Kyoto, Dongcheng, dongdongdongling villas are another villa group which is opposite to Dongshanling villa group. Similarly, only the rich or those high-ranking officials and nobles can live in. The ordinary working class, even if they work for a lifetime, may not be able to buy a toilet here!

Unlike Xiao Zhentian, who likes to live in the old-fashioned courtyard house in Kyoto, Chen Yufan, the second person of Tianmen, likes to live in this modern luxury villa.

Today, the villa he lives in is one of the most luxurious villas in Donghai ridge. Dongdonghailing is named Donghai because there is a huge artificial lake, surrounded by villas. When the most luxurious villas are built in the center of the artificial lake!

There are seven artificial islands in the center of the artificial lake. Each island has a villa. The price of each villa is measured in billions.

Because it is hundreds of meters apart, it can well protect the privacy of the owner, and there is no bridge between the villa and the villa, only can enter through the express ship!

The villa where Chen Yufan lives is a three story villa near the northeast. There are some rockeries and stone forests around the villa, just like a loyal guard protecting the whole villa.

In front of the villa is a huge stone dam. On the stone dam, there is a private helicopter, which is also Chen Yufan's special car. However, unless there is a major emergency, Chen Yufan will take the helicopter to leave. Generally, he still takes the express boat to the parking lot on the shore and drives out!

But today, Chen Yufan, who is fighting with his Aunt Zhang xiaoluan in the villa, suddenly receives a call from Yihao, who stops him, saying that Chen Xiang has been killed. Chen Yufan's face suddenly changes when he receives the call. He puts on his clothes and runs outside!

Although he has three wives, now all of them live in the villa, but he has only Chen Xiang, the only son. This is his darling. Even if he has been wronged, he will agree to it, let alone be killed now?

Who, who dares to kill his children? Who dares to fight against Tai Sui?

Angry Chen Yufan got on the helicopter. The pilot, who had already been ready, started the helicopter and flew to the direction of Kyoto City. Ten minutes later, the helicopter landed on the roof of Donghai building.

Without the help of his men, Chen Yufan jumped down from the helicopter directly and went to the hall that Yi Hao said!

Donghai building, which is also subordinate to Tianmen, is developed by Tianmen. Chen Yufan was the general manager of Donghai age. In other words, he was the chairman of Donghai group!

Of course, Donghai group, also affiliated to Tianmen, is one of the industries that Tianmen has gradually bleached over the years!

Along the way, countless men in black suits stood respectfully on both sides, facing the gloomy Chen Yufan. No one dared to breathe!

Yi Hao stayed at the door of the hall early. Seeing Chen Yufan come over in a hurry, he rushed to push the door of the hall. Chen Yufan looked at him and walked in directly!

Yi Hao took a look at the people behind Chen Yufan, motioned them to stay outside, followed Chen Yufan's back into the hall.

At this time, there was a strong smell of blood in the hall. There were 19 stretchers on the scarlet floor. On each stretcher, there was a corpse, but wrapped in black cloth!

In addition, there are more than 20 people in black standing on the opposite side, including two bodyguards of Chen Xiang, Zhang Qian and Zhang Kun. In front of them, there is also a body wrapped in black cloth!

Chen Yufan hurried to Zhang Qian's two brothers and glanced at them casually. They felt like a mountain was pressing down, and their hearts suddenly trembled. There was no need for Chen Yufan to speak. The two brothers knelt down directly!

"Master Chen, my subordinates should die. If you can't protect the young and the big, please forgive me!" While saying, one side forced kowtow to Chen Yufan!

Chen Yufan just took a cold look at them, did not say anything more, directly opened the black shroud!

When he saw the very familiar but broken head, Chen Yufan's body shook. Rao was already aware of the result. Rao had already made psychological preparations. But when he really saw his son's body, the whole person was still severely shocked, just like a thunderbolt, chopping on his head!

His son actually died, and he died so miserably!

Seeing Chen Yufan's body shake, Yi Hao instinctively wants to help him, but he is stopped by Chen Yufan. He thought Chen Yufan would be furious and even directly draw a gun to kill all the people present. Who would have expected that Chen Yufan just shook his body and stood up without even looking at his son again!

Angry? Anger, uncontrollable anger!

Sad? His only son died, and his future successor died. How could he not be sad?

But does all this work? It's no use!"Who did it?" Chen Yufan suppressed the anger in his heart and said, his voice is cold and strange, without a trace of emotion!

"Ye Xiao!" The answer is Yi Hao. Zhang Qian and Zhang Kun just kowtow desperately. They dare not answer Chen Yufan's words!

"Ye Xiao?" Chen Yufan's eyebrows a pick?

"The guy who killed the purple house that night?"


"What's going on?" Chen Yufan a Leng, obviously did not expect to kill his son will be ye Xiao, according to reason, his son and he should not have any intersection ah? Even if many elders of Tianmen suggest taking this opportunity to attack ZiZhai, it does not include himself. He is the one who keeps silent among the three elders. No matter what is convenient, there is no intersection between him and ye Xiao. How could ye Xiao kill his son for no reason?

Yi Hao didn't dare to keep it. He quickly told everything that happened today, including why Yihao had a dispute with Ye Xiao!

After listening to Yi Hao's story, Chen Yufan's brows are tightly knit together, which is actually interspersed with Xiao Feng. Of course, this is not his concern. The most important point is how to involve the three young masters of the Bai family!

What is the relationship between him and ye Xiao? If only ordinary friends, just to help, then it is nothing, but if Bai choufei personally involved in this matter, it can be a great trouble!

His only son died, this kind of hatred must be revenged, but if he wanted to revenge on the so big white family, he would not dare to lend him ten courage.

Bai family, that's one of the four big families in China. Even if you want to fight for death, you have to have that qualification?

With the silence of Chen Yufan, except Yi Hao, other people in the hall dare not move. The cold sweat continuously drops from their forehead, but no one dares to wipe it!

Quiet, the huge hall is so quiet that you can even hear the sound of breathing each other. Everyone feels as if there is a big mountain pressing on their heads. Just when these people almost collapsed, Chen Yufan once again said: "inform the third, the fourth, the fifth, the sixth and the seventh, and say I want to see them!"

Does not Chen Yuhao understand the relationship between his face and the elder of Jingdu?

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