At the moment, ye Wuque and tea have met, they were originally swimming in the mountains, hoping to avoid each other's siege, so it seems impossible to do so.

"Shit, these bastards have such a powerful weapon!" Ye Wuqi's face changed wildly. Judging from the light column just now, if it was really in this area, I'm afraid it would be bombed into pieces.

In fact, depending on the task, ye Wuqian and tea had a communication. At the same time, they hid in the woods. They also understood that the other party had a way to lock them in, but they didn't expect such a terrible heavy weapon.

It's just that they can't be sure how powerful the other side has, so they experimented. Now it seems that it is far beyond their imagination!

The power of this weapon is really great. At least Ye Wuqi and tea are not sure that they can survive under such attack. They must have stronger cultivation.

This result, let leaves and tea are very anxious, they are already in the mountains, want to get away from here, is not so simple.

"Now they have heat sensors, and we are completely exposed to their eyes, so it is unlikely that we want to leave this place safely." Tea deep voice said.

If this is the result, then this action of the two people can be equated with failure.

"The power of their weapon is so powerful that it is unrealistic to escape from here with the strength of both of us, unless someone can come to save us." Ye Wuwei said in a deep voice.

Ye Wuqian could not accept the failed task at all. Therefore, he must persist in it, or he would fail to live up to Wang Zhan's expectation.

However, there is still a long way to go before the time mentioned by Wang Zhan. Ye Wuwei has to continue to take actions to delay the time.

The most important thing is, there is another point. The headquarters of the mysterious organization may have found that there is an accident in this base, and even sent someone over to eliminate ye Wuque and tea.

Of course, in terms of speed and time, it must be the people of the dragon group who are much faster. After all, they have already planned the whole operation, and the mysterious organization is only now aware of it.

In fact, to a certain extent, the success or failure of this operation depends on which party's support is timely. As long as one side's support troops arrive, the other side will all be wiped out.

"We only have guns. We can't withstand such a terrible attack, or we'll end it." Tea helplessly said.

The base of the mysterious organization has always been equipped with heavy weapons. In case of emergency, they will basically use this extremely powerful weapon to eliminate all living creatures.

Ye Wuqi also frowned slightly. Without large weapons, there is a big problem. But where are we going to get big weapons now? It's just a luxury. It's unrealistic.

So, what should we do? Do you really want to give up?

Ye Wuqian is full of reluctance in his heart!

"If you don't want to be soft, let's fight for it. I'll rush out to see if there is a chance to get close to the base and sneak into it like that. Maybe it can change the situation." Ye Wuwei gnaws his teeth and says that he still wants to take a risk. Only in this way can he have a chance.

"No way!" Tea immediately said decisively: "this way, too risky, not suitable for our situation, so I advise you to stay here and wait for support."

"What is not in danger? Even now, we are in danger. If we don't act, we will have to watch this opportunity disappear. Are you all willing to see the mission fail? " Ye Wuque asked in a cold voice. In fact, he was also very uncomfortable.

The dragon group is the relationship between Wang Zhan and ye Wuqian. In the same way, ye Wuqian paid such a price, hoping to get the help of the Dragon Group on the way to Kyoto.

Although tea is now showing calm, let ye wumi understand that even if they can stay here waiting for support, they are likely to be escaped by the other side.

"This base is just a target in our mission. We do not intend to take it down, and there may not be much information about the mysterious organization contained in it." Tea plain said.

In the case of no chance of winning, it is still indomitable, which can be said to be sent to death. Tea just made the most reasonable judgment, if the leaves do not want to be so impulsive, then tea will not accompany.

"Then are we really going to do nothing?" Ye Wuqi's eyes are shining with an unwilling light. If you can finish the task at a glance, the Dragon Group will become a strong backing for itself. Even the eight Chinese families may not be able to hinder themselves.

"I didn't ask you to give up. We just have to wait and see. No one knows whether we have a chance. If there is an opportunity, I will go with you. Don't think that only you have the courage in the world." Tea said.

"Well, that seems to be the only way." Ye Wuzhi nods and thinks about his idea just now. It's too dangerous.If you insist on doing this, ye Wuqian's life is really dangerous.

Tea see leaves no longer adhere to, but also a little relieved, and then pull the leaves straight back, hiding under a big tree, vigilant looking at the changes in the base.

"Go, let's retreat a little further, and watch with peace of mind!" Tea said.

In any case, the other party's transfer can not be quiet, even if the distance is a little far, it is not afraid of not being detected.

At this time, outside the tree age, Yuan Qisheng is still waiting for him! He is responsible for the elimination of Ye Wuque and tea, so that they can not easily approach, and wait for Jing Xingguo to handle all the things in the base.

He didn't find the heavy weapon and the red sleeve weapon, so he didn't use it.

"Did you find any trace of the heat sensor?" Lianle asked in a deep voice. He didn't want to wait here. He hoped to find ye Wuque and tea as soon as possible, and then smash them into pieces.

Several of his men were shaking their heads. Obviously, the answer was No.

Lianle's family is very disappointed. They know that the enemy is in the forest, but there is not much way to eliminate them all. It's really depressing.

"The area of the explosion, what do you find?" Yuan Qisheng asked, expended so much energy, only to see ye Wuwu and tea dead, he can be at ease.

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