The cruel reality tells Lian Le's family that he knows very well that the other party is going to invade. No matter whether he is willing or not, he must face the terrorist attack.

From the source of the gunfire, it should be four people, but the intensity of the fire was far beyond his expectation.

Yes, even the musicians think that the strength sent by the dragon group is very strong, so he is ready to accept the fate of death. But now it seems that the situation is not so serious.

However, the shooting accuracy and great power of the other side is really terrible. If anyone shows a slight flaw, he will be shot immediately, with minor injuries and serious deaths.

Even the music family didn't know how to deal with it. Even ban Yongwang didn't dare to look up now, just like a turtle with a shrinking head.

Now the situation is very serious, ban Yong hopes that the position they choose is not very good concealment effect. After being bombarded by so many bullets, I can't support it any more.

If it's been suppressed all the time, who knows how the other side will press them step by step. If the other party approaches their position, with that kind of accurate shooting method, they certainly have no possibility of survival.

In that case, the situation will become even worse than it is now. Several people of lianle family are like fighting a trapped animal. They must not let the enemy approach them again.

"What to do?" Ban Yong said in a deep voice.

Yuan Qisheng frowned, obviously had no idea, so he looked at Lian Le's family. He was the only one qualified to make decisions here.

Even Lejia frowned and turned her head to consult others, but suddenly said, "Hey, where has jingxingguo gone?"

Even the musicians always thought that Jing Xingguo was following them, so they didn't pay much attention to it. Who knows it will be gone? No one knows when he left.

Isn't Xingguo following Jing? It's just that we haven't seen him for a long time. Isn't it time to deal with the information in the base? "

Even the words of the musicians make ban Yongwang and Yuan Qisheng a little strange. It is obvious that the people who follow them suddenly disappear without a trace?

Jing Xingguo is the person in charge of the base. Naturally, he will not follow the attack, but stay at the end. When he finds that he can't carry the enemy, he will destroy all the information in the base.

But even the music family suddenly asked, they did not want to understand, what is the meaning of this?

Both of them recognized that there was another meaning in Lejia's words, but they didn't think about it carefully, otherwise they would feel unusual.

"What do you think of Jing Xingguo's loyalty to the organization?" Lian Le's face changed and said to himself.

Even the music family's inquiry, so that other people are in the middle of a heavy problem, what is Jing Xingguo's plan in the end?

"Jing Xingguo is the person in charge sent by the organization, so he represents the organization. Therefore, there is no need to doubt his loyalty to the organization. Otherwise, the organization will not send him to take charge of the affairs of the base." Ban Yongwang said with certainty that he had been in contact with Jing Xingguo for a long time and had a high awareness of his loyalty.

"Lianle family, what do you want to say Yuan Qisheng frowned. He always felt that even the music family was a little strange now.

Inexplicably speaking of Jing Xingguo, now it is a matter of life and death. What does lianle's family mean?

"I just feel strange. To be honest, do you think that if we stick to it, the organization will really risk sending someone to save us?" Lian Yue said in a deep voice.

Although their positions in the organization are not very high, they have a thorough understanding of the style of the organization. If someone threatens the security of the organization, it goes without saying that it will be abandoned and there is no room for turning around.

Combined with the strange trend of Jing Xingguo, the fog seemed to disperse at once.

"Is it..." Ban Yongwang and Yuan Qisheng's faces suddenly changed. They seemed to have guessed something.

Even the musician nodded his head in silence and said, "it seems that you are beginning to doubt. Of course, I hope my guess is false. If it is as we think, the consequences may be very serious."

"Maybe the organization will no longer worry about our life and death, and even hope that we can use up with the base. Only in this way, all the secrets about the base will be buried underground!" Ban Yongwang said to the point that he did not let himself and others leave a trace of fantasy.

"Hum! Since the organization cares so much about the information, why should we sacrifice our lives to protect it? I think more about my own life than others. " Even the music family said coldly that it was better to hand over the base information, but also to protect their own lives.

"Lianle family, do you mean..." Yuan Qisheng's face is very ugly now. From the words of lianle's family, he can guess that crazy idea.

If a person knows that he has been abandoned, it must be very painful, or will do very crazy things, this is very normal situation."In fact, you can think about it carefully. If only al Qaeda and us were sacrificed, the organization would not care. Compared with the resources of the base, as well as the martial arts experts who can be trained through potions, our death has no loss. " Lian Le said, but the more he said, the more frightened he was.

Looking at Ban Yongwang and their faces suddenly changed violently, Lian Lejia continued: "since the Organization headquarters sent spaceship troops to rescue us, it is a pity that they were defeated by outside forces. If it was the previous situation, we would be able to leave safely. Why does the organization spend so much time sending people to protect us, or to protect some unknown things in the base? "

The words of Lian Yue's family seemed to wake up the alarm in ban Yongwang and Yuan Qisheng's heart, and they realized what was hidden in them, which made them confused.

Sometimes in the face of the facts not far from believing, it is always difficult to place hope on.

Ban Yongwang and Yuan Qisheng are in a very strange mood, which can be said to be miserable, but there is also a kind of relief after the relief. I don't know whether the organization's abandonment of them, the excuse to let them leave, or how.

"Is there a self destruction device in the base? Once the organization realizes that there is no way to save it, the left behind will blow up everything here." Ban Yongwang said with a gloomy face, this is what he is most worried about.

"How could there be a self exploding device? At that time, I was responsible for the construction of the whole base. I have never seen any description of the self exploding device. Don't scare me." Lianle's family suddenly screamed that if there were self exploding devices, they would not have a chance to leave this place safely.

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