Ye Xiao has already seen the situation here, but he is surrounded by seven or eight people in black. Rao is a man of great strength and can't rush over for a moment!

As for Xiao Feng, at this time, he also struggled to stand up and rushed towards this side at full speed. However, another man in black stopped him. Xiao Feng was helpless and could only do his best. At this moment, he didn't even care about his injuries.

As a man, how can you hurt the woman who comes out with him?

Suddenly was slapped by the other side, Ouyang Qianqian even forgot the fear, but recklessly grabbed the man in black. The man in black was caught by her carelessly and broke his face.

Feeling the burning pain on his face, the man in black was even more furious. He directly hit Ouyang Qianqian in the abdomen. Ouyang Qianqian is just an ordinary young girl. How can she withstand such a blow, she is pale on the spot and her whole body is concave.

Such a scene has long frightened Li Shiqin and Huang lingyao in the car. Li Shiqin's body curls up in the co driver's position and shivers. After a brief shock, Huang lingyao grabs a crystal ornament in the back of the BMW and rushes down from the car!

"Bitch, I call you arrogant!" The man in black didn't notice this. He still kept wrinkling Ouyang Qianqian, and punched several fists in her abdomen!

Ouyang Qianqian was beaten up and vomited. Her face was pale and terrible. The corners of her mouth even spilled blood!

However, the man was not satisfied. He even grabbed Ouyang Qianqian's hair and walked towards the BMW. Looking at that, he even wanted to smash her head on the BMW!

"Go to hell!" When the man is about to implement the action, Huang lingyao, who quietly comes to the man's back, smashes the crystal ornaments in his hands!

This is a crystal ornament with a square base. On the spot, he smashed a blood hole into the man's head. The man was furious and threw Ouyang Qianqian on the ground. Then he grabbed Huang lingyao's collar and slapped him in the back hand!

"Pa!" A crisp sound, Huang lingyao's face appeared five clear fingerprints, the corner of the mouth is overflowing blood, a long head of hair is also fanned disorderly!

"Bitch, I make you arrogant!" The angry man didn't mean to stop. He slapped Huang lingyao's face again. It was hot and painful. The short sleeve on her body could not bear any more. It was torn open and revealed the black underwear inside!

Seeing the hemisphere wrapped by black underwear, the man's eyes showed a burning light. At this time, he realized clearly that what was in front of him was a living beauty!

Lingnen's head was red and yellow in front of her eyes!

Huang lingyao drank a lot, but just now he slapped her to wake up a lot. Now she sees that this guy is going to molest himself, instinctively protect her chest, and her body is moving backward. However, her heels are already high. When she retreats suddenly, the heel of her shoes twists, and the whole body falls backward!

Huang lingyao was wearing a miniskirt. When she fell down like this, the spring under her skirt was revealed. Seeing the black lace hollowed out inside, the man's blood was boiling thoroughly. The whole person jumped on Huang lingyao and rode on Huang lingyao's body, reaching out to tear Huang lingyao's clothes!

"Don't..." Huang lingyao instinctively screams, and Ouyang Qianqian at this time also fell into an extreme coma!

Not far away, ye Xiao saw Ouyang Qianqian beaten by others, and felt a burst of anger. In the face of the roaring machete, he could not avoid it any more!

"Hiss!" A machete fell on Ye Xiao's shoulder, but ye Xiao seemed as if nothing had happened. Her eyes were suddenly red with blood. She stretched out her hands directly, grabbed their heads and hit them so directly!

"Bang!" Ye Xiao's violent force was so huge that their heads suddenly burst like watermelon, and the plasma all over the sky was splashed all over his body. However, he didn't pay any attention to these and rushed to the front at full speed!

Another man in black wanted to stop him, and a knife fell into his neck. Ye Xiao, who had no weapons, stretched out his right hand directly and seized the chopper. Fortunately, the machete was not sharp, but even so, he still made a blood cut in the palm of Ye Xiao's hand.

Ye Xiao seemed to have no feeling. He even tried hard to break the blade of the knife, and then grabbed his head with the other hand in the startled eyes of the man!

"Go to hell!" Ye Xiao roared in his mouth and inserted half of the blade into the man's mouth, so that he could not even scream. Half of the blade penetrated through the back of his head!

Such a bloody and brutal scene finally shocked those people in black, at least let their action for a meal, that is to say, during this meal, ye Xiao's body rushed out like a locomotive, directly bumping the two people in front.

Almost instantaneously, ye Xiao has come to the front of the BMW. At this time, the man just pulled off Huang lingyao's short sleeve!At this time, ye Xiao, covered with blood, rushed over. Without waiting for the man to react, he seized his head, lifted up his whole body, and rushed to the BMW two steps away!

"Bang!" Ye Xiao grabbed the man's head with one hand and hit the car body hard. The huge force shocked the BMW. Li Shiqin, who was hiding in the car, screamed because of the collision!

Ye Xiao can't ignore the scream of Li Shiqin. He grabs the man's arm again, twists and clicks. The man's right hand is directly broken, blood splashes and meat particles fly. The man who has been knocked unconscious is awakened again, and his mouth utters a miserable cry. However, ye Xiao does not let him go. He grabs his head again and faces him at full speed Smash the broken glass on the ground!

"Bang!" A sound, the man's head and the ground to an extremely close contact, those broken glass is more into his face, his mouth is also inserted into some, as for the eyes, is directly pierced!

The man's scream stopped suddenly, and ye Xiao threw it on the ground like a dead dog. Her scarlet eyes swept over the man in black who was about to come. Facing the eyes without a trace of emotion, all the remaining 20 people were shocked, and no one dared to step forward!

"Ye Xiao, be careful!" At this time, Xiao Feng, who was forced back by the man in black, rushed over, and suddenly a cry of surprise came from his mouth!

Ye Xiao felt an unprecedented chill from behind. Looking back, he saw a dark shadow shooting from the other side of the BMW. It was a man in Samurai uniform, but wearing a pair of clogs under his feet, and his hair tied behind his head.

There was a long knife hanging around his waist. The whole person had already risen into the air. Then he grasped the handle of the knife with one hand, and then pulled out the long knife with a Shua. In an instant, a flash of bright Dao awn suddenly lit up, just like a thunderbolt, falling from the sky, directly enveloping Ye Xiao!

Feel this scene of brilliant light to the extreme, ye Xiao's mind suddenly appeared a person - Miyamoto Musashi!

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