"You Don't blame him Xiao Bo didn't seem to have the meaning to explain, or he had no strength to explain. So he said such a word gently, and there was no life left

"Xiao bo..." Feeling the complete disappearance of Xiao Bo's life, Xiao Feng suddenly howled loudly. At this moment, he only felt his heart stabbed by someone, and even stirred it with force. It was so painful and uncomfortable!

The old man who has been with him for many years, the old man who has been taking care of his food and clothing, and even the old man who has been protecting himself secretly, is gone!

He never thought that this old man who had been taking care of himself silently would have such a position in his heart!

Seeing the grieved Xiao Feng and the old man who has lost his life in his arms, ye Xiao's heart is full of anger!

All this is because of himself. If Xiao Feng didn't want to save himself, the old man would not be desperate to save him. Otherwise, he would not die!

Huang lingyao and Ouyang Qianqian are all sitting on the ground in a daze at this time. They are all hard to understand why an old man suddenly appears, and how can he die?

"Ah San, what are you doing? It's been a long time. Why haven't you finished? What about Li Shiqin? Why hasn't it been sent to me yet Just then, there was an angry voice at the entrance of the parking lot.

Ye Xiao, Xiao Feng, Huang lingyao, Ouyang Qianqian, including Li Shiqin and other people in black, all look towards the entrance, and see Chen Xiang, wrapped in gauze, swaggering in under the protection of two bodyguards.

Just walked into the parking lot, Chen Xiang was shocked. What's going on? Why are there so many people lying on the ground? They are just a few people, how can they chop down so many people? And a lot of people have broken their heads? This? Is this war?

Seeing Chen Xiang coming in, ye Xiao's eyes turn red in a flash. It's this guy who arranged all this. If he didn't arrange these people to deal with himself, big fat and others would not crash. If these people didn't affect him, Miyamoto Musashi would not find the best opportunity. If there was no such one, he would almost kill him If there is no need for Xiao Feng's desperate rescue, Xiao Bo will not die without his desperate rescue!

Yes, none of this will happen. It's all because of this guy, because of this guy named Chen Xiang!

Without any hesitation, ye Xiao rushed to Chen Xiang at full speed!

At the sight of Ye Xiao, whose eyes were red with blood, and then saw the scene of purgatory like the Shura around him, Chen Xiang was shocked. He turned around and fled to the back. This guy, he was not dead!

"Stop him!" Seeing ye Xiao coming towards this side, Chen Xiang's two bodyguards gave orders decisively!

These people in black have long been frightened by Ye Xiao's terror, but when they see ye Xiao rushing towards Chen Xiang, they all summon up their courage and rush to Ye Xiao one by one!

They feel the strong killing opportunity from ye Xiao. They know that ye Xiao wants to kill Chen Xiang with all his strength. If ye Xiao really kills Chen Xiang, they will surely suffer the greatest anger of Chen Yufan. At that time, not only they will die, but also their family members will die!

In this case, they have no choice at all!

Ye Xiao in the rage, no matter whether you have a choice or not, when you see the man in black rushing towards him, ye Xiao doesn't have the slightest intention of dodging, and his body directly rushes up!

A wrist flip, a flying knife straight out, and instantly shot into the eyes of a man in black who rushed to the front. The man felt pain, let go of the machete in his hand and reached out to his eyes. Ye Xiao's eyes rushed to him. He caught the machete in his hand, and with a stroke, it had already crossed his neck!

Then, before the second man in black had his machete fall down, he had already cut his head with a knife, and the whole body of the knife was not in his head, even his white brain was smashed out!

Ye Xiao didn't draw out his machete. Instead, he rushed forward and directly hit another person's chest. The triple inch force suddenly broke out. The terrifying force instantly smashed the sternum of the third person, and his body was blown upside down by this blow, directly hitting a group of black people in the back. Ye Xiao has already taken advantage of this opportunity to rush through the encirclement of this group of people in black!

At this time, Chen Xiang just ran out a few steps, and his two bodyguards looked at each other, both left and right, and rushed to Ye Xiao. They had a dark dagger in their hands, and they even rushed to Ye Xiao with a corner.

Look at this, even if it is not enough to kill Ye Xiao, it is enough to stop it!

In the face of the two people roaring, ye Xiao didn't mean to slow down at all, but accelerated again!

"Hiss!" A sound, ye Xiao's body directly from the middle of the two people in the past, two daggers in his body cut a long hole, one of them can even see Sen Sen Sen white bone!

Seeing such a scene, the two bodyguards are heart pounding, he even completely regardless of their own life and death?But when they came back to their senses, ye Xiao had already rushed to Chen Xiang's back!

"Stop it!" The two bodyguards roared at the same time, turning around and running towards Ye Xiao. However, ye Xiao didn't listen to them. He grabbed one of Chen Xiang's arms and twisted them back. Suddenly, he heard a "click" sound, and Chen Xiang's arm was directly broken!

"Ah The huge pain let Chen Xiang's mouth issued a sad cry, such a call is to stimulate Ye Xiao's cruelty. When his right hand shook, a flying knife had fallen from his sleeve to his hand, and he grasped it, and then cut it to Chen Xiang's ear!

"Shua!" With a sharp knife, Chen Xiang's ears were cut off with a sharp knife, and the blood flew everywhere. Ye Xiao came to him with a backhand knife, which directly inserted into Chen Xiang's mouth and cut his tongue in two. Chen Xiang's scream stopped suddenly.

Ye Xiao didn't keep his hands on this, instead, he grabbed Chen Xiang's arm and pulled it towards his knee!

"Bang..." A crisp sound, ye Xiao's right knee hard top in Chen Xiang's abdomen, huge strength is the knife in Chen Xiang's mouth to fly out!

Come out together, and Chen Xiang's half tongue, obviously his tongue has been cut off half!

Blood dyed Chen Xiang's lips and ran down his cheek. But ye Xiao didn't stop. Instead, he grabbed Chen Xiang's head and smashed it to the ground!

Xiaoye's whole body strength!

Seeing ye Xiao's powerful attack, the two bodyguards who were about to rush to the body at the same time exclaimed: "no!"

"Bang..." But their voice just fell, Chen Xiang's head had been severely hit on the ground, and then his whole head broke apart

Looking at the body that burst into a mass of flesh and blood, the two bodyguards were completely stupid, not only they, even those who came back to the black, also one by one stupid? He killed Chen Xiang? He even killed the son of Tianmen elder Zhang Yufan? How could the beloved son of the great elder of Tianmen die like this?

And die so miserably? He doesn't worry about the consequences of the elder's rage at all?

In Kyoto, even those high-ranking big men will not put the elder's son to death like this? This is the hatred of death, and it is the endless hatred

Everyone took a breath at the same time

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