Shocked for a moment, everyone came back to their senses. Anyway, Chen Xiang is dead, and any one of them can't escape Chen Yufan's anger. Now the most important thing is to kill Ye Xiao with all one's strength. As long as he is killed or captured, he may still have a little vitality, and the worst way is to keep his family!

But just when they were ready to attack Ye Xiao, there was a roar of motors at the entrance of the parking lot again. These people in black were stunned. They had already said hello before, and no one was allowed to come in. How could there still be the roar of the motor? Did something happen to the brother in charge?

In his startled eyes, a black military Humvee drove in directly and stopped beside Ye Xiao. Then he saw a man in white jump out of the car and appeared beside Ye Xiao. Who is Bai choufei?

In addition, there are seven or eight all kinds of off-road vehicles behind the Humvees, and even some old-fashioned jeeps from the early days of the liberation. Each of them was filled with two or three men, and they all came to Ye Xiao's side one by one.

As soon as I saw these people, as long as they were slightly sighted, they took a breath again. These are not the gangsters on the street. They are all the young men standing in the top dandy circle of Kyoto. The two bodyguards who have been following Chen Xiang can recognize two of them. I remember that even Chen Xiang was respectful when facing them It is these two people who stand respectfully beside the man in white, just like ordinary younger brothers. From this we can imagine how high the position of the man in white is?

"What's the situation?" Bai Chou Fei didn't put more than 20 people in his eyes. He took a look at the corpse in the pool of blood and said to Ye Xiao!

"It's not good. Is the ambulance here?" Ye Xiao said in a calm voice!

"Here it is, up there!" Bai Chou Fei Dao, before they came, they had already found that there was an ambulance. However, because some black people stopped them, they couldn't get in. They didn't rush in until they showed up!

"Save people first!" Ye Xiao said coldly!

"OK, Xiao Jiu, give your father a call and ask him to get ready immediately!" Bai choufei also saw the beetle not far away, and said to one of them!

"Good!" Is called small nine childe brother should a, quickly went to one side to make a phone call!

The old man named Xiao Jiu is the president of the first people's Hospital in Kyoto. It is most appropriate for him to arrange the arrangement!

Other people were curious to see the situation of the scene, especially the corpse at the foot of Ye Xiao. His head was smashed, and even the brains of white flowers flowed out. I don't know how many people would be scared by such a scene. However, none of the young men even showed fear on their faces, some just excited!

Brother Bai is right. This guy is indeed a bull. He killed people even though he killed them. He smashed people's heads directly. Moreover, this man is not others. He is the son of Chen Yufan, the great elder of Tianmen. It seems that Kyoto is in chaos!

"If you don't want to die, get out of here!" Seeing a group of people in black who are still stunned in situ, Bai Chou Fei once again snorted coldly!

Hearing Bai choufei's hum, these people in black dare not say anything more. They can kill Ye Xiao with all their might, but they dare not attack Bai choufei easily. Once any of them has a problem, they will definitely face the cleaning up of the big men in Kyoto. Even Chen Yufan can't protect them, even Chen Yufan All will be implicated!

This is Kyoto. It's not a southern city full of gangsters!

One by one, like a frightened little white rabbit, quickly helped up his injured partner, or lifted his partner's body and fled to the outside. The two bodyguards looked at each other, and they all went up to lift Chen Xiang's body and left together!

The appearance of Bai choufei and others has been far beyond their expectation. This matter should be left to the elder!

Ye Xiao doesn't pay attention to these people. They just follow orders. After seeing Huang lingyao, who is not well-dressed, she takes off her coat and puts it on her!

At this time, both Huang lingyao and Ouyang Qianqian are in a mess, especially Huang lingyao. Half of her face is swollen. However, when ye Xiao puts her coat on her body, she feels inexplicably moved. It seems that all her grievances are turned into the sweetest honey. If the situation on the scene is not really weird, she really wants to directly jump into Ye Xiao's arms!

After a while, the ambulance has arrived, and ye Xiao and others forcibly open the door of the beetle and help Da Pang and others out and take them to the hospital!

As for Xiao Feng, he also stood up in silence at this time. Seeing that the hospital had carried Xiao Bo's body on the bus, he followed the ambulance to the hospital. His injuries were no less serious than those of Da Pang and others. As for ye Xiao, he bandaged up at the scene and did not follow the crowd to the hospital.

Bai choufei personally arranged, he is very relieved!

After all the people left, Bai choufei arranged for some professionals to come to clean up the scene. If such a big fight happened here, how to deal with it? If it causes the panic of the public, no matter who it is, it will be difficult!Fortunately, Chen Xiang and others made sufficient preparations before, completely blocked the parking lot, and even the monitoring equipment was also controlled. In addition to some people on the scene, outsiders did not know that there had been a large-scale fight, and the police were surprisingly absent. In this way, this event was positioned as a Mafia fight, which would not cause the idea of the high-level!

In addition to the parking lot, looking at Ye Xiao wrapped in gauze, Bai choufei said faintly, "do you know the identity of the boy you killed?"

"Chen Xiang? The son of Chen Yufan, the great elder of Tianmen? " Ye Xiao frowned slightly. He didn't know Chen Xiang before. It was only in the morning that he had a conflict because of Li Shiqin. Who knows that Chen Xiang launched such a fierce revenge in the evening. The most depressing thing is that Miyamoto Musashi, the Japanese swordsman, appeared at this time, and he would kill him with one blow and retreat if he killed him!

"It seems that you all know that, but in this way, you have made a complete feud with Chen Yufan. Do you really intend to fight Tianmen now?" Bai Chou Fei looks at Ye Xiao thoughtfully. He knows that ye Xiao is not an impulsive person!

Ye Xiao did not speak immediately, but looked up at the night sky!

Kyoto is a city that never sleeps. Although the sky is full of thick clouds, which completely covers the light of the moon and stars, the neon light shines on the clouds, which makes the whole night sky not so dark, but reveals a light luster.

From time to time there is a night wind blowing, bringing bursts of cool!

"It's not easy!" After a long time, ye Xiaocai suddenly opened his mouth!

"Well?" Bai Chou Fei is stunned. Of course, this is not simple. If you kill the elder's son, can it be simple? But he knew that what ye Xiao said was not simple, it was definitely not about this!

"Help me investigate a man!" Ye Xiao did not immediately answer, but suddenly opened his mouth!

"Who?" White worry fly is a Leng, this guy's thinking jump is too fast?

"The beauty in the BMW just now, Li Shiqin!" In Ye Xiao's mind, the quiet woman appears

Is it really such a coincidence?

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