However, no matter Ye Xiao or Xiao Feng, they didn't show this shock on their faces. Although they didn't like Wang Zhenzhen very much, it was Chen tanshang's business after all. As friends, they didn't say much. They just hoped that Wang Zhenzhen would not hurt Chen tanshang again in the future, otherwise he would become a little hurt son!

The party didn't let Wang Zhenzhen down. They drank more than one beer. After a while, three dozen beers had been drunk, and Li Shiqin called for three dozen more. People continued to drink. Huang lingyao and Ouyang Qianqian, in particular, seemed to have reached a tacit agreement. They kept clinking glasses with Ye Xiao. In the end, ye Xiao had a large amount of wine A little dizzy!

At the end of the day, several girls, including Wang Zhenzhen, were all drunk. Even fat, they were dizzy, but they were able to stand up!

Seeing Li Shiqin who is also drunk in Xiao Feng's arms, ye Xiao smiles bitterly. Isn't this girl saying that she wants to invite herself to drink? Now that she's drunk like this, how can she pay? Shook his head, took out the credit card, gave it to the waiter to check out!

"Let's go!" When the waiter sent back the credit card, ye Xiao said to Xiao Feng. This guy is also drunk today. Look at his posture, he still wants to finish the attack on Li Shiqin tonight.

"Well!" A few people nodded, each of them helped up their female companion and walked to the parking lot outside!

But ye Xiao's face once again showed a bitter smile. People only need to help one, but he has to pay for two. He shakes his head, reaches out and grabs the waist of Ouyang Qianqian and Huang lingyao, gets up and walks outside.

A group of people came to the parking lot together. Xiao Feng has helped Li Shiqin to the co driver's seat, and then helped Ye Xiao to put Ouyang Qianqian on the back seat. Just as ye Xiao was about to help Huang lingyao into the car, Huang lingyao's stomach suddenly rolled. She broke away from ye Xiao and ran to the corner to vomit!

Ye Xiao is shocked. Why can't she drink so much? Hurry up to embrace Huang lingyao and pat her on the back, so that she will be more comfortable!

The light in the parking lot is not too bright, but Huang lingyao only wears a tight short sleeve. With her body arched and her clothes hanging forward, she can clearly capture the infinite scenery inside from ye Xiao's position!

Damn it, ye Xiao, what are you thinking? Don't you see that people are suffering now? You're in the mood to appreciate it? At this time, Huang lingyao is a burst of vomit, straight let Ye Xiao secretly despise themselves!

After a long time, she almost vomited all the things she drank today. Huang lingyao was more comfortable. Then she was helped up by Ye Xiao and helped to the car. However, she was wearing a very short skirt. When she helped her to the car, ye Xiao was not careful and looked at the infinite amorous feelings under her skirt!

He had already drunk a lot of wine, and then was stimulated by this. Rao was determined by Ye Xiao's determination and had some impulse of blood expansion. After calculating the time, he seemed to have not eaten meat for a long time!

"Bang..." At the time of Ye Xiao's blood expanding, a clear and loud sound suddenly came from the parking lot. Xiao Feng, who was standing beside the driver's seat to sober up, was stunned at the same time. Looking up, he saw that the beetle that Liu Yingying was driving was colliding with a black guangben heavy one. The huge impact directly pushed the beetle back There was a big hole in the front of the car. As for hiromoto, the car body was extremely miserable. The engine cover was dented by the whole collision, not to mention the front window glass was directly smashed!

This fully shows that the performance of domestic cars and German cars in a certain island is superior!

However, ye Xiao and Xiao Feng didn't want to compare the performance of the two cars at this time. They ran towards the beetle!

How can the people inside the beetle be ok with such a terrible impact force?

Before I ran to the car, I saw blood from the gap in the door. At the sight of this posture, their faces completely changed!

"Little hurt, fat man!" Ye Xiao and Xiao Feng roared, trying to open the door, but the car body had a slight deformation, the door was completely stuck, for a moment, where can I pull open!

Looking inside from the window, the driver is da Pang. The air bag has been fully opened, but his head is still covered with blood. I think it should be that he hit the steering wheel before the airbag is fully opened, and his fat body is also stuck by the car, and the whole person is in a coma.

Liu Yingying in the co driver's seat is not much better. Her forehead is covered with blood, and the whole person is in a coma. As for Chen tanshang and Wang Zhenzhen sitting in the back row, it seems that they have not been hurt, but they are also in a coma. What parts of their bodies have been injured do not know?

At the sight of this situation, a nameless anger rises from ye Xiao's heart. This is the exit. The guangben car has hit it directly. It is obviously against the regulations!

But ye Xiao didn't have time to get angry. The door of guangben had been pushed away from the car. The man in the driver's seat came down from the car with a wrench. There was also some blood on his forehead, but he looked much better than the fat man and others, and his face was full of anger and arrogance!"How does your mother force you to drive? Come down to me... " The man's dirty words, to the car comatose big fat and others is a burst of abuse!

"Fuck you!" Xiao Feng is angry, clearly is this son of a bitch driving in the opposite direction, and the speed is very fast. Now he is good to say that he is fat. When he sees the man coming, he will hit him with a fist!

"Bang!" A sound, the man was hit back and forth, nose is hit blood, and his eyes are full of shock.

"Your mother forced you to beat me, boy. You dare to beat me. You're dead. I tell you, you're dead!" The man was furious and took out his mobile phone directly and began to make a call!

"Hello, third, I was beaten in the parking lot. Please call my brothers...!" Xiao Feng doesn't care how many people he will call. He rushes forward and smashes it out again. Before he finishes, he has already smashed the phone in his hand and flies out. Then he kicks in his abdomen and kicks his whole person out!

As for ye Xiao, he doesn't pay any attention to Xiao Feng who is venting. If Xiao Feng doesn't, even he will. He takes out his mobile phone and dials 120 directly.

Then he was ready to force the beetle's door to open, but at this time, there was a sound of rapid footsteps around the parking lot. Looking up, we saw a man in black with a machete in all directions. Looking at the posture, ye Xiao's eyebrows were tightly wrinkled together. Not only Ye Xiao, but also Xiao Feng, felt that the speed was too fast ?

It felt as if they had been prepared for it, just waiting for them to do it

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