Yes, only the legendary Japanese swordsman Miyamoto Musashi can stab such a perfect sword. No, it's a sword!

The weapon used in Japanese Kendo is samurai sword!

Feeling such a strong knife, ye Xiao's heart even flashed a trace of despair, yes, it was a despair from the heart, in the face of such a sharp knife, or a sword, he could not rise to resist the idea!

It seems that this sword can break the heaven and the earth. When facing the heaven and earth, I am just a little mole ant. A little mole ant can't resist the power of heaven and earth. What's more, it's a sword that can cut down the heaven and earth?

However, soon, a violent evil spirit came out of Ye Xiao's body. He was a soldier of the immortal camp of the dragon clan. He was engraved with the soul seal of the dragon family. How could the people of the dragon family retreat without fighting, even without the courage to fight?

Even if this sword can really tear the world apart, I will fight hard!

To seek the vitality between the heaven and the earth!

Huge ideas are constantly filling the brain, ye Xiaona's body, which had been in a standstill, instantly regained its vitality, and even an extremely violent force is waking up in his body!

But the speed of this sword is so fast that his body can't dodge. The only way is to resist it. But he doesn't have any weapons in his hand. How to resist it?

He can use his hand to hold a chopper, but he can't grasp such a sword with his hand. It's a sword like a light. He can't catch the track of the sword. Even if he does, the only result is that his hand is cut off, and the sword will continue to cut his body!

This point, do not need to doubt, from that can tear up the space of the sword can feel!

"Bang!" When ye Xiao didn't know how to resist the sword, a figure hit him and flew his whole body out!

Xiao Feng!

Ye Xiaoxin almost mentioned his voice!

Xiao Feng even smashed himself with his body to avoid the sharp sword. However, how could Xiao Feng's body resist such a sword? He was exchanging his own life for his own!

Time seems to stop at this moment, ye Xiao's body flies in the air, and his eyes are so open to watch that sword light cut to Xiao Feng's body!

There is no doubt that once the sword light is cut on Xiao Feng's body, Xiao Feng's body will be cut in two at the first time!

"Bang!" However, what ye Xiao didn't expect was that at this time, a man dressed in the same clothes as those in black directly rushed over. Almost instantaneously, his body also hit Xiao Feng's body and flew out of the whole. In his hand, there was a sharp sword in his hand, which directly met the bright sword!

All this seems to be slow, but from ye Xiao's being hit and flying, and Xiao Feng's body being hit and flying, it is in the blink of an eye that all of a sudden see the figure, everyone is stunned!

"Hiss!" The man raised a knife and didn't stop the bright sword. Instead, a blood spring burst out of his heart, just because there was a blood hole bigger than his thumb in his heart, which was pierced by the sword!

With the sound of "Putong", the man's knees directly knelt on the ground, and his eyes were full of horror. It seemed that it was hard to understand how the opponent suddenly turned into a stab after being cut by a knife, and how could the speed of the sword be so fast? I didn't even see it clearly. I didn't even see this sword at all!

"Brush!" That is, the moment the man landed, the shining sword body has returned to the scabbard!

Since the sword came out, no one in the field saw what the sword looked like!

"Bang!" At this time, ye Xiao and Xiao Feng's bodies fell on the ground one after another. Ye Xiao had turned over and ran from the ground. His body was like a civet and ran to Miyamoto Musashi. However, Miyamoto Musashi in Samurai uniform did not mean to fight with Ye Xiao any more. He just glanced at ye Xiao, turned around and ran towards the distance. It was only a breathing time for the whole person Not into the shadow, look at that, as if never appeared!

If it wasn't for a man on the ground who was stabbed by a sword in his heart, he would have thought that all this was a dream!

However, ye Xiao understood Miyamoto Musashi's last look: you are lucky this time!

Yes, it's said that Miyamoto Musashi only made one sword, one sword, the world was startled, ghosts and gods cried. Up to now, no one can resist his sword, and no one can escape his sword.

Ye Xiao is still the first one to escape the robbery after he took out the sword. However, there is no luck in Ye Xiao's heart. There is only deep anger. Just now, he almost lost his best brother, Xiao Feng. Just now, he almost realized the kiss of death!

Miyamoto Musashi, Rao is your swordsmanship. Rao is your first-class swordsmanship. Next time you appear, I will kill you!At this time, Xiao Feng's face will change when he comes back!

"Xiao Bo!" Xiao Feng was shocked. He didn't expect that it was Xiao Bo who took care of himself in recent years before he died!

How could he be here? And how could he be so fast? So fast that you don't even have a reaction? Many thoughts flashed through his heart. Xiao Feng's body rushed to Xiao Bo's and held him up for the first time!

"Less Young master... " Xiao Bo's heart was pierced, and blood was constantly gushing out of the hole. Even though his strength was strong, his life function was also rapidly disappearing, "I I can't Again Take care of you... "

"Xiao bo..." Feeling Xiao's rapidly disappearing life function, Xiao Feng only felt that his heart was in such pain. Since he came to Kyoto, Xiao Bo has been taking care of him. It can be said that Xiao Bo is his father's general existence, and is one of his closest relatives in Kyoto. Now, the recent man died in order to save himself. How can he not feel sad!

"Less Young master, you You must be good Well, protect yourself and take care of yourself... " I don't know if it's shining back. Xiao Bo's voice gradually becomes smooth!

"Xiao Bo, I will take care of myself, and I will protect myself. Don't worry! Don't talk now. I'll take you to the hospital right away. I'll go to the hospital right now! " Xiao Feng nodded his head, and his heart was moved. He didn't think of it. At this last moment, Xiao Bo was concerned about his own safety. He also pressed Xiao Bo's heart, hoping to suppress the blood and not let it continue to flow. But his heart was pierced through a hole. How could his hand stop? In a short time, the blood has all his hands dyed red!

"Young master Master He He really loves you Seeing Xiao Feng's tense face, a faint smile appeared in the corner of Xiao Bo's mouth. It was a wisp of gratifying smile. He knew that his life was really not much. He was satisfied to be able to get Xiao Feng's heartfelt concern at the last moment.

"Master?" Xiao Feng was stunned. He naturally understood that Xiao Bo was talking about Xiao Zhentian, but what he couldn't understand was how Xiao Zhentian could love himself? He is just a distant uncle. How can he love himself? And love it?

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