Chen Xiang is the only son of Chen Yufan, the great elder of Tianmen. Chen Yufan's status is second only to Xiao Zhentian in Tianmen. However, Xiao Zhentian has only one daughter and has no children. He is a weak woman. Naturally, he can not inherit such a huge underworld organization as Tianmen. In this way, Chen Xiang has become the most favorable successor of the next Tianmen master. To put it mildly, he is the prince of Tianmen!

With such a status, Chen Xiang has always been domineering in Tianmen. Not only Tianmen, but also those ordinary rich second generation and official second generation, have to respectfully call brother Xiang when they see him. This is a real underworld prince. No one is willing to offend him easily. Of course, top dandies like shangguanfei will not take it seriously, but in such a large scale Kyoto, how many top dandies like shangguanfei?

Chen Xiang is also self-conscious. He never provokes these top dandies. He just muddles around in ordinary circles. In such circles, he has always been a big brother. No matter who is rich or official, he is regarded as his elder brother.

Not long ago, a guy in the University of business and economics told himself that there was a beauty of temperament in his class who said he would introduce him to Chen Xiang. Naturally, Chen Xiang would not refuse. No, he drove Maserati to her whenever he was free. Originally, he thought that it was not easy to hook up with a beautiful girl in the school garden with his own identity and status. Who knows that the girl doesn't give himself face at all That's all right. I didn't expect that Xiao Feng, a little bastard, was also studying in this school, and he seemed to have a lot to do with Li Shiqin!

For Xiao Feng, not to mention Chen Xiang, even the children of other elders in Tianmen, there is no one waiting to see him. Xiao Zhentian has no son, and suddenly he has a nephew. Everyone is guessing whether he wants to train him to be a successor. For them, it is a huge competitor. Naturally, no one will be happy with him!

Therefore, no matter who he is, he has been suppressing Xiao Feng and secretly scolding him as a little bastard. For these, Xiao Feng has always kept silent.

Only he knew that Xiao Zhentian had never cultivated him as his successor. In the final analysis, if he was not the son of the only relative in Xiao Zhentian's hometown, he would not take care of himself!

Xiao Feng's silence, on the contrary, encouraged the flames of Chen Xiang and others, and gradually did not take it as one thing. Now this little bastard is in charge of his own affairs. Even this passer-by who has never met before also speaks to himself in this tone. What is this?

Don't you take yourself seriously?

How many young people don't think of themselves in Kyoto? In particular, ye Xiao's cold breath, which completely ignores himself, makes Chen Xiang very uncomfortable, very uncomfortable!

"What if I don't?" Chen Xiang grinned ferociously. His eyes were filled with disdain. He didn't believe these guys dare to do it by themselves.

I may not be able to kill Xiao Feng, but it is not easy to let such a passer-by disappear in Kyoto!

"No way?" Ye Xiao sneered, and then without saying a word of nonsense, suddenly grabbed Chen Xiang's head and directly ran into the side of Maserati!

Chen Xiang was trained by Chen Yufan as the successor. Of course, he is not comparable to ordinary childe brothers. At least in fighting, he is not inferior to Xiao Feng. He even went to pick some fields with some fighters around Chen Yufan. No matter the actual combat experience or fighting skills, he is definitely not a rookie. However, he still fails to understand Ye Xiao How did you grab his head!

Feeling the wind coming from his ears, Chen Xiang instinctively wants to break free, but he feels his head is like being dragged by a pair of tongs. No matter how hard he tries, it is difficult to break free!

"Bang!" Chen Xiang's head smashed into the window of Maserati. The toughened glass window was smashed directly, and there was a great noise. As for Chen Xiang's head, a big hole was opened, and the blood flowed out. In an instant, his face was dyed red and splashed all over his body!

And a sad cry is also followed!

Such a scene scared the men who came with Chen Xiang, especially the dandy named Wang Feng, who asked Li Shiqin out and planned to introduce him to Chen Xiang. Now Chen Xiang has been beaten so miserably here, but he has to carry a lot of responsibility. If Chen Xiang is investigated afterwards, what can he do?

However, before they could get back to their senses, ye Xiao slapped out again and directly fanned Chen Xiang's face. The huge force fanned his whole body out and hit the Maserati beside him. The blood on his head was all sprinkled on the car body. It was amazing!

The scene suddenly a silence, all people are silly staring at Ye Xiao, how they do not understand, how dare this guy to start with Chen Xiang? Didn't he know he was the prince of the biggest gangster in Kyoto?

"Shiqin, let's go and have a meal together!" But ye Xiao, as if nothing happened, clapped her hands gently and said to Li Shiqin standing beside her!

Li Shiqin has been used to Ye Xiao's violence for a long time. He doesn't care too much about it. This guy even dares to fight the prince of Beijing Municipal Party committee. What is a gangster prince? But what she didn't expect was that ye Xiao's hand was so cruel!"Well!" However, hearing Ye Xiao's invitation, Li Shiqin agreed for the first time. How can she say that she should invite them to dinner when she is so helpful?

As for whether Chen Xiang will retaliate against Ye Xiao, she is not worried at all. As for ye Xiao's identity, does she need to worry? At the beginning, even Lenglie didn't do what to him. What kind of storm could Chen Xiang turn over?

Ignoring the stunned Chen Xiang and others, ye Xiao takes the lead in the direction of the canteen, while Chen tanshang and Da Pang have already seen the strange things and walked behind Ye Xiao, but Xiao Feng's body fell to the last!

"Xiao Feng, you are dead, you and he are dead, I tell you, you are dead!" At this time, Chen Xiang struggled to stand up, saw the back of Ye Xiaoyuan, and roared at Xiao Feng, who had not left yet!

He never thought that someone would dare to do it by himself, and the attack was so cruel that he felt the pain on his forehead. He was almost crazy. He would like to rush forward to kill Ye Xiao directly, but he only had a trace of reason left to tell him that he was not ye Xiao's opponent at all!

If he wants revenge, he must call his brother!

"Dead? Hey, Chen Xiang, do you know how Chu batian died? " Seeing Chen Xiang's almost ferocious face, Xiao Feng sneered. How can a man who can kill Chu batian be afraid of Chen Xiang's revenge!

"Well?" As the only son of Chen Yufan, Chen Xiang naturally knew that the purple house was bloodwashed last night, and he was still shocked. In Kyoto, who has the ability to kill Chu batian? Now suddenly heard Xiao Feng say so, can not help a burst of surprise Leng!

"He killed him!" Xiao Feng coldly left such a sentence, turned around and left, never looking at Chen Xiang's pale face again!

Chu batian was killed by him? How could that be possible? How can such a hero who has been in Kyoto for more than ten years be killed by a college student?

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