"That's them. Chop them down for me?" The man who was beaten up by Xiao Feng struggled to stand up and roared at Xiao Feng and others. In fact, there was no need for him to say anything more. The other men had rushed to Xiao Feng and ye Xiao at full speed. They looked like they had some deep hatred with Ye Xiao!

Feeling the killing intention of these people, ye Xiao's wine immediately wakes up seven points. Is this too abnormal?

Even Xiao Feng, at this time, he was shocked by the formation in front of him. What is this with? I just beat him a few punches, how come so many people come?

Before he could recover, a man in black had rushed to Xiao Feng's body. He held up his machete and chopped it down at Xiao Feng's head. What a lesson to him? It was killing him!

Xiao Feng drank a lot of wine, no less than ye Xiao. At this time, his head was still a little confused. Now he saw such a bright chopper cut down, and instinctively flashed to the side. His head avoided the key, but the knife still scratched on his arm, and the blood flowed out in an instant!

The stabbing pain in his arm made Xiao Feng sober up a lot. At the moment, he kicked out his foot and kicked him in the lower leg. Then he punched out and hit the man's abdomen. However, maybe he had drunk too much. The power of this fist was not too strong. He just let the man's body bow down. When Xiao Feng was ready to put it down, another man had already rushed over Once again, the machete of Xiao Feng fell into his head!

Xiao Feng was frightened. His body shook and avoided the vital point again. However, the man's machete was cut on Xiao Feng's back, and a long cut was made on his back!

"Ah Xiao Feng gave a painful cry and pushed the man in front of him away. Then the whole man rushed up and directly hit the nose bone of the second person. He heard the sound of bone breaking. But the man was also a fierce man. Under such circumstances, he cut Xiao Feng's thigh again. Xiao Feng wanted to retreat, but he really drank too much. His legs were heavy Later, he was still hit by this knife!

All this seems slow, in fact, that is, in the blink of an eye, when Xiao Feng's body fell down, ye Xiao completely recovered.

He drank no less wine than Xiao Feng, but years of combat experience told him that he could never really get drunk. Seeing more and more people in black, ye Xiao had already guessed that this was not a coincidence!

The muscles on his body began to tremble, and the cells in his body began to boil. If you look closely, you will find a faint white fog on his head, which is the evaporation of alcohol.

For the time being, ye Xiao's body suddenly speeds up, and then he rises in the air. He kicks in the air and kicks him hard on the head of one of the men who is rushing to Xiao Feng.

This foot almost contains all of Ye Xiao's strength. Suddenly, he heard a crack. The man's head was kicked to one side, and his body also flew up!

The body just fell on the ground, a man in black had already rushed over and stabbed him in the heart. Ye Xiao retreated backward to avoid the knife. But maybe it was because he drank too much and his body was not as flexible as before. His chest clothes were even cut by this knife!

The chilly chill swept the whole body, and ye Xiao felt as if he had been struck by water. He clasped the wrist of the man in black. With a stir and a click, he twisted the bone of the man in black directly. The man was in pain, and his machete fell down. Ye Xiao kicked it out and directly on the handle of the knife. Suddenly, the machete looked like a sharp arrow, He shot at the man in black who came at them.

"Hiss!" Although these people in black have two sons, they can't hide from such a fast knife. This knife is directly inserted into another person's abdomen.

And ye Xiao also took advantage of this opportunity to come to Xiaofeng, a grasp of a person's head, hit his knee!

"Bang!" The man's nose bone was smashed by Ye Xiao's knee top. There was a scream in his mouth. Ye Xiao threw it out like garbage and hit several people in a row!

At this time, Xiao Feng also staggered to stand up, want to rush to these people in black again, but was Ye Xiao a pull!

"Quick, call Bai choufei quickly!" Ye Xiao roared, these people are obviously not good at coming, and they dare to launch an attack here openly. They must have arranged everything. At this time, even if it is too late to call the police!

Xiao Feng has not yet come back to God, ye Xiao has put the mobile phone into his hands, and ye Xiao's body has been full speed toward the man in black in front!

Seeing the mobile phone dyed red with blood in his hand, Xiao Feng's drunken nerve finally wakes up completely. He immediately opens the address book, finds Bai choufei's phone, and dials it directly!

"Hello, soon, the voice of Bai choufei was heard on the other end of the phone!"

"Hello, this is Xiao Feng. We were attacked in the parking lot of Buckingham Palace." Xiao Feng said the situation here for the first time.

"Hold on, I'll be right here!" At the other end of the phone came Bai choufei's solemn voice, and then directly hung up the phone!"Be careful!" At this time, Xiao Feng's ears suddenly heard Ye Xiao's voice of surprise. Xiao Feng was shocked, and then he felt the chill behind him. I don't know when a man in black had come to his back, and cut him at the head!

"Hiss!" Xiao Feng flashed to one side at full speed, but his reaction was slow after all. The knife didn't enter his shoulder directly, and the blood suddenly roared!

Another man climbed up from the beetle's hood and jumped into the air directly. He raised his knife in both hands and chopped Xiao Feng's head!

Xiao Feng was so shocked that he had to dodge to one side, regardless of the pain on his shoulder. However, the man in black behind him suddenly released his machete and took a step forward. He hugged his arm directly from behind without giving him a chance to move!

Xiao Feng's body is out of control. He can only watch the other party cut towards him. He feels the cold and cold from the blade. His heart is low to the bottom. Is he going to die this time?

At this time, ye Xiaogang just pushed one person back. He saw that Xiao Feng was restrained. His whole body was like a swift and violent dragon. He ran out of the sky like a swift and violent dragon. Then his body soared into the air and hit the man in black who had cut Xiao Feng. He landed heavily on the ground. However, while he was flying out, his machete also left a hole in Ye Xiao's body.

Injured, this is the first time ye Xiao was injured today!

Xiao Feng, who has escaped a robbery, is also furious. He uses all his strength, bows to the front and throws the man behind him!

Ye Xiao is once again ejected from the ground, a severe knee top in that person's back waist!

"Click!" A, that is the sound of bone fracture, a burst of tragic cry is from the mouth of that person!

"How's it going?" Ye Xiao came to Xiao Feng's body and looked at the machete on Xiao Feng's shoulder and said in a deep voice!

"You don't mind me, I'm fine!" Although Xiao Feng's body has been injured in many places, he still stubbornly says that he has understood that these people are aiming at them. Now there are fat people in the car who don't know whether they are alive or dead. Ye Xiao, as the biggest fighting force, must spare no effort to fight, otherwise they are all in danger!

Seeing the look on Xiao Feng's face, ye Xiao didn't say much. He grabbed a machete and rushed at the group of people in black. No one noticed that there was an extra shadow in a corner of the parking lot

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