Tan Xiaobo and the soldiers are very similar to each other in terms of their personality. However, they don't appreciate Yang Zixiong's personality from the point of view of his sense!

On the contrary, Lin Qingqing's feminine character is not what he likes. However, he also understands that politics and the army are different. He dare not ask about the affairs of the chief executive's family, and he is not qualified to ask about it!

"Well, you go down!" It seems that his problem is a little tricky. Tan Zixiong waved his hand!

"Yes, chief!" Yang Zhanbo said, a turn, a slap, a stand at attention, and then walk out!

"Ye Xiao, what do you want to do After Yang Zhanbo left, Tan Zixiong murmured, looking at his expression, he didn't know what he was thinking!

Ye Xiao doesn't know that her actions have attracted the attention of many great people. She never thought that Tan Xiaoxiao's biological father, Tan Zixiong, would pay attention to his own everything!

At this time, it was time for class. Ye Xiao, who had not slept all night, was lying on his seat and sleeping. On the table, Yang Ning looked at Ye Xiao who was sleeping so much. Her eyebrows were slightly wrinkled, but she didn't say much. Yexiao sent Yang Susu home very late last night. Although neither of them said much, Yang Ning knew that something big had happened last night!

After class, Yang Ning looked at Ye Xiao without saying much. Many people noticed Yang Ning's look. When he saw that the class tutor didn't care about the monitor's sleep in class, many people were surprised.

"Hello, ye Xiao. It's time for lunch." Xiao Feng didn't go to ZiZhai with Ye Xiao last night, but he already knew something from his own channel. When he heard that Chu batian was killed by Ye Xiao, he was more shocked than anyone. He never thought that ye Xiao was so powerful.

Chu batian, who had been against Xiao Zhentian for so many years, was killed by him overnight. Although he was shocked, Xiao Feng's attitude towards Ye Xiao did not change much. In his words, no matter how powerful Ye Xiao is, he is still his brother after all!

For this, ye Xiao himself is also very pleased!

"Well, class is over?" Ye Xiao opened his eyes vaguely, and saw that many people had already walked out of the classroom. He opened his mouth vaguely!

"Bullshit, you sleep four classes, I really convinced you!" Xiao Feng rolled his eyes, feeling this guy is not awake!

"Let's go." Ye Xiao shakes his head and wakes up a little. He stands up and walks to the canteen with Xiao Feng and others!

He killed Chu batian last night. Ye Xiao didn't take advantage of this opportunity to occupy Chu batian's industry. Kyoto is not like any other place. As long as the underworld fights and defeats each other, he can occupy the territory of the other party, and ask some people above for instructions.

But it's all about Bai Chou Fei. Ye Xiao believes that Bai Chou Fei's ability will give him a good answer soon.

Ye yubai has returned to Jinghai city. Now he is the president of the Longyao society, and he can't leave the base camp for a long time. However, this time, according to Ye Xiao's meaning, he is preparing to bring Xiao Nan, who has become a popular star, to Kyoto to preside over the overall situation.

Although Xie Chen is good, but after all is a little younger, want to be big brother, also poor some qualifications!

Walking on the quiet campus path, ye Xiao only feels relaxed and comfortable. It seems that everything last night was just a dream, or the tranquility now possessed is a dream!

"You let me go!" Just when ye Xiao was still a little addicted to reality and dream, a woman's voice suddenly came from the front. Hearing such a sound, ye Xiao didn't feel anything, and Xiao Feng's face changed.

Several people looked forward at the same time, and saw a silver blue Maserati not far away. A man with an inch head, a gold necklace with a thumb thickness on his neck, and a big sunglasses on his face was arguing with a woman in a white dress!

The woman with white gauze skirt is no other than Li Shiqin!

It seems that the man wants to invite Li Shiqin to get on the bus, but Li Shiqin doesn't want to, and the man wants to force Li Shiqin to get on the car. Not only that, behind Maserati, there are several other sports cars parked, and several young people in fancy clothes are surrounded by a smile!

Seeing this kind of posture, Xiao Feng, regardless of who the man is, directly rushes to the front. These days, the relationship between him and Li Shiqin has rapidly warmed up. This so-called most gentle and quiet beauty in 666 bedroom has been gradually captured by Ye Xiao!

Seeing Xiao Feng rush up, ye Xiao and other people naturally will not sit back and ignore, but also quickly follow up one by one!

"Son of a bitch, you let go of the lyre Xiao Feng rushed to the front and roared directly!

Hearing Xiao Feng's voice, the man was stunned at first, but he didn't let go of Li Shiqin's hand. He turned his head and looked at Xiao Feng. When he saw Xiao Feng's pretty face, a sneer appeared in the corner of the man's mouth: "little bastard, it's you. Why do you want to interfere with Laozi's business?"Xiao Feng was stunned, and the man also took off the huge sunglasses at this time. When he saw the man's face, Xiao Feng's face changed dramatically, and a exclamation came from his mouth: "Chen Xiang?"

"Ha ha ha, I thought you didn't know Lao Tzu!" Chen Xiang laughs, does not put Xiao Feng in the eye at all!

"Chen Xiang, you let her go first!" Although Xiao Feng was angry about Chen Xiang calling himself a little bastard, he didn't say much. He was Xiao Zhentian's distant nephew. If his parents hadn't died early, he would not have come to Kyoto or become the young master of Xiao's family. However, only he knows the situation of this young master.

His status is not even as good as some of the core younger brothers, but the man in front of him is the only son of Chen Xiang, a great elder. Now he has become a helmsman of Tianmen Association. He is also a big boss of the company. There are hundreds of younger brothers under him. He is a strong person among the younger generation of Tianmen society. Such a figure is definitely not something Xiao Feng can easily provoke 。

In Xiao Feng's opinion, even if the other party really killed himself, Xiao Zhentian could not destroy the overall situation of Tianmen society in order to avenge himself.

However, Xiao Feng can not care about the other side abusing himself, but he absolutely cares about Li Shiqin in his hands!

"Let her go? Yo, if you ask me to let it go, I'll let it go? Isn't that a shame? " Chen Xiang laughs. He doesn't care about Xiao Feng, who is full of anger. He even touches Li Shiqin's face in front of so many people!

He saw that this woman had an indistinct relationship with Xiao Feng. He was going to humiliate Xiao Feng in front of so many people.

"Chen Xiang, you son of a bitch, I warn you to release him immediately!" Seeing that Chen Xiang even wanted to play with Li Shiqin in public, Xiao Feng was furious and his body was about to rush forward!

"Xiao Feng, don't forget your identity. What qualifications do you have to order me?" When he heard Xiao Feng abusing himself, Chen Xiang snorted coldly on the spot. He didn't even start to Li Shiqin any more. Instead, he turned to look at Xiao Feng!

"If he told you to let her go, you'd better let her go!" At this time, ye Xiao stood out and came to the front of Chen Xiang. He said faintly, but his voice was very weak, too

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