"Are you sure there was no one involved in any aspect of the construction at that time?" Ban Yongwang asked.

Lian Le's family thought about it for a while, and then said, "I just remember that Jing Xingguo used to take over from me and handle some parts of the base, but I didn't think there was much problem at that time, so I left it to him."

Yuan Qisheng frowned and said, "Jing Xingguo, now he has disappeared. Maybe he is going to carry out the mission assigned by the base, and let us bury here."

At the same time, the three men were silent. They did not know whether there was one or not, and they were not sure. However, they thought that there was a good chance for them to resist the enemy because of the strange actions of the organization and Jing Xingguo.

"So you mean we have to die anyway, right?" Ban Yongwang said a little worried, even he didn't know how to solve it.

"The situation is not so serious, we still have a way to live, or we have a chance to get rid of being buried here." Lian Le's family said in a hurry, but the worry between the eyebrows did not dissipate.

"What way to live?" Ban Yongwang said with surprise, even yuan Qisheng was very nervous.

No matter who wants to die, if you can live, no matter how difficult the opportunity will be.

Only survive, can talk about other things, otherwise everything is empty talk, no meaning.

Lian Le's face was cold, biting his teeth and saying, "surrender!"

"What do you say, surrender!"

Ban Yongwang and Yuan Qisheng both screamed in shock. They couldn't believe that Lian Le's family would say such a thing. In the past, no one dared to betray the mysterious organization, because they had seen how the mysterious organization treated the traitors, and it is still vivid, bloody and cruel.

People living under the mysterious organization basically have two kinds of psychology. One is the incomparable worship of the organization. They think that depending on such forces, they can pursue a higher level of cultivation and have stronger strength.

The other is the fear caused by mystery as a means of terror brought about by organizations.

For most of the people in the current base, the latter is even more. They are very worried about whether they will be caught by mysterious organizations in the future. The result is very miserable.

However, what they never thought of was that the lianle family would dare to say such treacherous words. This is simply to risk life as death.

"Surrender!" Ban Yongwang opened his mouth, he shook his head fiercely, and said: "no, no, the organization will catch us, and then our end will be very tragic."

Lianle family sighed and said, "there is no way. Besides surrender, do we have other choices? I ask you, do you want to survive, or are you afraid of the organization and die in this place


This question in the class Yongwang and Yuan Qisheng's heart gushes out, immediately is a bit scratching the head. One is the threat of death, the other is the unknown encounter.

If they surrender, they will live for a while, but if they disobey the dragon group, they will only die in this place. Such an inner struggle is actually emerging in the hearts of people who have never thought of violating the mysterious organization.

Finally, after a period of time, ban Yongwang suddenly widened his eyes, and then suddenly took out the knife, which was straight into the heart of lianle's family.

Lianle's family opened their eyes and stared at Ban Yongwang in disbelief. He didn't understand why he was assassinated by Ban Yongwang. In the end, was there any problem?

"You..." Ban Lian points to his home.

Ban Yong looked at the lianle family coldly, showed a ferocious smile, staring at the lianle family and said: "you are really damned!"

"Why?" Lian Le's family asked bitterly. He thought that he would be recognized, and then everyone would fight out together. Who knows.

"Even Lejia, you really let me down. All the strength we get is given by the organization, and what the organization is doing is a great achievement that can change the whole world. I will never allow anyone to stop it." Yuan Qisheng looks crazy, like a cult fanatic, full of anger in his eyes.

"Ban Yongwang, are you not afraid of death?" Lianle's family's consciousness began to be a little fuzzy. He felt that the true Qi was gradually losing from his body, and he was only one step away from death.

He really did not want to understand, in the end, what can make ban Yongwang not care about his life, but also have to pay the price of his life, is this the so-called loyalty?

"You don't understand, especially as a traitor, you never understand the value of an organization, or you won't think of betraying the organization." Yuan Qisheng laughs at the corners of his mouth. Obviously, his ideas have been deeply influenced by mysterious organizations.

"Ha ha, I didn't expect that the brainwashing of the mysterious organization would be so useful. No wonder this organization has been able to last for such a long time. It is because of you lunatics..."

"Don't tarnish our great organization again, you die for me quickly!"Ban Yongwang suddenly inserted himself into the heart of lianle's family again, and twisted it vigorously.


Lian Le's family spat out a mouthful of blood and then closed his eyes. His idea of Yuan Qisheng is incomprehensible. Clearly, he can still live. Why should this cruel mysterious organization work hard? What in the end supports ban Yongwang's belief that he is willing to give up his life?

Lian Lejia, who closed his eyes, could not think of this problem all the time. However, he had no time to think about it. After his eyes were closed, he left the world completely.

Yuan Qisheng pulled out his dagger and gently wiped the blood on the blade. His expression was very calm. He did not have the crazy color just now, nor was he sad. It seemed that what he killed was not a comrade in arms who had known him for many years. He did not have a trace of emotion, but he was killing a pig and a sheep.

Yuan Qisheng, who stayed next to him, was shocked. He never thought it would be like this. He was a partner who died together just now. Now he is a corpse, and he is another comrade in arms.

Yuan Qisheng could not accept this sudden change.

All of a sudden, ban Yongwang looks at Yuan Qisheng with the same indifference and ruthlessness in his eyes, just like that when he killed lianle's family.

"Yongwang, you've done so well. I wanted to do it just now. Who knows it's a step for you. It's unforgivable that even the family wants to betray the organization. It's too cheap for him to die like this. " Yuan Qisheng indignantly said, from time to time to step on the ground with his feet on the body of Lian Le's family to vent his hatred.

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