In this way, ye Wuqian is also calm down and can concentrate on dealing with the rest of the base.

"The strength of the dragon group is beyond my expectation! If you have a chance, you still have to go to the dragon group in Kyoto to see how it works. " Ye Wuxiang thought, and then rushed to the base.

After this time's cover, ye Wuwei comes to ban Yongwang.

Ban Yongwang and others can say that they are all exposed in front of Ye Wuwei, and there is no way to retreat, except for the hard work.


Ye Wuqi shoots out the last bullet and kills one person. After that, he quickly runs up to block ban Yongwang and other people.

Although one person has been killed, ye Wuqian has also used the last bullet, but there are still many enemies.

At present, there are only eight enemies in front of Ye Wuqian. At the same time, in the face of so many Xuanwu level warriors, even ye Wuqian cannot be fearless.

"Stinky boy, you are just a Xuan level martial arts person, how dare you be so brave inside?" Ban Yong saw that ye Wuwei's strength was not particularly strong, so he despised him.

"Ha ha, I'm just a Xuanwu, but you didn't defend me just now." Ye Wuke can be so ironic back, ban Yongwang is indeed not able to stop him.

Ban Yongwang hears the speech and suddenly gets angry. Ye Wuqian's words are obviously mocking him. The most important thing is that he killed so many people in the organization and forced them to be so miserable that he was just a Xuanwu.

"Hum! Stinky boy, don't think you are a member of the dragon group, just want to get the secret of the base. Even if we die, we will pull you to die together Ban Yongwang said with a sneer.

"Hey, do you think I'm the only one here?" asked Ye

Bang Bang

With the sound of two guns, tea three people appear in the leaves of the absence of the side, each hand has a heavy sniper gun.

Ban Yongwang's face changed. The strength of the people who appeared in his heart was far beyond Ye Wuqian, but there was something wrong with him. It was clear that their strength was strong. Why would ye Wuqian, whose strength was much weaker, rush into battle?

"You..." Ben Yongwang wants to delay time, but the other party doesn't, but he doesn't.

Bang bang!

Tea three people have no mercy, look at Ban Yongwang next to a few people shot, the moment will be a few people to put out the mouth.

Seeing that all the people in the base are going to be killed, ye Wuqian said in a hurry: "don't kill all, leave one!"

Ye Wuqi finally meets so many warriors who are close to his own strength. Of course, he wants to try his own strength. Previously, he used his weapons to attack the base and killed the men of the mysterious organization.

In this way, there is not much reference value, so ye Wuque wants to fight a real fight.

"Keep this man!" Ye Wuqi saw at a glance that ban Yongwang is extraordinary, and this person's strength is also the highest.

When ye Wuque was a Death Squadron, he was almost hit by Ban Yongwang, who suddenly appeared in the middle of the road.

There is no doubt that ban Yongwang must be the commander here, not only in terms of strength, but also about the things in the base, he should know the most.

"I don't need to bother you. Just now you didn't perform enough. It's our turn." Kang Hao said.

"Yes, let's go." Hu Hongzhao said with a smile, clenched his fist and was eager to try.

Kang Hao and Hu Hongzhao gathered around, staring at Ban Yongwang in front of him and jokingly said, "you are one of the leaders of this base. It's just right that we just have something to ask you."

"Hum! You don't want to know anything in my mouth. " Ban Yongwang suddenly took out his pistol and aimed at his head.

Then ban Yongwang suddenly pulled the trigger.


Ban Yongwang actually shot himself, and didn't even have the slightest resistance and begging for mercy. It seems that he has been ready to do this for a long time.

Due to ban Yongwang's desire to die, plus the distance is too far, so even Kang Hao did not have time to stop!

Ye Wuqi's pupil shrinks and sighs in silence. If he keeps his eyes open, he may be able to perceive the motive of ban Yongwang and forestall ban Yongwang, so as not to let this important character commit suicide.

At present, the base has been conquered by Ye Wuque. Ye Wuque doesn't know how many secrets of mysterious organizations are hidden in it. In case that Ben Yongwang committed suicide and has no way to know, it will be a great loss.

"Why can't you keep an eye on it? Knowing that we have entered the base, we should pay attention to all the details rather than any accidents." Ye Wuque comes over and complains. His eyes are full of regrets and looks at the corpse of ban Yongwang.

"I'm sorry!" Kang Hao seems to be very open-minded. Since it is his own problem, he is generous in accepting mistakes.

"Well, people are dead, so there is no way but to go and see. Are there any other clues?" Ye Wuqi didn't blame the three of them. After all, it was a sudden incident, which we didn't expect.It's just about the base that makes him very sad. If he didn't catch ban Yongwang, it would be even more difficult to get out of the base.

As an elite member of the dragon group, Kang Hao is still very strong. It is very valuable that he can be so calm and even know his own mistakes when he hears Ye Wuqian's reprimand.

"Tea, you come here to carry out the mission, must be to know their details, now how can you find the secret of the base?" Ye Wuqi looks at the tea.

"Of course, it's a direct inquiry. Don't think that all the people in this base are like this brainless person." Tea kicks the ban Yongwang corpse on the ground.

A cold light flashed through ye Wumian's mind. Yes, ban Yongwang is dead. The others still have great interrogation value. There is no need to tangle with ban Yongwang's death.

"OK, then we'll catch all the survivors in the base. Don't let me down. You have to ask for valuable clues from them." Ye Wuwei said, and then quickly rushed to the interior of the base.

Kang Hao and Hu Hongzhao are also following Ye Wuqian's back. Their strength is very strong. In addition, the people in the base have already suffered from mental breakdown. In addition, ban Yongwang, who forced them, has committed suicide. Therefore, they did not resist, but let Ye Wuqian be captured smoothly.

"It's boring. You have to fight against it so that I can show my skills. It's speechless to surrender so quickly." Ye Wuqi said a little frustrated.

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