hello, Lin Shao?" The phone went through, and there came a voice with a little surprise at the other end of the phone!

"It's me!" Said a pair of high forest, even if it is still a distant look!

"Lin Shao can give me a call. I'm really honored. I don't know what Lin Shao has to say!" There was a respectful voice on the other end of the phone!

"Do you know that Chu batian is dead?" Lin Shao is not polite and says to the point.

"Well, I know!" The man on the other end of the phone was stunned. He didn't seem to understand how the young master of the Lin family cared about Chu batian!

"Do you know who killed him?" Lin heartless continues to ask a way!

"I heard it was a boy named Ye Xiao, who came from Jinghai city!" Obviously for this matter, many people are very familiar with it!

"Yes, it's him. You helped me become him, and I helped you to become the leader of Tianmen gate!" He said coldly. But the person on the other end of the phone was shocked, and there was silence for a moment!

"What? unwilling? Or dare you Lin mercilessly sneered, it seems that they are not willing to give each other too much time to think.

"Lin Shao told me, even if it's going up to the sword mountain and down to the sea of fire, I'll never say goodbye. Lin Shao can rest assured that yuan will not let Lin Shao down!" Soon, there was a definite answer from the other end of the phone!

"Very good, Yuan Shijie, you are a character. As long as you kill him, you will live a very moist life in Kyoto in the future." Lin is very satisfied that Yuan Shijie can give an answer in such a short period of time. What he needs is a lackey who can completely obey his orders, rather than a wall grass who can turn the gun head at any time!

"Thank you, Lin Shao!" Thanks again from the other end of the phone!

Lin heartless did not say any more, directly hung up the phone!

At this time, in a villa in a rich area of Kyoto, Yuan Shijie, as the five elders of Tianmen, was holding a black mobile phone in his hand. His face was full of shock and doubt. He never thought that Lin was merciless, and the eldest young master of the Lin family would take the initiative to call him. What's more, he would ask himself to do such a thing. There was something between him and ye Xiao What kind of gratitude and resentment?

"Honey, whose call is it? Make you so happy Seeing yuan Shijie look shocked, a woman in her thirties, wearing sexy silk pajamas, hugged yuan Shijie from the back and said softly!

"The eldest young master of the Lin family called mercilessly. He asked me to deal with the man who killed Chu batian last night. As soon as the man dies, he will help me to sit as the leader of Tianmen gate. Dear, you will be the master's wife soon!" Yuan Shijie burst into laughter.Over the years, the gate of heaven is growing stronger and stronger, and the power of each elder is also growing. When they enjoy countless beauties and numerous material pursuits, they begin to pursue power. Xiao Zhentian, the headmaster of the gate, has been working for more than ten years, so it's time for them to give up!

At first, in order to find a strong supporter, he tried to get close to Lin Qingqing several times, but all of them were rejected by him. Yuan Shijie knows that Lin Qingqing is the most outstanding young man in the Lin family, and his official career is destined to go to a high position. Such a person is not willing to accept him. It is normal for him to have a strong background in the underworld, but he did not Over the years, he has tried his best to curry favor with the Lin family. However, his kung fu pays off. Lin Qingli calls him on his own initiative and promises such a thing to him. As long as there is support from the Lin family and the power he holds in his hand, it is not easy to become the leader of Tianmen sect!

At the thought of the power and identity of Tianmen master, Yuan Shijie was excited!

"What's the matter? Ah yuan? " Yuan Shijie thought that the woman around him would be as excited as he was when he heard the news, but who knows her eyebrows are tightly wrinkled together, which makes yuan Shijie stunned and can't help asking!

"Honey, there is no free lunch. Don't you think it's strange?" The woman called a yuan didn't answer immediately, but thought for a while, and then she said slowly!

"Strange?" Yuan Shijie is stunned and looks at ah yuan with both eyes. He looks like asking for advice!

Yuan Shijie is more than 40 years old. In those years, he accompanied Xiao Zhentian to lay the foundation of Tianmen. After Chu batian died, he became the second elder of Tianmen. It can be said that his status is very high. Naturally, there are many women around him. However, Yuan Shijie only has a special love for the woman in front of him, not to say how beautiful the woman is, but how amazing the woman is Wisdom!

The woman's name is Li Yuan. She is only 31 years old this year, which is more than ten years younger than yuan Shijie. Originally, she was just a dancer, but when she was 23 years old, Yuan Shijie saw her and became one of many women in Yuan Shijie's life!

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