It's impossible, absolutely impossible. Xiao Feng must have cheated himself. He must be afraid of revenge. So he wants to frighten himself. It must be, it must be!

Xiao Feng, you don't have to lie to me. I won't be cheated by you. Tonight is your death!

Chen Xiang said fiercely in his heart, and then he opened the door of Maserati and left without looking at the gaping people!

"Ye Xiao, Xiao Feng, thank you today!" In the dining room on the third floor of the school canteen, Li Shiqin took the lead in speaking.

"Ha ha, you are our elder sister, protect you, this is what we should do, say thank you, this is not out of sight?" Xiao Feng laughs and seems not to care at all. It seems that he did the whole thing. Chen danshang disdains his lips and murmurs in a low voice. You don't do it. Do you mean to ask for credit?

"Well, I'm not at all polite. Are you free tonight? How about a drink if you're free? " Li Shiqin smiles. As expected, she is no longer polite to Ye Xiao and other people. She opens her mouth and says!

Ye Xiao frowned and was about to say that there were other things in the evening. He wanted to have a good rest in the night of a big war last night, but his words had not yet been said. Xiao Feng on one side had already preempted him and said, "of course, you are free. Please, sister Xuejie. Even if the big things are to be put aside, ye Xiao, are you right?"

Seeing Xiao Feng's excited look on his face, ye Xiao smiles bitterly and nods. He finally understands that Xiao Feng has already launched a fierce attack on Li Shiqin. Look at this posture, there are signs of taking advantage of it tonight!

Seeing that ye Xiao and Xiao Feng both agreed to come down, Li Shiqin's face showed a grateful smile, as if for the two people to agree, very grateful!

After lunch, the party parted ways. Ye Xiao had no classes in the afternoon, so he went to bed directly. Anyway, it was still a long time before night. Xiao Feng accompanied Li Shiqin to class. It seemed that he wanted to warm up in advance, while Da Pang went to play basketball. As for Chen tanshang, he was all normal. He didn't stay in the bedroom to watch AV. Instead, he went Outside, just say to contact again at night, say evil spirit is mysterious!

However, no one asked what, anyway, these days the small hurt son is very melancholy, go out to have a rest also should!

At about five o'clock in the afternoon, ye Xiao received a phone call from Xiao Feng, saying that they had already been waiting for him downstairs, and asked him to hurry downstairs. Ye Xiao had no choice but to put on clothes and walk out of the dormitory building!

The dormitory downstairs, Xiao Feng wearing a white casual suit, Miao or Armani, the whole person is leaning on the side of the BMW, this is absolutely the best props to force girls!

And wearing simple big fat standing behind him, is simply the most qualified attendant!

"I'm just going to have a drink, but I'm dressed so well?" Seeing the extremely coquettish Xiao Feng, ye Xiao grinned!

"Ha ha, you think you're handsome too. In this way, you should be more confident tonight!" Hearing such praising words from ye Xiao's mouth, Xiao Feng is also ha ha Zhile. It is not easy to let Ye Xiao admit that he is handsome!

"Hey, you don't really intend to push Li Shiqin down, do you? Is she different from other girls? It's not the kind of person who goes to bed one night and leaves! " Ye Xiao walked to the body and patted him on the shoulder!

"I know, this time!" Xiao Feng vowed to say!

"Go away, which time didn't you mean it?" Ye Xiao directly scolds!

"Really, this time I'm really serious. If she wants to, I can even go to the Civil Affairs Bureau with her right away to get the certificate!" Who expected that Xiao Feng didn't care at all, and said solemnly!

Seeing Xiao Feng's serious face, ye Xiao's mouth moved, as if to persuade something, but the words to the mouth, but turned into a sentence: "come on, bless you!"

"Hey, thank you. Get on the bus first. They are waiting at the school gate." Xiao Feng laughs and goes to the driver's seat first!

Ye Xiao shook his head and went straight into the back seat. After the Audi was attacked by rockets, ye Xiao had no time to change cars. In his opinion, he intended to continue driving the Audi. However, Hua YUEWU called to tell him that he didn't have to worry about the car and would send it to him in a few days. Ye Xiao didn't say much, so he had to live a life without cars for a while !

As for Da Pang, he didn't follow the bus. Instead, he walked towards a pink beetle beside him. As he went, the door of the beetle opened. Then a little beauty, less than 1.6 meters tall, was extremely petite, and her appearance was pretty good. She jumped down and gave her a big hug!

Such a scene to see ye Xiao gaped!

"Hey, I can't believe it. The fat guy is the first one among us to say goodbye to being single. The girl's name is Liu Yingying. She's from the Department of tourism management. She often likes to watch fat people play basketball, so Hey, hey So Xiao Feng didn't say much about it, but as long as one person understood it, what made Ye Xiao puzzled was that how could a fat man be with such a small girl?

It is no exaggeration to say that with the body of a fat man, the girl can be completely wrapped!This is just two extremes, but this is the other's fat thing, ye Xiao also not many questions, just depressed the mind of the wonder!

Xiao Feng started BMW X6 and ran towards the school gate. He said Li Shiqin was waiting at the school gate. The fat little girl followed with the beetle in his hand!

When he arrived at the school gate, Li Shiqin changed into a set of sky blue dress. A black hair was covered in his head, which looked like the one who came out of the painting. Only Xiao Feng had bright eyes. Ouyangqianqian was wearing a white T-shirt and a tights jeans. As soon as he saw Xiao Feng's BMW coming out, he jumped directly to the door and went in. Right Ye Xiao is a grin!

As for huanglingyao, the upper body is a pink tight short sleeve, the lower body is also a pink super short skirt, under the foot is wearing a pair of 78 cm thick muffin shoes, standing there, almost have the height of Xiaoye, and a pair of beautiful legs are more exposed, it looks so attractive, do not know how many boys passing the school gate will stay in love for at least ten seconds!

Even ye Xiao is also in front of the eye, but he is more curious is wearing such high shoes, how does she walk?

Who expected that huanglingyao didn't feel any inconvenience, but frequently came over, from the other door on the car, sat on the right side of Ye Xiao, and she raised her leg, did not know whether it was intentional or unintentional, unexpectedly missed a little under the skirt of spring light, ye Xiao unexpectedly saw a wisp of black silk!

Nima's, black lace!

Rao is calm with Ye Xiao, at this time also swallowed saliva gently, it seems to be aware of the difference of Ye Xiao, huanglingyao sipped his mouth and smiled, so slightly leaning on Ye Xiao's side, a faint fragrance also came out of her body, floating into the nostrils of Ye Xiao, only let the blood in the body of leaf Xiao boil, is this not a clear seduction to yourself?

"By the way, how about smiling sister?" Seeing only three people, ye Xiao suddenly asked, this time, he found that smile is not in!

"She has something in her family, and goes home, but she said that if it is early to finish the work, she will come!" Maybe after some things in zijinyuan, the relationship between ouyangqianqian and huanglingyao has eased some, or, what kind of tacit agreement has been reached between the two people, for huanglingyao such a grumble appearance in front of Ye Xiao, she has not too much hostility, now hearing Ye Xiao ask, she also calmly said

"Little hurt son also calls to say a moment direct arrive!" At this time, Xiao Feng also cut in!

"Where shall we go then?" What I asked was Ye Xiao!

"The hankin white house!" Li Shiqin has a name!

"OK, let's go!" Xiao Feng cheered and started the BMW and ran towards the White House of Hanjin!

That is, in the villa where yuanshijie, the five elder of Tianmen in Kyoto, Li Yuan, wearing a home-based nightdress, received a text message, which read four words "Buckingham Palace". Seeing these four words, Li Yuan's mouth, a faint smile appeared

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