Originally, Yuan Shijie only regarded it as a general plaything. However, Li Yuan knew how to please yuan Shijie. Every time, she was able to make yuan Shijie return satisfied. Gradually, she became yuan Shijie's longest lover. She gave advice to Yuan Shijie from time to time. Every time, she could bring great benefits to Yuan Shijie. Over time, she became yuan Shijie Jay's most trusted person!

Three years ago, Yuan Shijie's original wife passed away. Instead of looking for another woman, Yuan Shijie married her directly. In the past three years, she assisted yuan Shijie with all her heart, making yuan Shijie's power expand rapidly.

Although yuan Shijie ranks the fifth among the nine elders, his hidden strength in the underground even surpasses Chen Yufan in some aspects. If he was not too young, he could have become the most powerful existence of Tianmen association except Xiao Zhentian. All this is due to the woman in front of him.

For this reason, Yuan Shijie never underestimated Li Yuan's words!

"Well, we tried every means to get close to the Lin family, but Lin ruthlessly refused. As soon as Chu batian died, he took the initiative to call and ask us to help him deal with the man named Ye Xiao. What does this mean? Firstly, it shows that there is a great contradiction between him and ye Xiao. Secondly, the death of Chu batian is probably related to him If I thought it was right, Chu batian was probably trying to help him kill Ye Xiao and ended up in a different place! " Li Yuan whispered, a pair of beautiful eyes twinkled with wisdom!

They don't know the contradiction between Ye Xiao and Lin heartless, and they don't know that Lin Qingqing met Chu batian at the beginning. However, with such a little information, she can infer that Chu batian is to help Lin mercilessly kill Ye Xiao. This is enough to show her intelligent terror, or intuitive terror!

"But what about that?" Yuan Shijie is still a face puzzled!

He naturally knew that there must be a contradiction between Lin Qingqing and ye Xiao. Otherwise, how could he ask himself to help kill him? But what's the relationship?

"Shijie, how do you think you are better than Chu batian?" Li Yuan didn't answer immediately, but asked back!

How are you compared with Chu batian? Yuan Shijie wanted to say that I was certainly better than Chu batian. Chu batian was just a defeated general. However, when he spoke, he couldn't say anything. At that time, Chu batian was able to dominate half of the capital. Such a person, regardless of his means or mind, could be regarded as the top choice. Yuan Shijie knew this well. If it wasn't for luck, he could not say it Maybe it was them who failed. Although he regarded himself as a hero, he was far away from Chu batian.

Otherwise, they won't have the title of the Oriental God of war and the overlord of Western Chu!

"You mean Chu batian can't deal with that boy, but he's dead. We'll do it rashly and repeat his route?" Soon, Yuan Shijie understood his idea of this woman!

"Well!" Li Yuan is very serious nodded, for yuan Shijie, she did not have the slightest taboo meaning!

"But you always supported me to get close to the Lin family. Now this is the best opportunity for us to get close to the Lin family. Do you just give up? What's more, I have promised Lin Shao that if I don't do it, he will let me go with his personality Yuan Shijie is not a rash person. Otherwise, he would not always listen to a woman's advice. He quickly figured out the key point of the matter, or in other words, he figured out the risks of the matter.

Even Chu batian is not an opponent, if he rashly shot, what will the final outcome be?

"No, of course you can't give up. If you have promised Lin Dashao, you can't give up. But you don't need to do it alone?" Li Yuan's eyes, flashing the most burning light!

"Well?" Yuan Shijie was stunned again. With his wisdom and experience, he couldn't keep up with Li Yuan's rhythm.

"Don't the other elders hope to take advantage of this opportunity to attack the purple house?" Li Yuan whispered in Yuan Shijie's ear.

"Do you mean to unite them?" Yuan Shijie's eyes brightened!

"Well!" Li Yuan nods hard.

"But in this way, will not others benefit?" Yuan Shijie has some problems!

Are you stupid? Lin Dashao just means to kill Ye Xiao. As long as you kill him, Lin Shao will help you. As for how to kill him, Lin Shao doesn't say. What he needs is just a result. " Li Yuan said!

"Ha ha ha, good idea, good idea, ah yuan, I love you so much!" Yuan Shijie laughed and didn't care that Li Yuan said he was stupid. He pushed ah yuan down on the bed and kissed him hard

As for Li Yuan, her face was flushed, her jade arms were tightly clasped around yuan Shijie's arms, and he was allowed to kiss her heartily on her body. However, there was no enchantment in her eyes. On the contrary, the essence of Taoism was shining!

In addition to the people on the road pay attention to what happened last night, many big men are also watching all this!

In the southwest of Kyoto, at the headquarters of the Beijing Garrison field command, Tan Zixiong, dressed in military uniform and with the rank of lieutenant general, was sitting in the dining room of the villa eating breakfast. Yang Zhanbo, also dressed in military uniform, suddenly walked in from the villa and came to tan Zixiong!"Report chief, we have the latest news!" Yang Zhanbo saluted Tan Zixiong and said respectfully!

"Newspaper!" Tan Zixiong continued to eat fried dough sticks and said lightly!

"Last night, Chu batian's power was uprooted, Chu batian was killed, and all places were bloody washed!" Yang Zhanbo said in a loud voice!

"Did the boy do it?" Tan Zixiong put down the soybean milk dough sticks in his hand, raised his head and said!

"Yes Yang Zhanbo said, and then added: "with him, there are three young masters of the white family, Bai Chou Fei!"

Compared with Lin Wuqing and others, Tan Zixiong's news channel is obviously broader, even Bai choufei is involved in such a thing!

"Bai Chou Fei? Didn't he have a problem with that kid? Isn't that the reason why he lost Jinghai? How did he get along with the boy Tan Zixiong frowned, as if to himself, but also like to ask Yang Zhanbo!

At the beginning, Tan Xiaoxiao suddenly agreed to return to the tan family and was willing to marry Lin Qingqing. He was shocked. You know, Tan Xiaoxiao left Jinghai city because he was dissatisfied with the marriage of the family. But later he learned that it was to save a teenager. He paid special attention to Ye Xiao. He wanted to know what kind of man his daughter gave up his life for fellow!

He even investigated Ye Xiao, but the more he investigated, the more surprised he was. In the past few years when ye Xiao was 12 to 18 years old, there was a blank. Even with his power, he could not find any information!

Later, ye Xiao unified Jinghai at a young age. Finally, he was very close to Luo Xiaojun. He guessed from some clues that ye Xiao and Luo Xiaojun had a deep relationship, but he still couldn't figure out what ye Xiao's identity was?

This is one of the most important secrets of the state. Apart from those involved, other people don't know at all!

Even if it is the power of the tan family, it is difficult to find out! But it doesn't matter. What matters is that ye Xiao doesn't pester Tan Xiaoxiao again. He also gradually gives up the idea of continuing to explore. However, when ye Xiao suddenly comes to Kyoto, he has to focus his eyes on him again

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