"I see!" Lianle's family responded with a very positive tone.

"Lianle family, just know how to do it. When I get back to the headquarters, I will help you speak." Jing Xingguo said in a deep voice: "the number of the enemy is not large, and staying in the woods, basically will not show up. You just need to drag the Yamen outside and wait for our support to arrive immediately. As long as you make sure where they are, I am confident that they will be destroyed! "

"Good!" Lianle family no longer have any hesitation, quickly issued the order.

People on the base know that they are going to die, but they are also fearless, because the consequences of disobeying orders are far more terrifying than death.


Even the rest of the musicians are a little stronger. Otherwise, how can they survive. Now they don't think so much about it. If they die, they can't wait to chase out, find the enemy, and tear the murderer to pieces!

However, they didn't dare to act without the order of Lian Le's family. Now even the music family has finally issued the order, they have become incomparably fierce.

However, lianle's family did not move and stayed in the same place. He would not be so stupid as to fight in person. Knowing that entering the dense forest is death, he might as well try to save his life.

"Tea, it seems that the other side's reaction and determination, far more than we imagined to be much stronger!" Leaves without lack of tea to maintain contact.

"They want to destroy us. We should also be careful not to be locked. They must have super firepower weapons. I'm afraid they want to destroy the whole mountain." Tea deep voice of the reply, heart filled with a trace of worry.

If it is the deployment of heavy weapons, even if tea has the strength of half step Dixian, may also be killed.

"I see. It's just that they let those little minions come in and drag us. It's ridiculous." Ye Wuwei said with a smile, "let's be quick. These people have come to die!"

Originally is not the leaf does not have the flaw and the tea opponent, now also scattered, is impossible to be the leaf does not have the flaw and the tea match.

Ye Wuqian and tea sleeve both understand this, so they are also scattered and attack lianle's staff as quickly as possible. They must be cleaned up as soon as possible, and then they can leave the woods.

Ye Wuqi swims rapidly and rushes to two people!

The two men were obviously very vigilant. They saw ye Wuque when ye Wuque was in action. They quickly raised their guns in their hands and shot at ye Wuque.

However, in the woods, ordinary bullets are blocked by a large number of bullets, so the lethality that can be caused is actually very small. With Ye Wuxiang's super strong induction force, he easily catches the trajectory of the bullet, and skilfully dodges away with his ghostly body method.

If these two people don't shoot ye Wumian for the first time, then there will be no chance, because they will be approached by Ye Wuque and die.

Two people quickly rush up, entangle Ye Wuxiang, at the same time, they sprinkle a pile of colorful powder, the goal is ye Wuque's body.

Ye Wuque understands that this is the other party's desperate situation. He intends to use his last trick. It is estimated that he wants to die with ye Wuque.

But for these, ye Wuqian didn't care at all. He wanted to fight with himself before he died. It was a joke.

In front of the other side's body, the other side's body was easily passed by, and then one of the staff was unable to make a sound!

Blood straight out, leaves without lack, even see the heart inside is still beating. Although he is not dead, but death is his destination, which can not be changed.

The other person's pupils contracted slightly. Obviously, he didn't expect his companion to be killed so easily. However, his surprise brought more fierce attack on ye Wuque, making him nowhere to escape.

In such a situation, he had to rush into battle, only to fight to death.

However, the dagger in his hand did not touch ye Wuque's weapon. The dagger in ye Wuque's hand crossed a strange arc and easily crossed his throat.

He felt that his power was disappearing, his consciousness was dissipating, and the things in front of him became blurred. Finally, his consciousness soon fell into the boundless darkness and disappeared into the world.

Ye Wuqi ignored the two people who had died and quickly transferred their position to find a new target!

At the same time, ye did not forget to completely destroy the last two communication equipment. Let here completely lose contact with the outside world!

Lian Le Jia and others came to the two brigades of Yuan Qisheng and ban Yongwang, close to the number of 100 people, and each of them was armed with terrible heavy weapons.

The lowest level is also Xuanwu, this force is undoubtedly very strong, strong enough to completely annihilate ye Wuwu and tea.

But lianle's face is very ugly at this time, because in this period of time, several light spots in the communication device in his hand disappeared, which means that all the people under him have been killed.He is the only one left under lianle's family, which can be said to be very sad.

"Lianle family, don't care about this! Jing Xingguo did not say that even if these people were sacrificed, as long as we can eliminate them and keep our hope, everything is worth it! " Ban Yongwang patted Lian Yue's shoulder and said in a deep voice.

Yuan Qisheng did not come to comfort Lian Le's family, but directed his own personnel to quickly install and carry out weapons.

"Report to the captain, the weapons are ready and ready to attack at any time!"

As the personnel reported one by one, the heavy weapons were ready to go.

"Ready!" Yuan Qisheng gave the order in a deep voice, and then he kept a close eye on the forest.

All of a sudden, a figure appeared in the heat sensor. Because even the musicians' men had been killed, the enemy also appeared.

Yuan Qisheng's eyes shrunk and he called out: "launch!"

All the heavy weapons quickly adjust their bearings, and then press the launch button at the first time. The hot light column is out of the air and rushes into the woods of the target over there.

Then came the big bang, which rang through the silent forest.

The violent explosion made the whole mountain forest form a gust of wind. The huge fire of tens of meters rose, and instantly the whole volcano turned into a sea of fire.

"No one can survive such a blow!" Yuan Qisheng's eyes congealed and said confidently.

"Ready!" Yuan Qisheng quickly issued the order, and all the heavy weapons were ready for another attack. Even though he saw that there was a sea of fire in front of him, he was not very relieved, so he wanted to release another attack.

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