After thinking about it, Li Yuan picked up another mobile phone with unknown number, entered a series of numbers, and then sent the four big characters of Buckingham Palace in the past!

A moment later, in a bar near the University of business and economics, a man named Chen Fuchuan received a text message from Li Yuan. Looking at the four characters above, Chen Fuchuan also took out a mobile phone that almost no one knew the number of and dialed a number!

"Hello, brother Xin? I, achuan, they went to Buckingham Palace

"Yes, I see!" The man on the other end of the phone, who was called Xinge, said slightly and then hung up.

At this time, on a street outside another bar, there is a Black Big Ben. Behind the Big Ben, there are a row of black guangben. There are more than 20 cars. At this time, Chen Xiang, wrapped in gauze, sits on the back seat with a gloomy face.

He is waiting, waiting for the news of Ye Xiao and others. For the shame ye Xiao gave him today, he remembers in his heart, and secretly vows to find the court!

Although Xiao Feng said that ye Xiao was the man who killed Chu batian, after a short period of astonishment, Chen Xiang did not go to prove it. He was afraid that he would not have the courage to fight against the man after his own verification?

As a prince of Tianmen, Chen Xiang has his own pride. If he doesn't kill Ye Xiao today, he won't be happy all his life. So even if he knows that ye Xiao is probably the one who killed Chu batian, he will take revenge!

After all, Chu batian was trapped in the purple house for ten years, and it was normal for him to be attacked suddenly. However, this time, he made a surprise attack and mobilized so many people. Could he not deal with it by himself?

Besides, if he really killed Chu batian, if he killed him this time, then his position in Tianmen would be more stable, right? He was able to kill even those who had defeated Chu batian. His achievements were enough to make him proud of the same generation!

Driven by anger and interests, Chen Xiang is waiting quietly!

At this time, a man in a black suit stepped down from a guangben car behind him and came to the side of the Big Ben. He respectfully saluted Chen Xiang, who was sitting in the back seat. Then he said respectfully, "brother Xiang, we have found their whereabouts. They have gone to baijinhan palace!"

"Buckingham Palace? Go Chen Xiang snorted coldly and gave the order to start!

"Well!" With Chen Xiang's order, the Big Ben started the motor, and the car behind him started the motor at the first time, and ran towards Buckingham Palace at full speed. As for Liu Xin, he did not follow up. Instead, he stood still and looked at the passing motorcade. A sneering smile appeared on his lips!

Buckingham Palace is not a real palace, but a huge manor covering hundreds of acres. It is also the most distinctive manor in Kyoto!

The manor is a commercial manor. The overall style is European style, which integrates catering, entertainment and leisure. However, the biggest feature is the open-air reception held every week!

Such a party will attract many young people, and the threshold is not high, as long as you have a certain amount of money, no matter what your status, you can come in!

The location of the open-air reception is in the back garden of Buckingham Palace, which covers an area of Aurora, a large area of grassland, and an artificial beach!

At this time, the huge back garden has already been filled with all kinds of barbecue, snacks, food and so on. Every 10 meters apart, there will be a tea table, around which two or six chairs will be placed. Of course, if you need, you can also add seats.

Now it's only in the evening, but many tea tables are full of revelers. They are sitting in their seats, eating barbecue and drinking beer. This is a place for young people!

Under the leadership of Li Shiqin, ye Xiao and his party went to one of the tea tables. Because they were large enough, a small table could not sit down at all. However, the staff were very responsible. They quickly moved in two tea tables and covered them with food cloth. In this way, it was not a problem to sit on a dozen or so people!

The party sat down in accordance with the principle of men and women, and not tired of working. Naturally, the left and right of Ye Xiao are Huang lingyao and Ouyang Qianqian. Next to Ouyang Qianqian is Xiao Feng, followed by Li Shiqin, then Da Pang, and then Da Pang's girlfriend Liu Yingying!

As for Chen Dan Shang, he said that he was still on his way and would arrive soon!

"What would you like to drink? Beer? Red wine? Or foreign wine? " After all the people were seated, Li Shiqin, as the host, said for the first time!

"Beer, it's suitable to drink beer in such an environment. How do some beauties think?" Ye Xiao said with a smile that he was very interested in the surrounding environment. He really didn't know that there was such a place in Kyoto before. It seems that we can build one in Jinghai city in the future. Once it is set up in Causeway Bay, the effect will only be better than here!

Shake her head, don't care about what you drink!"Well, beer, waiter, three dozen Budweiser first! Another roast whole sheep, other snacks separately Seeing that there was no objection, Li Shiqin even snapped her finger and said to the waiter standing beside her!

"OK, just a moment, please. I'll be there soon." The waiter said to the crowd, and then went back to prepare food for the people. In a short time, a golden roast whole sheep was transported up and put directly on the tea table. Three waiters brought three boxes of beer and put them on the side. Some people brought all kinds of snacks and soon filled the table.

The waiter opened the wine and was about to fill the glasses for the people, but Li Shiqin stopped her. She took the bottle and poured the wine for them.

"Come on, we haven't got together for a long time. Let's have a toast first." Filled with beer, Li Shiqin raised her glass and said to the crowd.

Naturally, ye Xiao and others will not have any opinions. They will grab the wine glass and finish it in one mouthful!

After drinking several cups in a row, people began to drink while eating. Xiao Feng directly played wine boxing with Da Pang. When he was playing, ye Xiao's mobile phone rang!

"Hello, ye Xiao, where are you? We're at Buckingham Palace, at the gate of the back garden The voice of Chen Tan Shang came from the other end of the phone!

"We are in the southwest corner. Just walk along the middle road." Ye Xiao reported the position of himself and others. In a short time, Chen Tan Shang came over. However, he did not come alone. He also brought a woman with him. This woman, ye Xiao and Xiao Feng have met, is Chen tanshang's former girlfriend, Wang Zhenzhen!

Seeing that Chen Tan Shang was even reconciled with this powerful woman again, ye Xiao's eyebrows wrinkled, but soon stretched out. Anyway, this is xiaoshangzi's own business. Since he likes it, let him do it?

Chen Dan Shang seems to be a little embarrassed, but he still calmly introduces Ye Xiao and others. On the contrary, it is Wang Zhenzhen, who shakes hands with Ye Xiao and others as if everything had never happened. It feels like she has really seen Ye Xiao and others for the first time. For this point, ye Xiao and Xiao Feng look at each other at the same time, and their eyes are full of horror, which is the woman's heart It seems to be a little bit deep, isn't it?

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