The rear is to do sniper cover, ye Wuque moves quickly in front. One after the other, they constantly cover for the other side, and then keep making the other party closer to the base,

they have always maintained the firepower suppression on the other side, and can also keep approaching the other side at the same time!

The closer the distance, the greater the threat to each other!

Ye Wuque doesn't want to kill all the people in the base, and he also wants to get something about the potion from the population in the base.

However, ye Wuxiang's rapid advance in front of him puts a heavy pressure on the other side, so the people in the base basically focus their firepower on ye Wuque.

The heavy pressure brought about by Ye Wuqi makes the people in the base dare not make a move, they can only hide in it.

However, a few people in the base couldn't stand the humiliation, so they wanted to fight back. Two of them roared and pointed their guns at Ye Wuxiang.

"Go to hell!" The two roared wildly, as if to make the bullet more accurate.

But in this situation, courage alone is not enough to save their lives.

The two talents in the base just came out and were killed by bullets!

Why is the dragon group strong?

Not only the two people who have just been killed by bullets, but also the people who are still alive. Their strength is not so bad, but they can not carry the people of the dragon group to attack.

"Get down on the ground and don't let the other party have any more opportunities!" Ban Yongwang was very angry and constantly warned everyone, but this is a pity.

If ye Wuwu is not so strong, and can be in a barrage of bullets, he can be constantly advancing in depth, here people can still be calm, won't let tea three people have a chance to shoot.

"Who the hell is that? The dragon group even sent such a master, obviously the potential is in the inevitable Ban Yongwang said in horror.

When Yuan Qisheng kept warning, it was a little too late. Not only did many members die, but also a few people from ye Wuqian came closer to the base.

Ban Yongwang realized that it was inevitable to die out!

"Grass! Let's rush out with me, we'll fight with them Ban Yongwang was completely infuriated!

When members of the mysterious organization will be oppressed to such fields, ban Yongwang does not know whether Jing Xingguo has started the self destruction system of the base. After it has been activated, he has no idea how long it will be before the explosion.

Now ye Wuwei is approaching. It's not a bad thing to ban Yongwang, but an expected thing. It's just a little faster. It would be better if we could hit the time of the explosion.

There are still a lot of explosives in the base, so ban Yongwang can use these explosives to deal with ye Wumian when he approaches.

Just love is due to the distance is too far, even if they are sharpshooters, still can't hit ye Wuque, on the contrary, their own side was shot and killed by the other side's sharpshooter. Now ye wumi is close to several people, so they can use explosives to throw them at close range. Ban Yongwang doesn't believe it's useless.

Now it's different. Now that we're closer, the threat will naturally be greater.

"Hum! If you come closer, I will destroy you. " Ban Yongwang cruel smile, light said.

"Be careful!" Ye Wuqi has been very close, he naturally noticed ban Yongwang's move, so immediately remind tea three people.

The range of explosives has a very big threat to Ye Wuqian and others. Even if their skills are relatively fast and can avoid the core explosive force, although they may threaten their lives, they are seriously injured, which is not too difficult.

Ban Yongwang has been waiting for an opportunity. He noticed that ye Wuwei was very close, so he called out: "do it!"

Several of his subordinates immediately followed the orders and threw the explosives in their hands at Ye Wuxiang. Just now ye Wuque killed so many of their brothers, so the person they hated most was Ye Wuxiang. All of a sudden, all the explosives were thrown at ye Wuque,

"ha ha! You people want to kill me? " Ye Wuqian raised his gun. When several talents just raised their hands, they even pulled the trigger before throwing out the explosives in their hands.


Several people did not throw out the explosives in their hands, and they were already out of breath, so the explosives in their hands fell under their feet


When the explosive falls on the ground, it explodes instantly. Regardless of who the user is, all of a sudden, there are explosions inside the base.

Bang Bang

Without any reaction, ye Wuwei has already taken the hand to solve the biggest threat.

A man was about to take out the explosive from his waist just now. He was going to follow him and throw it at Ye Wushi. But now his hand was on the top of the explosive, and before he could take it out, he saw such a terrible situation, and his heart was almost stopped.

All of a sudden, ye Wuque's eyes glared at the man, so the man wanted to stretch out and take out the explosive, and then throw it out, but he still looked down on ye WuqueSince ye Wuqian can notice him, he is ready. Just as the man took out the explosive, even when he started the explosive device, he had no chance.

Because ye Wuque had already done it for him, the bullet shot by Ye Wuque directly hit the explosive in the hands of the man, and then exploded.


The explosive developed by the mysterious organization is still very powerful. It is just a small explosive. It will blow up a big hole on the ground. If several explosives are allowed to explode around ye Wumian, it will be very terrible.

Of course, let Ye Wuxiang's speed be as fast as possible, but after all, there are more than a dozen people. If more than ten people throw explosives at the same time, even ye Wuxiang can't avoid it safely.

"Don't be afraid. If we can't kill the boy, then we can throw it to the back and solve the people in the dragon group. We can't die without any value." Banyong said that he would not want to die with him.

Ye Wuqian smell speech, immediately is to turn back to look, very worried to see the back of the tea.

But there are three lights and shadows in the rear. The speed is absolutely incomparable to that of Ye wumi, let alone be hit by explosives.

"These people are all the experts of the Chinese dragon group, and their strength is above me. Even I can avoid those explosives. How can they avoid it?" Ye Wuque shakes his head and laughs bitterly, saying that he is worried more.

As expected, those explosives thrown at tea several people, simply can't explode in their position, can not endanger the safety of tea three people.

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